All structures shall have a minimum setback of forty (40) feet from the road line, unless otherwise specified hereunder.
Permanent placement of manufactured or mobile homes on individually owned sites. Individually placed manufactured or mobile homes shall:
Meet the New York State Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code.[1]
Editor's Note: See Ch. 81, Fire Prevention and Building Code Enforcement.
Be permanently placed either:
On a full six-inch concrete pad over a six-inch compacted base of sand or stone;
Over a masonry cellar;
On ten (10) inches of compacted gravel;
On a full concrete slab at least six (6) inches thick; or
On six (6) inches of compacted gravel, with a reinforced-concrete runner on each side of the stand to provide support. Such runner shall be a minimum of four (4) feet wide and six (6) inches thick and extend the full length of the structure.
Be skirted with:
A continuous masonry wall; or
Permanent, manufactured, fire-resistant mobile home skirting.
Have the hitch assembly removed.
Have permanent connections to all required utilities, including water, sewage and electricity, etc.
Mobile home park location and conditions. The site of a proposed mobile home park shall:
Be located where orderly development of a mobile home park can be undertaken in harmony with development of the surrounding area in terms of traffic generation, ease and safety of vehicular access to and circulation within the park, safety of pedestrian movement, location of structures, adequacy of off-street parking, placement and sizing of sewage treatment and water supply systems and other utilities, safety of fuel storage and supply, provision of open space, recreation facilities or areas, delivery of services and adequacy of landscaping and buffering.
Have generally level to gently rolling topography over an area of sufficient size to allow development of the mobile home park, in compliance with Subsection D below, without significant alteration or disturbance of existing natural amenities or features, such as stands of mature trees, stream courses, shorelines, wetlands or bedrock outcropping.
Be essentially free from adverse, unsafe or unhealthful conditions, including, but not limited to, breeding areas for insects or rodents, smoke, noise, odors, heat, glare or toxic or volatile substances. Adequate and dependable means for surface water drainage and the necessary drainage of existing wet and hazardous areas must be provided. Protection against flooding and damage from stormwater must be assured.
Restrictions on occupancy. No mobile home manufactured prior to January 15, 1974, shall be installed in a mobile home park. Mobile homes manufactured after January 15, 1974, and prior to June 15, 1976, must meet the State Code for Construction and Installation of Mobile Homes (Title 9 of the New York Codes, Rules and Regulations) or shall not be installed in a mobile home park. Mobile homes manufactured after June 15, 1976, must meet the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development Mobile Home Construction and Safety Standards (24 CFR 280) or shall not be installed in a mobile home park.
Mobile home stands.
Each mobile home site shall be provided with a stand which will give a firm base and adequate support for the mobile home.
Such stand shall have a dimension approximately the width and length of the mobile home and any expansions or extensions thereto.
Well anchored tie-downs shall be provided at least on each corner of the stand. Stands shall be either:
Ten (10) inches of compact gravel;
A full concrete slab at least six (6) inches thick; or
Six (6) inches of compacted gravel with a reinforced-concrete runner on each side of the stand to provide support. Such runner shall be a minimum of four (4) feet wide and six (6) inches thick and extend the full length of the structure.
An enclosure or skirt of fire-resistant material shall be erected around the entire base of each mobile home and shall be designed to allow ventilation in order to inhibit decay of the structure.
The stand area shall be graded to ensure adequate drainage, but in no event shall the grade variance exceed six (6) inches from one end of the stand to the other.
Park standards.
Mobile home site size. Each mobile home park shall be divided (exclusive of internal roads, open space or common areas) into mobile home sites which satisfy the following requirements:
Minimum site size shall be ten thousand (10,000) square feet. In special cases where innovative park design for mobile home parks of ten (10) or more mobile homes provides clustering and allows for wide roads or a greater amount of usable recreation area or open space, exceptions may be granted. In no case, however, shall the site area be reduced below seven thousand five hundred (7,500) square feet.
Minimum site width shall be one hundred (100) feet, or seventy-five (75) feet for exceptions.
Minimum site depth shall be one hundred (100) feet.
Setbacks and spacing.
All mobile homes, including expansions, extensions and other additions thereto, patios, porches or garages and all other structures in a mobile home park shall satisfy the following setback requirements. A detached structure accessory to and located on the same site with an individual mobile home shall be considered part of the mobile home for the purpose of spacing requirements.
A minimum of one hundred fifty (150) feet from the road line of any public road.
A minimum of thirty (30) feet from the center line of any roadway internal to the mobile home park.
A minimum of seventy-five (75) feet from any mobile home park property line.
