Zoning Officer. The Town Board shall appoint a Zoning Officer for the purpose of administering and enforcing this chapter. The Zoning Officer is hereby given the following administrative powers and duties, among others:
To provide information and assistance to applicants and other interested parties regarding the regulations, requirements, standards and procedures of this chapter.
To issue, deny or hold zoning permits according to the procedures and requirements set forth under § 165-39 of this Article.
To assist the Planning Board and the Town Board regarding the initial review of applications for special use permit provided and/or site plan approvals as provide under this Article.
To provide monthly reports to the Planning Board concerning the issuance of zoning permits and certificates of compliance.
To assist in any enforcement actions or proceedings as set forth under Article VIII of this chapter.
Planning Board. In addition to the general powers and duties provided under Town Law, the Planning Board shall hereby be specifically authorized as follows:
For the purpose of carrying out the site plan approval provisions of this Article:
To review and approve, approve with modifications or conditions or disapprove preliminary and/or final site plans according to the procedures and review considerations set forth, respectively, under Subsections A and C of § 165-40 this Article.
To determine, as part of such review, whether a site plan has been prepared according to the specifications set forth under Subsection B in § 165-40 of this Article.
To waive any such specification upon finding that it is unnecessary or inappropriate for the review.
To act as liaison with other agencies involved with the proposed use or development activity.
To serve as lead agency for the environmental review of actions involving permitted site plan uses, except when a nontown agency has been so designated pursuant to SEQR.
For the purpose of carrying out the special use permit approval provisions of this Article:
To review all applications for special use permit approval and, with the exception of those subject to Town Board approval, to approve, approve with modifications or conditions or deny such applications according to the procedures and standards set forth under § 165-41 of this Article.
To act as liaison with any other agencies that are involved with the proposed use or development activity.
To serve as lead agency for environmental review of actions involving special uses, except when a nontown agency has been so designated pursuant to SEQR.
To prepare written recommendations to the Town Board for each special use permit requiring Town Board approval.
To attach safeguards and conditions to its approval of any special use to assure that the applicable standards will be upheld, that the character of the surrounding area will be preserved and that the intent of the district and the purpose of this chapter will be achieved.
Application requirements.
Application form. Each application for a zoning permit for a permitted use shall be made, in writing, on such forms as may be prescribed from time to time by the Town Board and made available from the Town Clerk's office.
Plot plan. Three copies of a plot plan for the lot and the proposed buildings, structures and/or uses thereon shall be submitted with the application form. Such plot plan shall be prepared according to the specifications under Subsection B of this section.
Other supporting materials. One copy of any drawings, specifications, photographs or other supporting materials necessary for determining compliance shall accompany the application form.
Fee. A zoning permit application fee shall be submitted with the application in the amount specified from time to time by resolution of the Town Board.
Filing. The complete zoning permit application shall be filed in the Town Clerk's office.
Compliance review. After receiving a complete zoning permit application, the Zoning Officer shall commence a thorough review to determine if the lot and the buildings, structures and/or uses proposed thereon comply with the applicable regulations of this chapter. Such review shall be completed in the shortest time period necessary, generally not exceeding five working days.
Administrative action. Upon completing the compliance review, the Zoning Officer shall take one of the following administrative actions:
Issue the zoning permit when full compliance has been determined;
Issue a denial of zoning permit when noncompliance has been determined for any reason other than a pending action, as provided under Subsection A(4)(c) below; or
Issue notice that the zoning permit must be held pending when full compliance has been determined with the exception of required approval by the Town Board and/or the Planning Board.
Specifications for preparing plot plans. A plot plan shall be prepared to a suitable scale and shall accurately and legibly show the following information:
A title block labeling the drawing as a plot plan and indicating:
The name of the property owner(s), applicant(s) (if other than the owner) and plan preparer. (If the construction, reconstruction, installation, placement, addition, extension or other exterior alteration of a structure would have a cost value of at least $25,000 or would increase the square footage of an existing structure by more than 25%, then the plot plan shall contain the seal and signature of a professional engineer, licensed land surveyor, registered architect or registered landscape architect licensed according to the New York State Education Law.)
Dates of plan preparation and revisions thereto.
The scale of the plan.
North arrow.
Location and dimensions of all property lines bounding the subject property and the area encompassed thereby.
Location, name and right-of-way width of any public road adjoining or private road serving the property.
Location and identification of any shoreline, stream or wetland on or adjacent to the property.
Location, width and purpose of any easement and notes regarding any deed restriction or reservation which may affect the location of buildings, structures or uses.
Location, dimensions, height and use of all existing and proposed buildings and structures on the property and their setback distances from the property lines.
If applicable, the location, dimensions, setbacks and design details for the installation or replacement of a septic system, in compliance with the Town of Brownville Sanitary Code Law[1] (shown on the same or a separate plan).
Editor's Note: See Ch. 124, Sewers, Part 2.
Expiration. A zoning permit shall expire within one year, unless the building activity or use involved has commenced.
Sketch plan conference. An applicant may request a sketch plan conference with the Planning Board prior to preparing an application of site plan approval. Prior to such conference, the applicant shall cause to be prepared a sketch plan showing the proposed layout and arrangement of the permitted site plan use according to the specifications under Subsection B of this section. The applicant shall contact the Chairman of the Planning Board to arrange the conference at the next regular meeting of the Planning Board or as may otherwise be mutually convenient. The applicant shall bring at least three copies of the sketch plan to facilitate review and discussion. The Planning Board shall not hold the conference unless the applicant or a representative thereof is in attendance. During the conference, the Planning Board shall:
Discuss general compliance with the regulations and requirements of this chapter to avoid the Planning Board having to delay or dismiss the application after the Zoning Officer's formal compliance review.
Conduct an initial review of the sketch plan to determine whether a short or full environmental assessment form (EAF) will be required.
Discuss the specifications for preparing site plans as set forth under Subsection B of this section and identify any such specifications which it will consider waiving during the detailed site plan review.
Identify other agencies to which the application for site plan approval would be referred pursuant to SEQR, the General Municipal Law or otherwise.
Discuss the site plan review considerations as set forth under Subsection C of this section in relation to any problems or issues which may be of particular concern to the Planning Board during site plan review.
Application requirements. Each application for a site plan approval shall constitute an application for a zoning permit.
Application forms. The application for site plan approval shall be made in writing on such form as prescribed from time to time by the Planning Board and made available from the Town Clerk's office.
Environmental assessment form (EAF). Three copies of a completed short or full environmental assessment form shall be submitted with the application form, if required pursuant to SEQR.
Preliminary site plan. Three copies of a preliminary site plan shall be submitted with the application form. Such preliminary site plan shall have been prepared according to all of the specifications set forth under Subsection B of this section, with the following exceptions:
Any specifications that the Planning Board has indicated, pursuant to a sketch plan conference, it would consider waiving.
Final grading and drainage plan, detailed construction specifications, detailed planting schedule and final engineering plans.
Supporting materials. Three copies of any drawings, written descriptions or specifications, photographs or other supporting materials necessary for the detailed review of the preliminary site plan shall be submitted with the application.
