Except for deliveries by, to, and from those business properties defined in §§ 160-23 and 160-24 of Chapter 160, Zoning, of the Municipal Code of East Williston, commercial vehicles, as defined in Subsection B of this section, are excluded from the following highways within the Village of East Williston:
Atlanta Avenue.
Sumter Avenue.
Ogden Avenue.
Lee Avenue.
Post Lane.
This section shall not apply to those commercial vehicles making deliveries to residences on the above-mentioned highways.
Commercial vehicles in excess of a weight of four tons shall be prohibited on East Williston Avenue, with the exception of commercial vehicles making local deliveries.
[Added 9-8-2003 by L.L. No. 5-2003]
Commercial vehicles as defined by Subsection B of this section are excluded from the following highways within the Village of East Williston:
Sagamore Avenue from East Williston Avenue south to the Village line.
A "commercial vehicle" is every type of motor-driven vehicle used for commercial purposes on the highways, such as the transportation of goods, wares and merchandise and motor coaches carrying passengers, including trailers and semitrailers, and tractors when used in combination with trailers and semitrailers, and excepting such vehicles as are run only upon rails or tracks.