Except as otherwise provided herein, the Planning Board or applicant shall prepare or cause to be prepared a final environmental impact statement within 45 calendar days after the close of any hearing or within 60 days after the filing of the draft environmental impact statement, whichever last occurs. If the proposed action has been withdrawn or if, on the basis of the draft environmental impact statement or hearing, the Planning Board has determined that the action will not have a significant effect upon the environment, no final environmental impact statement need be prepared.
Extension for preparation of final environmental impact statement. The Planning Board may extend the last date for preparation of the final environmental impact statement:
Where it determines that additional time is necessary to complete the statement adequately; or
Where problems with the proposed action requiring material reconsideration or modification have been identified; or
For other good cause.
The final environmental impact statement shall be preceded by a cover sheet as provided in § 119-17B, except that it shall state that it is a final environmental impact statement. The final environmental impact statement shall reflect a revision and updating of the matters required as provided in § 119-17D in the body of the statement in light of further review by the Planning Board, comments received and the record of any hearing. Copies or a summary of the substantive comments received in response to the draft environmental impact statement and the response of the Planning Board to such comments shall be included in the final environmental impact statement.
Copies of the final environmental impact statement shall be filed and made available for review in the same manner as the draft environmental impact statement. A notice of completion of the final environmental impact statement shall be sent to all persons and agencies to whom the notice of completion of the draft environmental impact statement was sent. The Town Clerk shall maintain a file, open to public inspection, of notices of completion and draft environmental impact statements and final environmental impact statements it has requested or prepared.