Referral copies. One additional copy of the application, environmental assessment form, preliminary site plan and supporting materials shall be submitted for each referral required by law or as otherwise specified by the Planning Board.
Fee. A preliminary site plan approval application fee shall be submitted with the application in the amount specified from time to time by resolution of the Town Board.
Filing. The application for preliminary site plan approval shall be filed in the Town Clerk's office.
Compliance review. When an application for site plan approval has been filed, the Zoning Officer shall commence a thorough review of the application as provided under § 165-39C. Such review shall be completed in the shortest time period necessary, generally not exceeding five working days.
Administrative action. Upon completing the compliance review, the Zoning Officer shall take one of the following administrative actions:
Issue notice that the zoning permit must be held pending when full compliance has been determined with the exception for site plan approval by the Planning Board; or
Issue a denial of zoning permit when noncompliance has been determined for any reason other than the required site plan approval; and
Provide a copy of such notice or denial to the Planning Board.
Initial review.
When an application for preliminary site plan approval has been submitted without a prior sketch plan conference, the Planning Board shall conduct an initial review of the site plan pursuant to SEQR to determine whether an environmental assessment form is required and, if so, whether an acceptable environmental assessment form has been submitted.
The Planning Board shall review the copy of the held-pending notice or denial of zoning permit provided by the Zoning Officer. Where a denial of zoning permit was issued, the Planning Board may postpone review if the applicant is willing to modify the preliminary site plan to comply with the zoning law, except pending site plan approval.
The Planning Board shall review the preliminary site plan to determine whether it satisfies the application requirements.
Official submission date. When the Planning Board's initial review has determined that the application satisfies the requirements applicable thereto and, with the exception of site plan approval, is in full compliance with this chapter, it shall accept the application. Such acceptance shall establish the application's official submission date. If the application fails to satisfy the application requirements or has been issued a denial of zoning permit, the Planning Board shall either:
Postpone the matter of acceptance, if the applicant is willing to modify and resubmit the environmental assessment form and/or preliminary site plan in an acceptable manner; or
Dismiss the application without prejudice.
Referrals. As of establishing the official submission date, the Planning Board shall authorize the referral of one copy of the application to each of the following:
The Jefferson County Planning Board, if required by § 239-m of the General Municipal Law.
Other involved agencies, if required for lead-agency designation or opted by the Planning Board for coordinated review pursuant to SEQR.
The St. Lawrence-Eastern Ontario Commission, if the application involves a project pursuant to Article 37 of the Executive Law.
Any consulting engineer, architect or attorney of the town, when deemed necessary and appropriate for review of the site plan.
Detailed review.
Environmental review. When an environmental assessment form is required as part of the application, the Planning Board shall follow the environmental review procedures of SEQR. If the Planning Board or another involved agency designated as the lead agency determines that a draft environmental impact statement (DEIS) will be required, the Planning Board shall request that the applicant waive the time limit for the Planning Board to either render its decision or hold a public hearing. Such waiver shall provide adequate time for the full satisfaction of the further environmental review provisions of SEQR. If the Planning Board or another involved agency designated as the lead agency determines that the action would not involve any significant environmental impacts, or if the action is not subject to environmental review, the Planning Board shall proceed within the normal time limits.
Site plan review. Concurrently with the environmental review, the Planning Board shall review the site plan according to the review considerations set forth under Subsection C of this section. The Planning Board, pursuant to the site plan review, shall:
Formally waive any specifications it has deemed unnecessary or inappropriate for the review.
Advise the applicant regarding any problems or issues determined during site plan review.
Determine whether a public hearing shall be required and, if so, set the date, time and place thereof and provide for the publication of notice therefor.
Determine whether additional information shall be required, including, but not limited to, soil or water test results, traffic studies and market feasibility analysis.
Public hearing. When it has required a public hearing of the application, the Planning Board shall hold such hearing within 45 days of the official submission date, except upon a waiver of the time limit by the applicant. A public notice shall be published at least once in a newspaper of general circulation within the Town at least five days prior to the public hearing date. Said notice shall state the date, time and place of the public hearing and the nature of the site plan approval requested. If the public hearing is set to coincide with a draft-environmental-impact-statement public hearing pursuant to SEQR, the notice shall so state and shall be published at least 14 days prior to the hearing.
Decision. The Planning Board shall render its decision to approve, approve with modifications or disapprove the application for preliminary site plan approval within 45 days of the official submission date or, if a public hearing was required, within 45 days from the close of such hearing. Such time limits may be waived by mutual consent of the applicant and the Planning Board. The Planning Board's decision and the reasons therefor shall be clearly stated, in writing. In no event, however, shall the application be approved until the following prerequisites have been satisfied:
When the application has been referred to the Jefferson County Planning Board, its comments have been received or its thirty-day review has expired.
When required pursuant to SEQR, the Planning Board has prepared the necessary findings and conclusions.
When the decision would be approval with modifications or conditions, such modifications or conditions are clearly stated in writing and, if appropriate, indicated on a copy of the site plan.
Grant of preliminary and final site plan approval. In cases where a preliminary site plan involves minor changes to an existing permitted site plan use or otherwise is in final form, the Planning Board may grant preliminary and final approval at the same time.
Filing and notification. The decision of the Planning Board shall be filed in the Town Clerk's Office within 24 hours. Written notice of such decision shall be mailed to the applicant within five days of the decision.
Final site plan approval.
Preliminary site plan approval shall expire if the final site plan is not submitted within six months.
At least five copies of the final site plan shall be submitted to the Planning Board. The Planning Board may refer a copy of such plan to any consulting engineer, architect or other professional retained by the Town for the purpose of reviewing final site plans. Within 45 days of receiving the final site plan, the Planning Board shall render its decision to approve, approve with modifications or conditions or disapprove such site plan. Notification and filing of such decision shall be as provided for the preliminary site plan.
Approved final site plans. Three copies of the approved final site plan shall be signed by the Planning Board Chairman or, in the Chairman's absence, another authorized member of the Planning Board. Such plan shall not be signed until any modifications or conditions required as part for the approval have been incorporated on the original drawing of the site plan and are thus reflected in the copies made therefrom. The date of the approval and the date of the signature, if different from the date of approval, shall also be noted on the copies of the approved plan. One of the signed copies shall be filed with the application and decision thereon. One copy shall be provided to the Zoning Officer to remove the held-pending status from the zoning permit. The third copy shall be returned for the applicant's own records.
Specifications for preparing sketch plans. A sketch plan shall be prepared to the specifications for preparing plot plans (see § 165-39B) with the following exceptions:
The title block shall label the plan as a sketch plan.
A location inset map shall be provided to indicate the site location and surrounding roads at a scale of one inch equals 2,000 feet.
The approximate location and type of existing wooded areas, exposed or outcropping bedrock and other natural features shall be shown, in addition to shorelines, streams and wetlands.
The location, size and use of existing and proposed buildings and structures shall be indicated with approximate dimensions and setbacks.
The general layout of existing and proposed parking areas, loading areas, driveways and points of access and egress shall be shown with approximate dimensions, anticipated type of material and number of parking spaces.
