Special area requirements. Any nonconforming lot of record held under separate ownership prior to the enactment of this chapter may be developed and used for any permitted use or permitted site plan use listed for the particular district involved without requiring variance, provided that:
In the Residential Shoreline (RS) District, a lot of record shall be subject to the special area requirements established therein.
In any district, other than a Residential Shoreline (RS) District, a nonconforming lot of record shall be subject to the following special area requirements:
[Amended 7-8-1992 by L.L. No. 5-1992]
A lot width of at least 80% of the amount required for a conforming lot.
A lot depth of at least twice the minimum lot width allowed according to Subsection A(2)(a) above.
A minimum front setback of 40 feet subject to the provisions of Article V, § 165-21E.
Side and rear setbacks at least two-thirds (2/3) of the amount required for a conforming lot.
Except as provided under Subsections A(1) and A(2) above, the lot complies fully with the applicable provisions of this chapter.
Transfer of land. A lot shall not be considered nonconforming if it can be made conforming by the transfer of land from an adjoining lot held by the same owner, provided that such adjoining lot would not be rendered nonconforming by such transfer.
For the purposes of this chapter, a land contract executed prior to the enactment of this chapter shall be deemed a lot of record.
Preexisting status. Any legally established use of land or the buildings or structures thereon which preexisted the enactment of this chapter and have been made nonconforming thereby may be continued on the premises and to the extent it preexisted, subject to the restrictions of this section.
Restrictions. A nonconforming use shall be subject to the following restrictions:
It shall not be expanded, extended or otherwise increased so as to occupy a greater area of land than occupied as of the enactment of this chapter or a greater portion of any building or structure than was manifestly designed and intended for such use prior to such enactment.
It shall not be extended to replace a conforming use.
If discontinued for any reason for a period of more than one year, it shall not be reestablished, and, thereafter, only conforming uses of such land, building and/or structures shall be allowed.
If replaced by a conforming use, its preexisting, nonconforming status shall be nullified.
Effect on activities conducted. Notwithstanding the physical restrictions imposed under Subsection B above, nothing in this chapter shall prevent, limit or otherwise effect the economic, social or other activities legally conducted by or characterizing a nonconforming use.
Preexisting status. Any legally established structure which preexisted the enactment of this chapter and has thereby been rendered nonconforming with respect to the setback, height or lot coverage restrictions of the particular district involved, or with respect to supplementary regulations under Article VI, may be used or occupied by permitted uses or permitted site plan uses, subject to the restrictions under Subsection B of this section.
A nonconforming structure shall not be expanded, extended or otherwise enlarged so as to increase the extent of its nonconformity.
If a nonconforming structure is relocated on the same lot or to another lot, such structure shall then be subject to all area requirements or special area requirements applying to such lot and all supplementary regulations, with the exception of the limitation on maximum height.
Repair, restoration or reconstruction. Nothing under this chapter shall prevent the restoration, reconstruction or replacement in kind of a nonconforming structure destroyed by fire, flood or other natural hazard, provided that such restoration, reconstruction or replacement is undertaken within one year from the date of its destruction.