A minimum of spacing of forty (40) feet between adjacent mobile homes and any other structures in the mobile home park.
A minimum of ten (10) feet from rear lot lines.
No internal roadway, parking lot, recreation area or storage facility for fuels, supplies or equipment shall be located within fifty (50) feet of a property in common with adjoining property external to the mobile home park and abutting a public roadway.
Park design requirements.
Access. Each mobile home park shall provide for safe, legal means of access from one (1) or more public roads as follows:
Access roads shall meet the public roads at right angles and at compatible grades.
Entrances shall be located directly opposite or at least two hundred (200) feet from the nearest intersection of public roads, if any, and at least one hundred fifty (150) feet from any other entrances to the mobile home park, if any.
Entrances shall have sufficient width to allow reasonable turning movements of vehicles with mobile homes attached and of service or delivery vehicles.
Entrances shall be located to allow safe line-of-sight distances to and from their points of intersection with the public road.
At least one (1) common entrance and access road shall be required to serve any mobile home park.
At least two (2) independent entrances and access roads shall be required to serve any mobile home park having twenty (20) or more mobile homes.
Access roads connecting mobile home park interior roads with the public road shall meet town road standards.
Internal roads.
Internal roads shall be privately owned and maintained and shall provide for the safe and convenient movement of vehicles, with or without mobile homes attached.
All mobile home sites shall face on and be serviced by such internal roads.
All roads shall be paved and shall be designed, graded and leveled as to permit the safe passage of emergency and other vehicles at a speed of fifteen (15) miles per hour.
Straight, uniform gridiron road patterns should be avoided, unless they can be relieved by mobile home clustering, landscaping and an interesting open space system.
Culs-de-sac shall be provided in lieu of closed-end roads, with a turnaround having an outside roadway character of at least ninety (90) feet.
All internal roads shall have a compacted minimum thirty-foot right-of-way, eighteen (18) feet of which must be paved.
Each mobile home shall be provided with at least two (2) off-street parking spaces adjacent to the mobile home.
Each parking space shall measure at least nine by twenty (9 x 20) feet.
Parking spaces or areas shall have at least eight (8) inches of crushed stone base or two (2) inches of pavement over four (4) inches of crushed stone base.
Recreational area and open space. A variety of centrally located easily accessible and usable open spaces shall be provided in all mobile home parks. Such open space shall have a total area equal to at least fifteen percent (15%) of the gross land area of the park and shall be fully maintained by the park owner. Part or all of such space shall be in the form of developed recreation areas to be usable for active recreation purposes.
Walkways. A four-foot wide hard-surfaced pedestrian walkway may be provided along and at least five (5) feet from each access road between the entrance to the public highway and either the first mobile home unit or such location within the mobile home park as may be required by the Planning Board to assure pedestrian safety.
Water supply. An adequate supply of water shall be provided for all mobile homes and service buildings. Where public water is available, connection shall be used exclusively, unless local authorities deem otherwise. If a public water system is not available, the development of a private water system shall be approved by the health authority or other authorities having jurisdiction thereof.
Sewage. An approved sewage system shall be provided in all mobile home parks for the conveying, disposing and treatment of sewage from mobile homes, service buildings and other accessory facilities. Such system must be designed, constructed and maintained in accordance with the New York State Department of Health standards and regulations or the Town of Brownville Sanitary Code,[2] as applicable.
Editor's Note: See Ch. 124, Sewers.
Garbage and refuse. Each mobile home lot shall be provided with at least two (2) twenty-gallon metal or plastic garbage cans with tight-fitting covers. The cans shall be kept in a sanitary condition at all times. It shall be the responsibility of the park owner to ensure that garbage and rubbish shall be collected and properly disposed of outside of the mobile home park. Exterior property areas shall be maintained free from organic and inorganic material that might become a health, accident or fire hazard.
Fuel supply and storage.
General requirements. All fuel oil supply systems provided for mobile homes, service buildings and other structures shall be installed and maintained in conformity with the rules and regulations of the authority having jurisdiction when provided.
Specific requirements.
All fuel oil tanks shall be placed at the rear of the mobile home and located no closer than five (5) feet from any exit.
It is recommended that all fuel oil tanks shall be buried.
It is recommended that a central fuel supply system be provided.
Supports or standards for fuel storage tanks are to be of a noncombustible material.
Gas supply, natural.
Natural gas piping systems installed in mobile home parks shall be maintained in conformity with accepted engineering practices.
Each mobile home lot provided with piped natural gas shall have an approved shutoff valve and cap to prevent accidental discharge of gas.