The general drainage pattern for the lot shall be indicated by arrows. The approximate boundaries of flood hazard areas, if any, shall be shown. Probable areas of cut and fill shall be noted. The approximate location of existing dams, impoundments, retention or detention ponds and other major drainage improvements shall be indicated.
The general location of any existing or proposed individual sewage treatment system, well or public utility facility serving the lot shall be indicated.
Specifications for preparing site plans. Each site plan shall be so labeled and prepared to a suitable scale to accurately and legibly show the information specified hereunder, in addition to the information required for a sketch plan according to Subsection A of this section. Whenever possible, the physical location, arrangement, size, type of construction, setbacks and use of structures shall be shown graphically on the site plan. Engineering and design details, construction specifications, grading and drainage plans, landscaping plans, planting schedules and written descriptions may be prepared as separate attachments. Attached plans shall have the same scale as the site plan whenever practical. Detailed specifications include:
The seal and signature of a land surveyor, professional engineer, architect or landscape architect licensed or registered in accordance with the New York State Education Law.
The bearings and exact distances of the site's existing and proposed property lines, the location of adjacent properties and the ownership thereof, according to the latest tax records.
The location, width and purpose of all existing and proposed easements across, reservations from or areas dedicated to public use within or adjoining the property.
Notation on the site plan or an attachment thereto describing any existing or proposed deed restrictions or covenants applicable to the property.
The location of existing hydrologic features and existing and proposed contours at a five-foot intervals, unless shown on a separate grading and drainage plan.
The location, design and construction materials of all parking and loading areas and the access and egress drives therefor.
Provisions for pedestrian access, including the locations, width and construction materials for private or public sidewalks.
The location and description of outdoor storage, if any.
The location, design and construction materials of all drains, culverts, retaining walls and fences.
A description of the method of sewage disposal and the location, design and construction materials of proposed sewage disposal facilities to be installed.
A description of the method of securing public water and the location, design and construction materials of proposed water supply facilities to be installed.
The location of fire lanes and other emergency zones, including the location of fire hydrants.
The location, design and construction materials of all energy distribution or fuel storage facilities, including electrical, gas, oil, coal and solar energy.
The location, dimensions, area, height, design and construction materials of all proposed signs.
The location and treatment of all buffer areas, including indication of existing and proposed vegetative cover.
The location and design of outdoor lighting facilities.
A designation of the amount of existing and proposed gross floor area intended for retail sales and services, office uses and other similar commercial or industrial activities.
A description of the number and type of dwelling units involved with respect to multiple-family dwellings or any dwelling unit existing or proposed in conjunction with another permitted site plan use or special use.
A general landscaping plan and planting schedule.
Other elements integral to the proposed development as considered necessary by the Planning Board, including identification of any federal, state or county permits or approvals required for the project's execution and the status of such permits or approvals.
Site plan review considerations. The Planning Board shall review each site plan in accordance with the review considerations provided hereunder, as appropriate.
General considerations.
Consistency with any federal, state or county permits required.
Compatibility with existing deed restrictions, covenants, easements, reservations or other legal restrictions affecting the site.
Appropriateness of measures to avoid or mitigate any potential environmental impacts identified.
General consistency with the Town of Brownville Comprehensive Plan.
Sensitivity to the age and mobility of the population for which the development or use is intended.
Development suitability considerations.
Extent of limitations imposed by existing natural conditions on the site, including, but not limited to, the following:
Depth of bedrock;
Steepness of slopes;
Soil stability;
Load-bearing capacity;
Soil erodibility and percolation rate;
Depth to the water table;
Quantity and quality of available groundwater;
Surface ponding;
Drainage patterns;
Streams and other water bodies;
Flood hazards;
Maturity of wooded areas;
Existence of rare or endangered species; and
Proximity to sensitive fish or wildlife habitats.
Extent of limitations imposed by existing development conditions, including, but not limited to, the following:
Capacity of public roads or highways serving the site and their present traffic volumes;
Existing speed limits and traffic control devices;
Proximity to an existing intersection or deceleration lane;
Location of existing buildings, structures, driveways, parking and loading facilities, sidewalks, public utilities, drainage improvements, public sewers, water mains, individual sewage disposal systems, wells and other improvements on or within close proximity to the site; and
Character of existing land uses in the surrounding area.
Considerations for vehicular and pedestrian safety.
Adequacy, suitability and safety of proposed vehicular access and circulation, including, but not limited to, width, grade, alignment, visibility and facility of use for proposed curb cuts, access and egress drives, parking aisles, emergency access lanes and other internal roadways in relation to existing development conditions.
Adequacy and suitability of proposed parking and loading facilities, including, but not limited to, number, size and orientation of required spaces and their ease of use; parking for handicapped persons; use of loading facilities without hindrance to vehicular circulation; and provisions for snow storage and/or removal.
Adequacy and suitability of provisions for pedestrian safety, including, but not limited to, public and private sidewalks, measures to ensure pedestrian visibility and on-site warning or speed limit signs.
Considerations for buildings and structures.
Appropriateness of the arrangement of proposed buildings and structures in terms of height, bulk, setback or spacing, lot coverage or density and function, according to types of uses and the areas occupied thereby.
Compatibility of proposed buildings and structures with existing natural and development conditions in terms of architectural features, historical significance and visual impact.
Grading and drainage considerations.
Adequacy and appropriateness of the proposed grading plan in terms of extent of cut and fill, overall drainage pattern, measures for erosion and sedimentation control and techniques for preserving existing trees to be retained as part of site landscaping.
Adequacy and appropriateness of proposed drainage improvements for retention, detention and/or conveyance of stormwater runoff, including, but not limited to, impoundments, weirs, ditches, channels, culverts, storm sewers and catch basins.
Adequacy and suitability of measures for prevention of damages from flooding and/or erosion.
Landscaping, screening and lighting considerations.
Adequacy and suitability of overall landscaping plan and planting schedule in terms of aesthetic treatment of the site, provision of vegetative buffers for screening of parking, loading and outside storage or display areas from adjacent residential properties and characteristics of the existing and proposed plant species involved.
Suitability of any fences or walls proposed for screening or security in terms of height, stability, durability, appearance and safety.
Adequacy and appropriateness of proposed exterior lighting for security, vehicular and pedestrian safety, and site exposure, without objectionable, hazardous or unnecessary glare, flashing, pulsation or other movements.
Sewage, water supply and solid waste considerations.
Adequacy of the sewage disposal system in terms of compliance with the Town of Brownville Sanitary Code Law [1] and applicable regulations of the New York State Departments of Health and Environmental Conservation.
Editor's Note: See Ch. 124, Sewers, Part 2.
Adequacy and suitability of the potable water supply in relation to the type of uses involved and the anticipated quantity of water to be used.
Adequacy and appropriateness of provisions for the temporary storage and proper disposal of solid wastes generated by the uses involved.
Considerations for other improvements.
Appropriateness of proposed signage in terms of the sign regulations under Article V of this chapter.
Adequacy of recreation areas, if required, and the suitability of facilities to be provided therein.
Suitability of proposed energy supply and manner of connection to existing energy distribution facilities.
Timing, financing and economic impact considerations.
