Work to remain accessible and exposed. Work shall remain accessible and exposed until inspected and accepted by the Code Enforcement Officer or by an Inspector authorized by the Code Enforcement Officer. The permit holder shall notify the Code Enforcement Officer when any element of work described in Subsection B of this section is ready for inspection.
Elements of work to be inspected. The following elements of the construction process shall be inspected made, where applicable:
Work site prior to the issuance of a building permit;
Footing and foundation;
Preparation for concrete slab;
Building systems, including underground and rough-in;
Fire-resistant construction;
Fire-resistant penetrations;
Solid-fuel-burning heating appliances, chimneys, flues or gas vents;
Energy Code compliance; and
A final inspection after all work authorized by the building permit has been completed.
Inspection results. After inspection, the work or a portion thereof shall be noted as satisfactory as completed, or the permit holder shall be notified as to where the work fails to comply with the Uniform Code or Energy Code. Work not in compliance with any applicable provision of the Uniform Code or Energy Code shall remain exposed until such work shall have been brought into compliance with all applicable provisions of the Uniform Code and the Energy Code, re-inspected, and found satisfactory as completed.
Authority to issue. The Code Enforcement Officer is authorized to issue stop-work orders pursuant to this section. The Code Enforcement Officer shall issue a stop-work order to halt:
Any work that is determined by the Code Enforcement Officer to be contrary to any applicable provision of the Uniform Code or Energy Code, without regard to whether such work is or is not work for which a building permit is required, and without regard to whether a building permit has or has not been issued for such work; or
Any work that is being conducted in a dangerous or unsafe manner in the opinion of the Code Enforcement Officer, without regard to whether such work is or is not work for which a building permit is required, and without regard to whether a building permit has or has not been issued for such work; or
Any work for which a building permit is required which is being performed without their required building permit, or under a building permit that has become invalid, has expired, or has been suspended or revoked.
Content of stop-work orders. Stop-work orders shall:
Be in writing;
Be dated and signed by the Code Enforcement Officer;
State the reason or reasons for issuance; and
If applicable, state the conditions which must be satisfied before work will be permitted to resume.
Service of stop-work orders. The Code Enforcement Officer shall cause the stop-work order, or a copy thereof, to be served on the owner of the affected property (and, if the owner is not the permit holder, on the permit holder) personally or by certified mail and regular mail. The Code Enforcement Officer shall be permitted, but not required, to cause the stop-work order, or a copy thereof, to be served on any builder, architect, tenant, contractor, subcontractor, construction superintendent, or their agents, or any other person taking part or assisting in work affected by the stop-work order, personally or by certified mail and regular mail; provided, however, that failure to serve any person mentioned in this sentence shall not affect the efficacy of the stop-work order.
Effect of stop-work order. Upon the issuance of a stop-work order, the owner of the affected property, the permit holder and any other person performing, taking part in or assisting in the work shall immediately cease all work which is the subject of the stop-work order.
Remedy not exclusive. The issuance of a stop-work order shall not be the exclusive remedy available to address any event described in Subsection A of this section, and the authority to issue a stop-work order shall be in addition to, and not in substitution for or limitation of, the right and authority to pursue any other remedy or impose any other penalty under § 76-19, Violations; penalties for offenses, of this chapter or under any other applicable local law or state law. Any such other remedy or penalty may be pursued at any time, whether prior to, at the time of, or after the issuance of a stop-work order.
Certificates of occupancy/certificates of compliance required. A certificate of occupancy/certificate of compliance shall be required for any work which is the subject of a building permit and for all structures, buildings, or portions thereof which are converted from one use or occupancy classification or subclassification to another. Permission to use or occupy a building or structure, or portion thereof, for which a building permit was previously issued shall be granted only by issuance of a certificate of occupancy/certificate of compliance.
Issuance of certificates of occupancy/certificates of compliance. The Code Enforcement Officer shall issue a certificate of occupancy/certificate of compliance if the work which was the subject of the building permit was completed in accordance with all applicable provisions of the Uniform Code and Energy Code and, if applicable, that the structure, building or portion thereof that was converted from one use or occupancy classification or subclassification to another complies with all applicable provisions of the Uniform Code and Energy Code. The Code Enforcement Officer or an Inspector authorized by the Code Enforcement Officer shall inspect the building, structure or work prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy/certificate of compliance. In addition, where applicable, the following documents, prepared in accordance with the provisions of the Uniform Code by such person or persons as may be designated by or otherwise acceptable to the Code Enforcement Officer, at the expense of the applicant for the certificate of occupancy/certificate of compliance, shall be provided to the Code Enforcement Officer prior to the issuance of the certificate of occupancy/certificate of compliance:
A written statement of structural observations and/or a final report of special inspections;
Flood hazard certifications;
Preparation of a code analysis; and
A registered design professional certification of compliance.
Contents of certificates of occupancy/certificates of compliance. A certificate of occupancy/certificate of compliance shall contain the following information:
The building permit number, if any;
The date of issuance of the building permit, if any;
The name, address and Tax Map number of the property;
If the certificate of occupancy/certificate of compliance is not applicable to an entire structure, a description of that portion of the structure for which the certificate of occupancy/certificate of compliance is issued;
The use and occupancy classification of the structure;
The type of construction of the structure;
The assembly occupant load of the structure, if any;
If an automatic sprinkler system is provided, a notation as to whether the sprinkler system is required and in compliance with the required standards;
Any special conditions imposed in connection with the issuance of the building permit; and
The signature of the Code Enforcement Officer issuing the certificate of occupancy/certificate of compliance and the date of issuance.
Temporary certificate. The Code Enforcement Officer shall be permitted to issue a temporary certificate allowing the temporary occupancy of a building or structure, or a portion thereof, prior to completion of the work which is the subject of a building permit. However, in no event shall the Code Enforcement Officer issue a temporary certificate unless the Code Enforcement Officer determines that the building or structure, or the portion thereof covered by the temporary certificate, may be occupied safely; that any fire- and smoke-detecting or fire protection equipment which has been installed is operational; and that all required means of egress from the building or structure have been provided. The Code Enforcement Officer may include in a temporary certificate such terms and conditions as he or she deems necessary or appropriate to ensure safety or to further the purposes and intent of the Uniform Code. A temporary certificate shall be effective for a period of time, not to exceed six months, which shall be determined by the Code Enforcement Officer and specified in the temporary certificate. During the specified period of effectiveness of the temporary certificate, the permit holder shall undertake to bring the building or structure into full compliance with all applicable provisions of the Uniform Code and the Energy Code.
Revocation or suspension of certificates. If the Code Enforcement Officer determines that a certificate of occupancy/certificate of compliance or a temporary certificate was issued in error because of incorrect, inaccurate or incomplete information, and if the relevant deficiencies are not corrected to the satisfaction of the Code Enforcement Officer within such period of time as shall be specified by the Code Enforcement Officer, the Code Enforcement Officer shall revoke or suspend such certificate.
Fee. The fees must be paid at the time of submission of an application for a certificate of occupancy/certificate of compliance or for temporary certificate. Such fees shall be as set forth by resolution of the Village of Depew Board of Trustees.