Proper planning and early communication with utility companies are recommended to provide necessary easements by utility companies, i.e., gas, electricity and telephone.
Liquefied gas.
Such system shall be provided with safety devices to relieve excessive pressures and shall be arranged so that the discharge terminates at a safe location.
Systems shall have at least one (1) accessible means for shutting off gas. This means shall be located outside of individual mobile homes.
All liquid propane gas piping shall be well supported and protected against mechanical injury.
Storage tanks shall not be less than one hundred (100) pounds and must be located at the rear of the mobile home and no closer than five (5) feet from any exit.
It is recommended that a central underground gas storage system be furnished.
Electrical service.
Every mobile home park shall contain an electrical wiring system, consisting of wiring fixtures, equipment and appurtenances, which shall be installed and maintained in accordance with local electric power company specifications and regulations. All wiring fixtures must have an approval of the New York Board of Fire Underwriters or other authority as designated by municipality.
Each mobile home stand shall be supplied with not less than a one-hundred-ampere service.
Adequate lights shall be provided to illuminate internal roads, driveways and walkways, for the safe movement of vehicles and pedestrians at night. A minimum lighting level of three-tenths (0.3) footcandle shall be provided.
All electrical distribution lines shall be placed underground.
Telephone service. When telephone service is provided to mobile home sites, the distribution system shall be placed underground.
Service buildings.
Service buildings, if provided, housing sanitation facilities and/or laundry shall be permanent structures complying with all applicable ordinances and statutes regulating buildings, electrical installations and plumbing and sanitation systems.
All service buildings and the grounds of the mobile home park shall be well lighted and maintained in a clean, sightly condition and kept free of any condition that will menace the health of any occupant or the public or constitute a nuisance.
Fire protection and control.
Every mobile home park shall be equipped at all times with fire-extinguishing equipment in good working order, of such type, size and number so located within the park as to satisfy applicable regulations of the fire district within which the mobile home park is located.
No open fires shall be permitted any place within the mobile home park, with the exception of outdoor grills used for the preparation of foods.
Travel trailer parks. In addition to the standards required by the State Health Department, the following standards shall be met prior to granting a permit:
Each travel trailer park shall have adequate access to a paved, dedicated public highway. All entrance roads shall be at least twenty-four (24) feet wide. Each travel trailer site shall be serviced from interior roadways which are at least fifteen (15) feet in width and provide clear access to each travel trailer site. The park owner or operator shall be responsible for constructing, maintaining and plowing these roads.
All buildings and travel trailer sites shall have a front yard setback of one hundred twenty-five (125) feet from the road line of all roads and no closer than two hundred (200) feet to adjacent property lines, with the setback area being seeded and adequately landscaped to provide screening from the road and adjoining properties.
An overnight travel trailer site shall be a minimum of two thousand five hundred (2,500) square feet.
The owner or manager of a travel trailer park shall maintain an office in the immediate vicinity of the park and shall maintain accurate records of the names of park visitors, home address and make, description, year and license or identification number of the trailer. These records shall be available to any law enforcement official or the Land Use Inspector.
A minimum of fifteen percent (15%) of the total area of the travel trailer park, not including the required setback, shall be dedicated to a recreation area and shall be fully maintained by the park owner.
Travel trailer sites shall be located on generally level terrain, not to exceed an eight-percent slope, that is well drained, free of flood hazard and clear of dense brush.
The corners of each travel trailer lot shall be clearly and permanently marked, and each lot numbered for identification.
Where the park terrain is adequate, pull-through lots will be provided.
Sewer, water and other utilities shall be provided in accordance with the requirements of Chapter 1, Part 7, New York State Sanitary Code, which is adopted herein by reference, and subject to any other town requirements.
All travel trailer parks shall provide a building containing at least one (1) toilet, lavatory and shower for each sex for each ten (10) travel trailer lots. At least one (1) public telephone shall be provided in each travel trailer park.
Mobile homes shall not be in any travel trailer park.
Refuse shall be disposed of in a manner acceptable to the town and to the New York State Health Department or other appropriate state agency. There shall be no lot-exposed garbage, junk or other wastes. One (1) garbage can shall be provided for no more than two (2) sites.
Other uses. Land uses not specifically enumerated herein, including, but not limited to such uses as parking lots, quarries, mines, dumps, general storage areas, equipment storage areas, airports or landing strips, junkyards, recreational areas, outdoor performances, large group gatherings, stadiums, racetracks, etc., shall be subject to the provisions of this chapter, as well as those of any other applicable local, county, state or federal laws and/or regulations.