Adequacy for overall financing strategy in terms of market feasibility, timetable, phasing and financial resources committed or anticipated.
Appropriateness of development in terms of the fiscal and general economic impact on the town.
Procedures. The procedures for special use permit approval shall consist of the site plan approval procedures as set forth under § 165-40 of this Article, with the following additions:
Sketch plan conference. During the sketch plan conference, the Planning Board shall discuss the nature of the special use and the standards applicable thereto.
Application requirements. The application for the special use permit approval shall be included on the same form with the application for preliminary site plan approval. A written statement clearly describing the proposed special use shall be a required supporting material. A separate special use permit application fee shall be submitted with the application in the amount specified from time to time by resolution of the Town Board.
Filing, compliance review, administrative action, initial review and official submission date. These procedures shall be the same as provided under Subsection A(3) through (7), respectively, under § 165-40.
Referrals. The referrals shall be the same as provided under § 165-40A(8), except that, when Town Board approval is required for the special use permit, the referrals shall include one copy for the Town Board as notice of a pending application.
Detailed review. The detailed review shall be the same as for site plan approval, except as follows:
The Planning Board shall also review the proposed special use for compliance with the general and specific standards applicable to such use.
When the special use requires Town Board approval, the Planning Board shall complete its review and provide written recommendations to the Town Board within 45 days of the official submission date or, if a draft environmental impact statement has been required, within 45 days of its date of acceptance.
When the special use permit is subject to Planning Board approval, the Planning Board shall complete its review within the same time limits as provided for preliminary site plan approval.
Public hearing. A single public hearing on the application for special use permit approval and preliminary site plan approval shall be required before the Planning Board or, when Town Board approval of the special use permit is required, before a joint meeting of the Town Board and Planning Board. The Board with the special use permit approval authority shall fix the date, time and place of such hearing. For special use permit approval by the Planning Board, the hearing shall be held within 45 days of the official submission date. For special use permit approval by the Town Board, the hearing shall be held within 90 days of the official submission date. Such hearing shall be advertised as provided for a hearing on a preliminary site plan.
Decision. Within 45 days from the close of the public hearing, the Board having the authority to approve the special use permit shall render its decision. Such decision shall be subject to the same prerequisites as those for site plan approval, except for the approval with modifications. In addition, a decision to approve shall require a written statement of findings that all standards applicable to the special use have been met. The reasons for any conditions or safeguards to be attached to such approval shall be included in such findings. The Planning Board shall render its decision on the preliminary site plan within 45 days of the Town Board's or its own decision on a special use permit. Such decision shall take into account the manner in which the approved special use permit and any conditions or safeguards attached thereto have been reflected in the site plan.
Grant of preliminary and final site plan approval, notification and filing, final site plan approval and approved final site plans shall be as provided under § 165-40.
General standards for all special uses.
A special use shall not hinder the orderly, economic and harmonious development of the surrounding district nor impair the value of property therein by reason of its traffic generation, access location, internal circulation, location and size of structures or outdoor uses, intensity or scale of activities in relation to the size of the site, safety for pedestrians, drainage, solid or sanitary waste disposal, water supply needs, effect on water or air quality, demand for public services, effect on historic or archaeological features or aesthetic treatment.
A special use shall be compatible with the character of the surrounding district and shall not have significant deleterious effects on the natural, social or economic resources of such district by reason of noise, odors, fumes, smoke, dust, hazardous or volatile substances, vibrations, glare, traffic congestion, unsightliness, litter, alteration of drainage patterns or stream flows, excessive stripping of vegetation, blasting, radio or television reception interference, or other activities detrimental to neighborhood character or protection of natural resources.
A special use shall be subject to compliance with applicable federal, state and local regulations, including all permits and/or approvals required thereby. Evidence of such compliance may be required either prior to the special use permit approval or as a condition thereof, depending upon the particular special use.
Standards for particular special uses.
Adult entertainment establishments.
Location.. Adult entertainment establishments are permitted as special uses in Hamlet (H) Districts only. No such use shall be located within 500 feet of any existing residential dwelling on adjacent property or within 1,000 feet of any institutional use, community facility, property on which a substantial number of minors regularly travel or congregate or other adult entertainment establishment.
Buffers. The area requirements of the given district shall be increased to provide the following buffers:
Twenty feet from the road right-of-way.
Fifty feet from side lot lines (zero feet if adjacent to a site plan or special use).
Twenty-five feet from rear lot lines (zero feet if adjacent to a site plan or special use).
Other conditions. All doors, windows and other building entries or openings shall be located, covered or screened to prevent a view from the exterior of an establishment into its interior.
Location. Agribusinesses are permitted as special uses in Agricultural and Residential-1 (AR-1), Agricultural and Residential-2 (AR-2), Agricultural and Residential-3 (AR-3), Residential Neighborhoods (RN) and Hamlet (H) Districts.
Buffers. The area requirements of the given district shall be increased to provide the following buffers:
Thirty-five feet from road rights-of-way (20 feet if opposite from a site plan or special use).
One hundred feet from side lot lines (zero feet if adjacent to a site plan or special use).
Fifty feet from rear lot lines (zero feet if adjacent to a site plan or special use).
Other conditions. The outside accessory storage of fertilizers, insecticides, herbicides, propane or other fuel and any other chemical products for agricultural uses shall be allowed only where environmental safeguards and aesthetic considerations are deemed suitable.
Agricultural processing plants.
Location. Agricultural processing plants are permitted as special uses in Agricultural and Residential-3 (AR-3) Districts only.
Buffers. The area requirements of the given district shall be increased to provide the following buffers:
One hundred fifty feet from road rights-of-way (75 feet if opposite from a site plan or special use).
Four hundred feet from side lot lines (200 feet if adjacent to a site plan or special use).
Two hundred feet from rear lot lines (100 feet if adjacent to a site plan or special use).
Other conditions. Processing operations and disposal of waste products therefrom shall be conducted in a sanitary and environmentally safe manner.
Location. Airstrips are permitted as special uses in Agricultural and Residential-1 (AR-1), Agricultural and Residential-2 (AR-2) and Agricultural and Residential-3 (AR-3) Districts. No such use shall be located within a documented flight path, feeding area or resting area of migratory waterfowl.
Buffers. The area requirements of the given district shall be increased to provide the following buffers:
Two hundred feet from road rights-of-way.
Five hundred feet from side lot lines.
Two hundred fifty feet from rear lot lines.
Other conditions. The area for the airstrip shall have adequate size, appropriate configuration and proper visibility to be used for in accordance with all Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) standards applicable thereto.
Animal care facilities.
Location. Animal care facilities are permitted as special uses in Agricultural and Residential-1 (AR-1), Agricultural and Residential-2 (AR-2), Agricultural and Residential-3 (AR-3) and Hamlet (H) Districts. No animal care facility shall be located with outdoor kennels or dog runs within 500 feet of any external property line or road right-of-way.
Buffers. The area requirements of the given district shall be increased to provide the following buffers:
Thirty-five feet from road rights-of-way (20 feet if opposite from a site plan or special use).
One hundred feet from side lot lines (zero feet if adjacent to a site plan or special use).
