[Adopted 6-7-1993 ATM, Art. 5 (Article XIV of the 1993 General Bylaws)]
There shall be a Town Moderator, elected, whose term of office shall be three years. (Charter § C-2.13A)
The Town Moderator shall preside over and regulate all of the proceedings of the Town at Town Meetings, as hereinafter set forth in Article XX of these bylaws; and pursuant thereto, shall decide all questions of order and make public declaration of all votes. He shall otherwise have all of the powers and duties conferred upon him by the Charter, the Town bylaws, votes of Town Meetings, and the General Laws of the Commonwealth. (Charter § C-2.13B)
The Town Moderator shall appoint the members of the Finance Committee, as hereinafter set forth in § 13-17A of Chapter 13, Boards, Commissions and Committees, Article IX, Finance Committee, of these bylaws. (Charter § C-2.13C)