The Planning Board's review of the site plan shall include, as appropriate, but shall not be limited to, any of the following items:
General considerations.
Status of any federal, state or county permits required.
Existing or proposed deed restrictions.
Environmental impact on the community and adjacent areas.
The age and mobility of the design population.
Compatibility with the General Plan.
Landscaping and screening.
Location and proposed development of the buffer area, including vegetative cover.
Outdoor lighting and the time of use proposed.
A general landscaping plan and planting schedule.
The location, size, design and construction materials of signage.
Any areas subject to flooding, pondage, stormwater overflow or erosion.
The location of existing watercourses, wetlands, rock outcrops, forests, gorges or other unique natural features.
Proposed fencing construction and materials.
Clearing, alteration or removal of any existing natural feature.
Access and circulation.
Entrances and exits to public roads.
Deceleration strips.
Traffic control measures.
Speed limits on adjacent roads.
Traffic volumes on and adjacent to the site.
Special access for emergency vehicles.
Internal circulation, including road width, pavement surface, separation of pedestrian and vehicular traffic.
Existing or proposed easements.
Existing or proposed setbacks.
Parking, loading and storage.
The location, design and construction materials.
Adequacy to meet standards for occupants, visitors and employees.
Truck loading facilities; separate access.
Outdoor storage.
Snow removal.
Stormwater treatment.
Solid waste collection and removal.
Architectural features.
The location, design and construction materials.
Space devoted to retail sales, storage, service, wholesale or other commercial facilities.
The number and type of housing units per building and the proposed site density.
Floor plans, elevations and sections of typical structures.
Lot coverage; density.
Site characteristics and utilities.
Suitability of soil for proposed use.
Existing topography.
Proposed grading and drainage plan, including calculated stormwater runoff.
Measures to control erosion.
A description of sewage disposal systems, including the location, design, construction materials and the estimated cost of facilities.
A description of the method to secure public water, including the location, design and construction material for the proposed facilities.
The location of fire and/or emergency zones, including special access, if any.
The location, design and construction materials of all energy distribution facilities (electric, gas, solar, etc.).
Scheduling, financing and economic impact.
The general timetable for construction of structures and facilities.
Financial plans for carrying out project.
A general statement of financial aid, facilities or other assistance the applicant expects to be provided, and by what source.
Proposed staging of various subunits of development.
The fiscal impact on surrounding areas and the community generally.
The economic impact on the community.