Fifty feet from rear lot lines (zero feet if adjacent to a site plan or special use).
Other conditions. All animal and medical wastes shall be disposed of in a sanitary and environmentally safe manner.
Boat storage facilities.
Location. Boat storage facilities are permitted as special uses in Agricultural and Residential-1 (AR-1), Agricultural and Residential-2 (AR-2), Agricultural and Residential-3 (AR-3), Residential Shoreline (RS) and Residential Shoreline-2 (RS-2) Districts. No boat storage facility shall be located within 1,000 feet of another such facility.
[Amended 3-5-1997 by L.L. No. 2-1997]
Buffers. The area requirements of the given district shall be increased to provide the following buffers:
Thirty-five feet from road rights-of-way (20 feet if opposite from a site plan or special use).
One hundred feet from side lot lines (zero feet if adjacent to a site plan or special use).
Fifty feet from rear lot lines (zero feet if adjacent to a site plan or special use).
Building products supply facilities.
Location. Building products supply facilities are permitted as special uses in the Agricultural and Residential-3 (AR-3) District only.
Buffers. The area requirements of the given district shall be increased to provide the following buffers:
Fifty feet from road rights-of-way (25 feet if opposite from a site plan or special use).
Two hundred feet from side lot lines (zero feet if adjacent to a site plan or special use).
One hundred feet from rear lot lines (zero feet if adjacent to a site plan or special use).
Location. Campgrounds are permitted as special uses in Agricultural and Residential-2 (AR-2), Agricultural and Residential-3 (AR-3) and Residential Neighborhoods (RN) Districts.
Buffers. The area requirements of the given district shall be increased to provide the following buffers:
One hundred fifty feet from road rights-of-way (75 feet if opposite from a site plan or special use).
Four hundred feet from side lot lines (200 feet if adjacent to a site plan or special use).
Two hundred feet from rear lot lines (100 feet if adjacent to a site plan or special use).
Access and circulation. Each campground shall have adequate access to a paved, dedicated public highway. All entrance roads shall be suitably improved with gravel or crushed stone and at least 24 feet wide. Each campsite, other than those specifically intended for remote or walk-in tent camping, shall be serviced from interior roadways having a width of at least 15 feet, suitably improved and providing clear access to the campsite. Where the campground terrain allows, pull-through sites shall be provided. The campground owner shall be responsible for maintaining all internal roads, driveways and parking areas.
Campsites. Each campsite shall have an area of at least 2,500 square feet. All campsites shall be generally level (not to exceed an eight-percent slope), well-drained, free from flood hazard and clear of dense brush. Each campsite shall be identified with a site number marker and provided with means of identifying the limits of the site.
Services. Adequate sewer, water and other utilities shall be provided in accordance with applicable state and local regulations. All campgrounds shall provide rest rooms containing at least one toilet, lavatory and shower for each sex for each 10 campsites. At least one public telephone shall be provided in the campground. Refuse shall be disposed of in a sanitary and environmentally safe manner. There shall be no exposed garbage, junk or other wastes. One refuse container shall be provided for each two campsites.
Recreation area. At least 15% of the total area of the campground, not including required setbacks, shall be dedicated as a recreation area, suitably improved and fully maintained as such by the campground owner.
Records. The owner or manager of a campground shall maintain an office in the immediate vicinity of such campground and shall maintain accurate records of the names and home addresses of the campground visitors and the make, description and license number of their motor vehicles, travel trailers and other recreational vehicles. These records shall be available to the Town Zoning Officer and any other law enforcement official.
Other conditions. Mobile homes shall not be allowed in any campground.
Commercial hog, fowl, fish or fur farms.
Location. Commercial hog, fowl, fish or fur farms are permitted as special uses in Agricultural and Residential-1 (AR-1), Agricultural and Residential-2 (AR-2) and Agricultural and Residential-3 (AR-3) Districts.
Buffers. The area requirements of the given district shall be increased to provide the following buffers:
Two hundred feet from road rights-of-way (100 feet if opposite from a site plan or special use).
Five hundred feet from side lot lines (300 feet if adjacent to a site plan or special use).
Two hundred fifty feet from rear lot lines (125 feet if adjacent to a site plan or special use).
Other conditions. All buildings, structures, impoundments and other areas used or intended to be used to shelter, pen, cage, contain, breed, feed or otherwise raise hogs, fowl, fish or valuable furbearers for commercial purpose shall be designed, constructed and maintained to prevent escape. The raising of furbearers shall be limited to those species allowed by applicable federal and state regulations. The use shall be conducted in a manner which will prevent disease, infestation or other threats to public health or safety. All excrement or other animal, fowl or fish wastes shall be stored, treated to minimize odors and disposed of in a healthful and environmentally safe manner.
Construction equipment storage yards.
Location. Construction equipment storage yards are permitted as special uses in Agricultural and Residential-3 (AR-3) Districts only.
Buffers. The area requirements of the given district shall be increased to provide the following buffers:
Fifty feet from road rights-of-way (25 feet if opposite from a site plan or special use).
Two hundred feet from side lot lines (zero feet if adjacent to a site plan or special use).
One hundred feet from rear lot lines (zero feet if adjacent to a site plan or special use).
Other conditions. Security fencing, if installed, shall not exceed eight feet in height, or four feet if located closer than 40 feet to the road right-of-way. The operation of construction equipment shall be limited to the period from 6:30 a.m. to 9:30 p.m.
Dealerships for new or used motor vehicles, mobile homes, boats or farm machinery or equipment.
Location. Dealerships for new or used motor vehicles, mobile homes, boats or farm machinery or equipment are permitted as special uses in Agricultural and Residential-3 (AR-3) and Hamlet (H) Districts.
Buffers. The area requirements of the given district shall be increased to provide the following buffers:
Thirty-five feet from road rights-of-way (20 feet if opposite from a site plan or special use).
One hundred feet from side lot lines (zero feet if adjacent to a site plan or special use).
Fifty feet from rear lot lines (zero feet if adjacent to a site plan or special use).
Other conditions. The outdoor storage or display of trailers, motor homes, mobile homes or other manufactured homes shall comply with the district setback requirements. Except when used for farm machinery or equipment, outdoor storage or display areas shall be provided with an all-weather surface, such as crusher run, gravel or other suitable material, compacted to a depth adequate to minimize settling, ruts or other problems regarding movement of the items stored or displayed. The outside storage of parts, scrap or items unsuitable for sale shall be prohibited. The repair of motor vehicles or other items stored or displayed may be conducted as an accessory use, provided that such repair meets the standards under Subsection C(13) below.
Fuel storage/supply depots.
Location. Fuel storage/supply depots are permitted as special uses in Agricultural and Residential-3 (AR-3) Districts only.
Buffers. The area requirements of the given district shall be increased to provide the following buffers:
Two hundred feet from road rights-of-way (100 feet if opposite from a site plan or special use).
Five hundred feet from side lot lines (300 feet if adjacent to a site plan or special use).
Two hundred fifty feet from rear lot lines (125 feet if adjacent to a site plan or special use).
Other conditions. The location, layout, safety devices or measures and operation of a fuel supply facilities shall comply with all applicable standards of the Fire Prevention Code of the National Board of Fire Underwriters.
