The following materials shall be submitted by the applicant:
Vicinity map. This map, at a scale of two thousand (2,000) feet to the inch or larger, shall show the relationship of the proposal to existing community facilities that may affect or serve it, such as roads, shopping areas, schools, employment centers, etc. It shall show all properties, subdivisions, roads and easements within three hundred (300) feet of the proposal. Such a sketch may be superimposed on a United States Geological Survey map of the area.
Topographic map. This map of the property on which the proposal is to be situated shall be drawn at a scale of one hundred (100) feet to one (1) inch or larger and shall show existing topography at a contour interval of not more than five (5) feet. This map shall also show the location of pertinent natural features that may influence the design of the proposed use, such as watercourses, swamps, wetlands, rock outcrops, wooded areas, areas subject to flooding, etc.
Site development plan. This map of the property on which the proposal is to be situated shall be drawn at a scale of one hundred (100) feet to one (1) inch or larger and shall show the location of all automobile parking and all parking for commercial vehicles while loading and unloading, the location and width of all driveways, exits and entrances, the location of all existing or proposed site improvements, including drains, culverts, retaining walls and fences, and shall provide a description and shall show the location and size of all signs, the location of proposed buffer areas and the design of lighting facilities and such other facilities, as indicated in the preliminary site plan checklist.
Elevations and/or sections. The site plan shall be accompanied by preliminary elevations and/or sections at the same or larger scale as required for the site plan, drawn in sufficient detail to delineate clearly the bulk and height of all buildings and other permanent structures included in the proposal.
Engineering plans. Preliminary engineering plans, including road improvements, drainage systems and public or private utility systems and other such supporting data as may be necessary, including the total estimated cost thereof.