The following shall be submitted with all applications for approval of a preliminary plat:
Name and address of subdivider and professional advisers, including license numbers and seals.
Three copies of the plat map, drawn to scale. The map scale shall be one inch to 100 feet, unless otherwise specified by the Planning Board, and must show the following:
Subdivision name, scale, North arrow and date.
Subdivision boundaries.
Contiguous properties and names and addresses of all adjoining property owners within 150 feet.
Existing and proposed roads, utilities and structures.
Watercourses, marshes, wooded areas, public facilities and other significant physical features on or near the site.
Proposed pattern of lots, including lot widths and depths, road layout, open space, drainage, water supply and sewage disposal facilities.
Land contours at ten-foot intervals or other suitable indicators of slope.
All subdivision plats must contain a note indicating that lot lines as approved cannot be further altered without Planning Board approval.
[Added 2-5-1997 by L.L. No. 1-1997]
Copy of Tax Map(s).
Existing restrictions on the use of land, including easements, covenants and zoning.
Total acreage of subdivision and number of lots proposed.
Building types, approximate size and cost.
Identification of all parcels of land proposed to be dedicated to public use and the conditions of such use.
Grading and landscaping plans.
The width and location of any roads or public ways and the width, location, grades and road profiles of all roads or public ways proposed by the developer.
The approximate location and size of all proposed water lines, hydrants and sewer lines, showing connection to existing lines.
Drainage plan, indicating profiles of lines or ditches and drainage easements on adjoining properties.Page 8
Plans and cross sections showing sidewalks, road lighting, roadside trees, curbs, water mains, sanitary sewers and storm drains, the character, width and depth of pavements and subbase and the location of any underground cables.
Preliminary designs for any bridges or culverts.
The proposed lot lines with approximate dimensions and area of each lot.
An actual field survey of the boundary lines of the tract, giving complete description by bearings and distances, made and certified by a licensed surveyor. The corners of the tract shall also be marked by monuments of such size and type as approved by the Planning Board, shown on the plat.
A copy of all covenants or deed restrictions intended to cover all or part of the tract.
A completed state environmental quality review environmental assessment form.
Where the preliminary plat submitted covers only a part of the subdivider's entire holding, a sketch of the prospective future road and drainage system of the unsubdivided part shall be submitted for study to the Planning Board.
Additional information as deemed necessary by the Planning Board.
Any required fees.
[Added 6-10-1992 by L.L. No. 3-1992]
The following shall be submitted with all applications for approval of the final plat for subdivision:
A copy of the plat to be submitted to the County Clerk, drawn with ink on appropriate material, plus two paper copies.
Information specified under § 143-13, updated and accurate, except as the Planning Board may have waived such requirements.
Sufficient data acceptable to the Planning Board to readily determine the location, bearing and length of every street line, lot line and boundary line; such data shall be sufficient to allow for the reproduction of such lines on the ground.
On-site sanitation and water supply facilities shall be designed to meet the specification of State Department of Health, and a statement to this effect shall be made on the application.
A copy of such covenants or deed restrictions as they are intended to cover all or part of the tract.
Additional information as deemed necessary by the Planning Board.
Any required fees as established by resolution of the Town Board from time to time.
A public hearing shall be held on all minor subdivisions prior to approval being given. Minor subdivisions shall not go through a preliminary plat stage, however, and final approval may be given immediately following the public hearing.
The following shall be submitted with all applications for approval of a final plat:
One copy of the plat to be submitted to the County Clerk, drawn with ink on suitable material, plus two copies. The map scale shall be one inch to 100 feet, unless otherwise specified by the Planning Board.
Proposed subdivision name and the name of the town and county in which the subdivision is located; the name and address of record owner and subdivider; and the name, address, license number and seal of the surveyor and/or engineer.
Road lines, pedestrianways, lots, easements and areas to be dedicated to public use.
Sufficient data, acceptable to the Planning Board, to determine readily the location, bearing and length of every road line, lot line and boundary line; such data shall be sufficient to allow for the reproduction of such lines on the ground.
The length and bearing of all straight lines, radii, length of curves and central angles of all curves and tangent bearing given for each road. All dimensions of the lines of each lot shall also be given. The plat shall show the boundaries of the property, locations, graphic scale and true North point.
All offers of cession and any covenants governing the maintenance of unceded open space shall bear the certificate of approval of the Town Attorney as to their legal sufficiency.
Permanent reference monuments shall be shown and constructed in accordance with Planning Board specifications.
Approval of the State Health Department of water supply systems and sewage disposal systems proposed or installed.
A draft environmental impact statement, if required.
Construction drawings, including plans, profiles and typical cross sections, as required, showing the proposed location, size and type of road, sidewalks, road lighting standards, roadside trees, curbs, water mains, sanitary sewer or septic systems, storm drains or ditches, pavements and subbase and other facilities, and the estimated cost thereof.
Evidence of legal ownership of property.
Deed restrictions, existing and proposed in form for recording.
A certificate by the Land Use Inspector certifying that the subdivider has complied with one of the following alternatives:
All improvements have been installed in accord with the requirements of this chapter and with the action of the Planning Board giving approval of the preliminary plat; or
A performance bond or certified check has been posted in sufficient amount to assure such completion of all required improvements.
Any other data, such as certificates, affidavits, endorsements or other agreements, as may be required by the Planning Board in enforcement of this chapter.
All subdivision plats must contain a note indicating that lot lines as approved cannot be further altered without Planning Board approval.
[Added 2-5-1997 by L.L. No. 1-1997]
When an application concerns a subdivision of uncomplicated nature, such as a small subdivision along an existing road that requires no installation of public facilities, the Planning Board may waive certain submission requirements.