Gasoline stations, motor vehicle repair shops or car washes.
Location. Gasoline stations, motor vehicle repair shops or car washes are permitted as a special use in the Hamlet (H) District only.
Buffers. The area requirements of the given district shall be increased to provide the following buffers:
Twenty feet from road rights-of-way.
Fifty feet from side lot lines (zero feet if adjacent to a site plan or special use).
Twenty-five feet from rear lot lines (zero feet if adjacent to a site plan or special use).
Other conditions. The proposed location of a car wash must be demonstrated to have an adequate water supply for the demand of such use, without significant depletion of the supply for existing uses or future uses permitted in the surrounding area. All fuel storage tanks shall be buried and located at least 50 feet from the right-of-way and any other external property line. All fuel pumps shall be located at least 50 feet from any external side or rear property line and at least 40 feet from the road right-of-way. No outdoor repair work shall be permitted within a required front, side or rear buffer. Any vehicles remaining on the premises for more than 48 hours while awaiting repair shall be stored within a building or parked in an area suitably screened from view from the road right-of-way and any adjoining residential properties.
Hotels or motels.
Location. A hotel or motel is permitted as a special use in the Hamlet (H) District only.
Buffers. The area requirements of the given district shall be increased to provide the following buffers:
Twenty feet from road rights-of-way.
Fifty feet from side lot lines (zero feet if adjacent to a site plan or special use).
Twenty-five feet from rear lot lines (zero feet if adjacent to a site plan or special use).
Other conditions. No individual hotel or motel sleeping unit shall have a floor area of less than 150 square feet, exclusive of bathroom facilities. Any swimming pool, playground equipment or other recreation facilities accessory to the hotel or motel shall comply with the buffer requirements set forth under Subsection C(14)(b) above and shall be enclosed with safety fencing.
Indoor recreation facilities.
Location. Indoor recreation facilities are permitted as special uses in Residential Neighborhood (RN) and Hamlet (H) Districts only.
Buffers. The area requirements of the given district shall be increased to provide the following buffers:
Thirty-five feet from road rights-of-way (20 feet if opposite from a site plan or special use).
One hundred feet from side lot lines (zero feet if adjacent to a site plan or special use).
Fifty feet from rear lot lines (zero feet if adjacent to a site plan or special use).
Junkyards. Junkyards are permitted as special uses in the Agricultural and Residential (AR-3) District only. When the Town Board approves a license to operate a junkyard pursuant to the Town of Brownville Ordinance Regulating Dumps and Junkyards,[1] such approval shall satisfy the special use permit approval required under this chapter. Buffers and other conditions shall be as determined through the license approval procedures.
Editor's Note: See Ch. 102, Junkyards and Dumps.
Limited businesses.
Location. Limited businesses are permitted as special uses in all districts. A limited business shall only be located on property with an existing residential or agricultural use.
Buffers. The area requirements of the given district shall be increased to provide the following buffers:
Twenty feet from road rights-of-way.
Fifty feet from side lot lines (zero feet if adjacent to a site plan or special use).
Twenty-five feet from rear lot lines (zero feet if adjacent to a site plan or special use).
Floor area limitation. Maximum gross floor area for a limited business shall not exceed the following:
In a detached building: 1,000 square feet or 50% of the total gross floor area of any one-family dwelling on the lot, whichever is less.
Within a one-family dwelling: 750 square feet or 25% of the total gross floor area of such dwelling, whichever is less.
Approvable types of limited businesses.
Antique shops or handicraft shops.
Barbershops (limited to two barbers).
Beauty salons (limited to two beauticians).
Group instruction classes (limited to eight persons per class and three classes per week).
Bed-and-breakfasts (limited to five bedrooms).
Doctor's or dentist's offices (limited to two examination rooms).
Offices of a certified public accountant.
Real estate sales offices.
Machine shops (limited to operation between 7:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m.).
Welding shops (limited to operation as provided for machine shops).
Other conditions. A limited business shall be subject to the following additional limitations:
No more than three persons who reside off-premises shall be employed to work on-premises.
No outdoor storage of materials shall be allowed.
No more than one limited business shall be allowed on any lot.
Manufacturing or assembly plants.
Location. Manufacturing or assembly plants are permitted as special uses in the Agricultural and Residential-3 (AR-3) District only. No manufacturing or assembly plant shall be located within 1,000 feet of any existing institutional use, community facility or other place of public assembly.
Buffers. The area requirements of the given district shall be increased to provide the following buffers:
Two hundred feet from road rights-of-way (100 feet if opposite from a site plan or special use).
Five hundred feet from side lot lines (300 feet if adjacent to a site plan or special use).
Two hundred fifty feet from rear lot lines (125 feet if adjacent to a site plan or special use).
Other conditions. Security fencing with a maximum height of eight feet may be installed within the side and rear setbacks. Within the front setback, such fencing shall be limited to four feet in height or three feet for visibility at an intersection. Adequate provisions for control of noise, smoke, odors, fumes, dust, vibrations and glare shall be required. A manufacturing or assembly plant shall comply with all local, state and federal regulations as may be applicable to sewage treatment, water supply, pollution control, fire prevention and safety.
Location. Marinas are permitted as special uses in the Residential Shoreline (RS) District only.
Buffers. The area requirements of the given district shall be increased to provide the following buffers:
Twenty feet from road rights-of-way.
Fifty feet from side lot lines (zero feet if adjacent to a site plan or special use).
Twenty-five feet from rear lot lines (zero feet if adjacent to a site plan or special use).
Other conditions. All docks shall be located at least 25 feet from the lines formed by extending the side property lines into the water. Pump-out facilities for marine holding tanks, fuel tanks and fuel pumps shall be located at least 75 feet from any adjacent residential property line and at least 50 feet from any other external property lines. Fuel tanks shall be buried.
Mobile home parks.
Location. Mobile home parks are permitted as special uses in Agricultural and Residential-2 (AR-2), Agricultural and Residential-3 (AR-3), Residential Neighborhood (RN) and Hamlet (H) Districts.
Buffers. The area requirements of the given district shall be increased to provide the following buffers:
Fifty feet from road rights-of-way (25 feet if opposite from a site plan or special use).
Two hundred feet from side lot lines (zero feet if adjacent to a site plan or special use).
One hundred feet from rear lot lines (zero feet if adjacent to a site plan or special use).
Site conditions. A proposed mobile home park site shall have level to gently rolling topography over an area of sufficient size to allow development of the park, in compliance with all of the standards and supplementary regulations applicable thereto, without significant alteration or disturbance of natural features, such as stands of mature trees, stream courses, wetlands or bedrock outcroppings. Such mobile home park site shall be essentially free from adverse, unsafe or unhealthful conditions, including, but not limited to, flooding, ponding, soils with poor load-bearing capacity or high instability, breeding areas for insects or rodents, smoke, noise, odors, glare or toxic or volatile substances.
Access. Each mobile home park shall provide means of safe legal access from one or more public roads as follows:
Each access road shall meet the public road at right angles, with compatible grades and safe line-of-sight distances.
