The Utilities Director shall advise the Receiver of Taxes and Assessments of Owego of the name of each owner of real property, which property is connected to any water distribution system within the Town of Owego, together with a description of the real property. Thereafter, the Assessors shall advise the said Receiver of any change in ownership on the assessment rolls of any property located within any water district in the Town of Owego.
The Town Board shall, from time to time, establish water rates for the Consolidated Water District and the Route 38 Water District of the Town of Owego. These water rents imposed within the Town of Owego shall become due and payable to the Receiver of Taxes and Assessments, at such time as may be fixed by the Town Board.
[Added 12-20-2005 by L.L. No. 10-2005]
The Director of Utilities will hear disputes concerning water rent billings. Following an investigation, a recommendation on resolution will be made to the Town Board. The Town Board shall have the authority to modify any water rent billings.
Any person, firm or corporation owing any water rent as herein provided may pay the same in the month in which the said water rent becomes due and payable without further charge. In the event that said water rent is not paid within that month in which the said water rent became due and payable, then a penalty of 10% of the water rent shall be added to said rent on the first day of the month following the month in which said rent became due.
In the event of a violation of any provision of this chapter, by any person, including an unpaid water rent bill for more than four months, the water may be shut off on seven days' written notice to such person, except under emergency conditions where no notice is required.
[Amended 12-20-2005 by L.L. No. 10-2005]
In the event that the water rent or other charges due prior to the month of October in each calendar year remains unpaid on the first of October of such year, then in such event the Receiver of Taxes and Assessments shall file with the Town Board on the first day of November a statement showing the unpaid water charges, together with penalties, a brief description of the property upon which the water was used and the names of the persons liable to pay for the same. The Town Supervisor shall transmit such statement to the County Legislature at its next regular meeting for its action, pursuant to Town Law.
The owner of any property is liable for all water bills and charges against the property for the consumption of water, service repairs or meter repairs, etc.
The said Receiver of Taxes and Assessments shall pay all water rents received by him, including penalties and interest, to the Supervisor of the Town of Owego.
The money in the water districts, Town of Owego, shall be applied toward the maintenance, operations, enlargement and improvement of the water system and for the payment of the principal and interest of bonds issued.