The Zoning Officer shall hereby be authorized to enforce this chapter in accordance with the powers and duties hereunder.
Revocation of zoning permits. The Zoning Officer may revoke previously issued zoning permits in the following instances:
Where the zoning permit was issued based upon false, misleading or insufficient information provided by the applicant;
Where the zoning permit was issued in error and should not have been issued previously due to noncompliance; or
Where the zoning permit was properly issued, but the applicant has since undertaken changes to the subject lot, the buildings or structures thereon or the uses thereof in a manner contrary to such permit or otherwise in violation of this chapter.
Right of entry. The Zoning Officer may enter upon any lot and into any building or structure thereon for the express purpose of enforcing this chapter. Any person who shall apply for a zoning permit or who shall be undertaking work or using a lot or a building or structure thereon, pursuant to a zoning permit, shall be deemed to have consented to inspection of the premises by the Zoning Officer at reasonable times, with reasonable notice for cause. No person shall refuse such entry without due cause. Such right of entry shall be subject to the following conditions:
Its use shall be limited to conducting compliance inspections and investigations of violations.
Its use shall require that at least 24 hours' prior notice of the intended entry be provided to the property owner or tenant thereof, as appropriate.
Proper identification shall be displayed prior to entry.
Proper discretion shall be exercised with respect to the privacy and convenience of the owner or tenants.
Inspection and certification of compliance. The Zoning Officer shall be responsible for inspecting and certifying the compliance of the development activities and/or uses undertaken pursuant to each zoning permit issued.
Investigation and remedy of violations. The Zoning Officer shall be responsible for investigating known or probable violations of this chapter and for undertaking actions to remedy actual violations.
No new building or structure and no new addition, expansion or extension to an existing building or structure shall be used or occupied and no new use of land or the buildings or structures thereon shall be continued, unless and until the Zoning Officer has inspected the premises and issued a compliance certificate therefor, in accordance with the issued zoning permit.
Reasonable grounds. When there exist reasonable grounds to believe that a development activity or use is being undertaken in violation of this chapter, the Zoning Officer shall investigate the premises involved. Reasonable grounds shall consist of a formal written or verbal complaint or direct observation by the Zoning Officer or another Town official.
Notice and order. Where investigation has determined that a violation of this chapter exists, the Zoning Officer shall promptly provide written notice and order to the property owner or owner's agent, or both. Such notice and order shall cite the development activity or use involved and the specific provision being violated thereby. Such notice and order shall order the cessation or correction of such violation within a minimum reasonable time period.
Other remedies. Where a person has been given a notice and order but fails to cease or correct the activity cited as a violation, the Zoning Officer shall consult with the Town Board for instructions regarding remedies, which may include the following:
Initiating proceedings before the Town Justice whereby civil or criminal penalties may be imposed;
Seeking an injunction against said activity where it poses an immediate threat to the public health, safety or general welfare of any inhabitant of the town; and/or
Undertaking such other lawful remedy as instructed by the Town Board.
Any person found guilty of violating any provision of this chapter shall be deemed to have committed an offense punishable by a fine not exceeding $350 or imprisonment for a period not exceeding six months, or both. Each week of continued violation shall constitute a separate violation.