Each entrance shall be located at least 150 feet from any public road intersection (except when directly opposite from a T-intersection) and at least 150 feet from any other such entrance.
At least one common entrance and access road shall be provided to serve the mobile home park.
At least two independent entrances and access roads shall be provided to serve a mobile home park having 20 or more mobile home lots.
Internal roads. Internal roads shall be designed, constructed and maintained so that each mobile home lot shall be provided with safe and convenient means of year-round vehicular circulation at a speed up to, but not exceeding, 15 miles per hour. All internal roads shall meet the following standards:
A uniform gridiron road pattern shall be avoided whenever possible. Curvilinear roads, culs-de-sac and other arrangements for clustering, open space and aesthetic treatment shall be favored.
Culs-de-sac with an outside radius of at least 90 feet shall be used for dead-end roads.
Each road shall be centered within a right-of-way or reservation of at least 50 feet.
A twenty-four-foot wide road base of crusher run or comparable stone shall be installed and compacted to a thickness of at least 12 inches.
The center 18 feet of the road base shall be paved to a thickness of at least two inches.
All internal roads shall be owned and maintained by the owner of the mobile home park.
Mobile home lot size. Each mobile home park shall be divided into mobile home lots which satisfy, exclusive of internal roads and open space or common areas, the following standards:
Lot Specification
Minimum area
10,000 square feet1
Minimum width
100 feet1
Minimum depth
100 feet1
1In cases of mobile home parks proposing 10 or more mobile home lots, exceptions may be granted for clustering or other innovative designs to increase open space, expand recreation facilities or protect natural resources. However, such exception shall not allow any mobile home lot with an area of less than 7,500 square feet or a width of less than 75 feet. In no event shall such an exception provide for a greater overall density than would have been allowed under a conventional gridiron pattern.
Mobile home setbacks and spacing. Each mobile home, including any expansion, extension or other addition thereto and any detached accessory structures therefor, shall be subject to the following standards:
Minimum setback of 20 feet from the front or corner lot lines (edge of the internal road right-of-way or reservation serving the lot).
Minimum of 10 feet from side or rear lot lines.
Minimum spacing of 30 feet between a mobile home and any other mobile home or accessory structure of the mobile home park.
Mobile home stands. Each mobile home shall be installed on a mobile home lot in accordance with the requirements under Article V, § 165-23 of this chapter.
Other setback requirements. No internal roadway, parking lot, recreation area or storage facility for fuels, supplies or equipment or other common facilities for the mobile home park shall be located within 75 feet of any external property line of the mobile home park.
Parking. Each mobile home lot shall be provided with parking spaces as required for a one-family dwelling. Such parking spaces shall be constructed of crushed stone compacted to a thickness of eight inches or two inches of pavement over crushed stone compacted to a thickness of four inches.
Recreation areas and open space. A variety of centrally located, readily accessible and easily used open spaces shall be provided in all mobile home parks. Such open space shall have a total area equal to at least 15% of the gross land area of the park and shall be maintained by the park owner. Part or all of such open space may be required for the development of recreation areas or facilities.
Walkways. A four-foot-wide hard-surfaced pedestrian walkway may be required along and at least five feet from each access road from the entrance at the public road to either the first mobile home lot or such other locations in the mobile home park as the Planning Board may require for pedestrian safety.
Water supply. An adequate supply of potable water shall be provided for all mobile homes and service buildings, subject to approval of the authority having jurisdiction therefor.
Sewage. An approved sewage system shall be provided to convey, dispose and treat sewage from all of the mobile homes, service buildings and other facilities capable of generating sewage. Such system shall be designed, constructed and maintained in compliance with all applicable state and local regulations.[2]
Editor's Note: See also Ch. 124, Sewers.
Garbage and refuse. Each mobile home lot shall be supplied with at least two garbage containers made of a durable material, having a capacity of at least 20 gallons and provided with tightly fitting covers. All such containers shall be kept in a sanitary condition at all times. It shall be the responsibility of the park owner to ensure that garbage and rubbish is collected and properly disposed of at an approved refuse disposal facility. Exterior mobile park areas shall be maintained free from organic and inorganic material that might pose a health, accident or fire hazard or constitute an unsightly condition.[3]
Editor's Note: See also Ch. 134, Solid Waste.
Fuel supply and storage. All fuel supply systems provided for mobile homes, service buildings and other structures shall be installed and maintained in compliance with applicable state regulations and the following specific requirements:
Individual fuel storage tanks. Any individual storage tank for fuel oil or liquefied petroleum gas shall be placed at the rear of a mobile home at least five feet from any of its exits. Such tank shall have an accessible outside shut off, well supported and protected piping and, if installed above the ground, noncombustible supports. Burying of fuel oil storage tanks shall be favored. Liquefied petroleum gas tanks shall have a capacity of at least 100 pounds.
Central fuel supply systems. Piped fuel supplied through a central distribution system shall be favored. When used, such system shall be installed and maintained according to accepted engineering practices. It shall have safety devices to relieve excessive pressures and shall be protected from accidental damage. Each mobile home lot provided with piped natural gas shall have an approved shutoff valve and cap to prevent accidental gas release.
Proof shall be required from the utility company supplying the natural gas that necessary easements for and proper connection to their gas supply system have been or will be provided.
Electrical service.
Every mobile home park shall contain an electrical system installed and maintained according to requirements and specifications of the local electric power company. All wiring fixtures shall have the approval of the New York Board of Fire Underwriters.
All electrical distribution lines shall be buried. Adequate lighting shall be provided to illuminate internal roads and walkways for the safe movement of vehicles and pedestrians at night. A minimum illumination of 0.3 footcandles shall be provided.
Each mobile home stand shall be supplied with an electrical service of at least 100 amperes.
Telephone service. When telephone service is provided to the mobile lots, the distribution lines shall be buried.
Service buildings. Any service building provided to house sanitation facilities, laundromats or maintenance equipment shall be well lighted, properly maintained and kept free of any condition that would constitute a nuisance or pose a threat to public health or safety.
Fire protection and control. Every mobile home park shall be equipped at all times with fire extinguishing equipment kept in good working order. Said equipment shall be of such type, size and number and so located within the mobile home park as to satisfy applicable specifications of the fire district in which the park is situated.
Outdoor recreation facilities.
Location. Outdoor recreation facilities are permitted as special uses in all districts.
Buffers. The given district's area requirements shall be increased to provide the following buffers.
Fifty feet from road rights-of-way (25 feet if opposite from a site plan or special use).
Two hundred feet from side lot lines (zero feet if adjacent to a site plan or special use).
One hundred feet from rear lot lines (zero feet if adjacent to a site plan or special use).
Conditions for certain facilities.
Golf course, driving range or miniature golf. Any restaurant or bar accessory to a golf course shall comply with the parking requirements and special use standards applicable thereto.
Outdoor drive-in or open air theaters. The screen, stage or other area for actors or players shall be located at least 150 feet from any road right-of-way and oriented such to prevent motorist views of movies or performances.
Exhibition facilities, field sport facilities, hobby club or water sports facilities. Specific types of activities, capacity for participants and spectators and hours of operation shall be considered in determining the compatibility of the facility with the surrounding neighborhood.
Any outdoor recreation facility involving the public assembly of 500 or more persons shall be treated as a special events facility, subject to the standards and conditions provided therefor.
Other conditions (all facilities).
The facility shall be designed and intended for use by less than 500 persons at any given time.
Access drives shall be adequate to accommodate vehicles queued for admission without traffic backup into the road right-of-way.
Sanitary facilities, sewage disposal and water supply shall be adequate and in compliance with applicable state and local regulations.
Restaurant, bar, nightclub or related establishments.
Location. A restaurant, bar, nightclub or related establishment is permitted in a Hamlet (H) District or as a special tourist facility in an Agricultural and Residential-3 (AR-3) District.
Buffers. The given district's area requirements shall be increased to provide the following buffers.
Twenty feet from road rights-of-way.
Fifty feet from side lot lines (zero feet if adjacent to a site plan or special use).
Twenty-five feet from rear lot lines (zero feet if adjacent to a site plan or special use).
Other conditions. Suitable outdoor trash containers shall be required if any fast-food, takeout or outside, self-service eating is involved. Hours of operation shall be considered regarding potential impacts of noise, traffic, litter, smoke and/or odors on the surrounding neighborhood.
Shopping centers.
Location. Shopping centers are permitted as special uses in the Hamlet (H) District only.
Buffers. The given district's area requirements shall be increased to provide the following buffers:
Thirty-five feet from road rights-of-way (20 feet if opposite from a site plan or special use).
One hundred feet from side lot lines (zero feet if adjacent to a site plan or special use).
Fifty feet from rear lot lines (zero feet if adjacent to a site plan or special use).
Other conditions. All driveways and parking areas shall be paved and marked with striping to delineate traffic controls and individual parking spaces.
Location. Slaughterhouses are permitted as special uses in the Agricultural and Residential (AR-3) District only. The use shall not be located within 500 feet of any existing institutional use, community facility or other place of public assembly.
Buffers. The given district's area requirements shall be increased to provide the following buffers:
Two hundred feet from road rights-of-way (100 feet if opposite from a site plan or special use).
Five hundred feet from side lot lines (300 feet if adjacent to a site plan or special use).
Two hundred fifty feet from rear lot lines (125 feet if adjacent to a site plan or special use).
Other conditions. No slaughtering activity shall be conducted outdoors. Feed lots associated with a slaughterhouse shall be located at least 250 feet from any stream course, water body or freshwater wetland. Adequate measures for treatment of odors and flies or other infestation shall be required.
Soil or mineral extraction uses.
Location. Soil or mineral extraction uses are permitted as special uses in the Agricultural and Residential-3 (AR-3) District only. No soil or mineral extraction use shall be located within 500 feet of an existing institutional use, community facility or other place of public assembly.
Buffers. The given district's area requirements shall be increased to provide the following buffers:
One hundred fifty feet from road rights-of-way (75 feet if opposite from a site plan or special use).
Four hundred feet from side lot lines (200 feet if adjacent to a site plan or special use).
Two hundred feet from rear lot lines (100 feet if adjacent to a site plan or special use).
Other conditions.
No blasting shall be undertaken, except by a licensed and insured blaster. The Town Board shall set appropriate conditions for blasting with respect to noise, dust, vibrations, shock and/or other impacts.
Excavation below grade level shall comply with the following provisions:
Excavation walls shall have a slope appropriate for the material involved. Shoring may be required for excavations deeper than six feet to prevent slumping or collapse.
Plans shall be required to identify restoration or reclamation treatment of the site. If a mining and reclamation plan is required by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, such plan shall also be submitted for review by the Planning Board.
Fencing and/or barricades may be required to prevent unauthorized entry and to ensure public safety.
Means of controlling the airborne or waterborne spread of dust or particles shall be required to prevent environmental hazard or nuisance to surrounding landowners.
Special events facilities.
Location. Special event facilities are permitted as special uses in the Agricultural and Residential-3 (AR-3) District only. No special events facility shall be located within 500 feet of an existing institutional use, community facility or other place of public assembly.
Buffers. The given district's area requirements shall be increased to provide the following buffers:
Two hundred feet from road rights-of-way (100 feet if opposite from a site plan or special use).
Five hundred feet from side lot lines (300 feet if adjacent to a site plan or special use).
Two hundred fifty feet from rear lot lines (125 feet if adjacent to a site plan or special use).
Other conditions.
Arenas, racetracks, rock concert sites, rodeos, sports stadiums and other recreation facilities designed or intended for use by 500 or more persons shall have at least two access driveways from one or more principal highways.
Shooting sports facilities shall provide for all target shooting or the firearms discharges to be directed away from the road right-of-way and any adjacent developed lots. Construction of a berm, barrier or other target backdrop shall be required, except where the lot's natural terrain or vegetation is adequate to prevent bullets or slugs carrying beyond the immediate vicinity of the facility. Measures to prevent unauthorized entry to the target area shall be required.
Special tourist facilities.
Location. Special tourist facilities are permitted as special uses in the Agricultural and Residential-3 (AR-3) Districts along New York Route 12 or 12E within the first 300 feet from the right-of-way.
Buffers. The given district's area requirements shall be increased to provide the following buffers:
Thirty-five feet from road rights-of-way (20 feet if opposite from a site plan or special use).
One hundred feet from side lot lines (zero feet if adjacent to a site plan or special use).
Fifty feet from rear lot lines (zero feet if adjacent to a site plan or special use).
Other conditions.
The conditions for special tourist facility consisting of a single gasoline station, hotel, motel, restaurant, bar, nightclub or related establishment shall be as separately listed for such special use under this section.
Where the facilities will consist of two or more different uses, the Town Board shall determine the appropriate conditions, upon recommendation from the Planning Board.
Trucking terminals.
Location. Trucking terminals are permitted as special uses in the Agricultural and Residential-3 (AR-3) District only. No trucking terminal shall be located within 500 feet of an existing institutional use, community facility or other place of public assembly.
Buffers. The given district's area requirements shall be increased to provide the following buffers:
One hundred feet from road rights-of-way (50 feet if opposite from a site plan or special use).
Three hundred feet from side lot lines (100 feet if adjacent to a site plan or special use).
One hundred fifty feet from rear lot lines (75 feet if adjacent to a site plan or special use).
Other conditions. Fuel storage tanks shall be buried. Installation, maintenance and use of such tanks shall comply with all applicable state and local regulations.
Warehouse facilities.
Location. Warehouse facilities are permitted as special uses in Hamlet (H) and Agricultural and Residential-3 (AR-3) Districts only.
Buffers. The given district's area requirements shall be increased to provide the following buffers.
Fifty feet from road rights-of-way (25 feet if opposite from a site plan or special use).
Two hundred feet from side lot lines (zero feet if adjacent to a site plan or special use).
One hundred feet from rear lot lines (zero feet if adjacent to a site plan or special use).
Other conditions. The storage of flammable liquids, solvents, fuels or noxious chemicals shall be prohibited. Hours of operation, type of products stored, fire prevention measures and security requirements may be considered with respect to the compatibility of a proposed warehouse facility with the surrounding neighborhood.