Barnabas Drive from Dick Road to easterly end is hereby designated a through highway and stop signs shall be erected on the following entrances thereto:
J.F.K. Lane from the south.
Jackie Lane from the south.
Candace Lane from the north and south.
Helenbrook Lane from the south.
Caroline Lane from the south.
Karen Lane from the south.
Jane Lane from the south.
Madaline Lane from the north and south.
Cardy Lane from the south.
Bloomfield Avenue between Terrace Boulevard and Broadway is hereby designated a through highway and stop signs shall be erected on the following entrances thereto:
Warsaw Street from the north and south.
Wenona Street from the north and south, and additional on Bloomfield Avenue from the east and west, creating an all-way stop.
[Amended 9-11-2017 by L.L. No. 3-2017]
Kokomo Street from the north.
Broadway is hereby designated a through highway and stop signs shall be erected on the following entrances thereto:
Indian Road from the south.
Chateau Court from the north.
Borden Road from the south.
"A" Street from the north.
Rutherford Place from the south.
Erie Street from the north.
Bigelow Place from the south.
Lackawanna Street from the north.
South Bryant Street from the south.
Bryant Street from the north.
River Street from the north and south.
Canton Street from the north.
Ellington Street from the north.
Bellevue Avenue from the north and south.
Wilton Street from the north.
Kieffer Avenue from the south.
West Avenue from the south.
Elmwood Avenue from the south.
Meridian Street from the north.
Woodlawn Avenue from the south.
Marengo Street from the north.
Warsaw Street from the north.
South Warsaw Street from the south.
Wenona Street from the north.
South Wenona Street from the south.
South Kokomo Street from the south.
Calumet Street from the north.
Brunswick Road from the south.
Terrace Boulevard from "A" Street to Transit Road and from Transit Road to Calumet Street is hereby designated a through highway and stop signs shall be erected on the following entrances thereto:
"A" Street from the north and south.
Lehigh Avenue from the south.
Erie Avenue from the north and south.
Lackawanna Avenue from the north and south.
Bryant Avenue from the north and south.
River Street from the north and south.
Canton Street from the north and south.
Ellington Avenue from the north and south.
Bellevue Avenue from the north and south.
Easton Street from the north and south.
Wilton Street from the south.
Preston Street from the south.
Westfield Avenue from the northwest.
Litchfield Avenue from the southwest.
Meridian Street from the north and south.
Marengo Street from the north and south.
Suffield Avenue from the northeast.
Bloomfield Avenue from the southeast.
Warsaw Street from the north and south.
Wenona Street from the north and south.
Kokomo Street from the north and south.
Penora Street from the north and south.
Manitou Street from the north and south.
Sanilac Street from the north and south.
Calumet Street from the north.
Transit Road is hereby designated a through highway and stop signs shall be erected on the following entrances thereto:
Depew High School entrances from the east.
Cayuga Boulevard from the east and west.
Zurbrick Road from the west.
Gould Avenue from the east and west.
Bostwick Avenue from the west.
Harvard Avenue from the west.
Eliot Avenue from the east.
Columbia Avenue from the east.
Argus Drive from the east.
Entry Drive from the east.
Airview Terrace from the west.
Lee Street from the west.
Hanwell Place from the east.
Rehm Road from the east and west.
Walden Avenue is hereby designated a through highway and stop signs shall be erected on the following entrances thereto:
Ellicott Road from the south.
Burkhardt Avenue from the north.
Autumn Lea Road from the north.
Bissell Avenue from the north.
Ledyard Avenue from the north.
Rossiter Street from the north.
Vanderbilt from the north.
University Boulevard from the north.
Princeton Street from the northeast.
West 3rd Street from the north.
West 2nd Street from the north.
New Street from the south.
Tyler Street from the north.
Rumford Street from the north.
Brewster Street from the north.
Lincoln Street from the north.
Ellicott Place from the north.
Crane Street from the north.
Harlan Street from the north.
Houston Street from the north.
Burlington Avenue from the northwest.
The following intersections are hereby designated as stop intersections, and stop signs shall be erected on the street entrances of the second mentioned streets with the first mentioned streets as follows:
"A" Street with Terrace Boulevard from the east and west.
Airview Terrace with Donna Court from the south.
Airview Terrace with Howard Lane from the north.
Alagraw Drive with Green Terrace from the north and south.
Alagraw Drive with Lewan Drive from the north and south.
Albert Street with Albert Court from the east.
Albert Street with Martin Court from the east.
Albert Street with Regal Street from the east.
Alys Drive East with Alys Drive School entrance from the north.
Alys Drive East with Bonita Drive from the east.
Alys Drive West with Carol Lane from the west.
Anthony Drive with Domino Court from the west.
Antoinette Drive with Rebut Road from the east and west.
[Added 6-20-1994 by L.L. No. 2-1994]
Argus Drive with Arlington Place from the north.
Argus Drive with Darwin Drive from the north.
Argus Drive with Krieger Drive from the south, and additionally Kreiger Drive with Argus Drive from the east and west, creating an all-way stop.
[Amended 9-11-2017 by L.L. No. 3-2017]
Arlington Place with Asbury Place from the east.
Arlington Place with Entry Drive from the west.
Arlington Place with Middlesex Road from the east.
Ashford Place with Dorset Drive from the west.
Babette with Buffalo-Depew Boulevard from the east.
[Added 2-15-1988 by L.L. No. 1-1988]
Beverly Drive with Donna Court from the east.
Bonita Drive with Beverly Drive from the north and south.
Bonita Drive with French Road from the east and west.
Borden Road with Rowley Road from the west.
Borden Road with Zurbrick Road from the east.[1]
Brunswick Road with Dudley Street from the north.
[Added 9-23-1996 by L.L. No. 5-1996]
Brunswick Road with Spohn Drive from the north.
[Added 9-23-1996 by L.L. No. 5-1996]
Bryant Street South with Humboldt Place from the east.
Buchanan Street with Autumn Lea Road from the south.
Buchanan Street with Bissell Avenue from the south.
Buchanan Street with Ledyard Avenue from the north to the south.
[Added 8-24-1998 by L.L. No. 5-1998]
Buchanan Street with Rossiter Street from the south.
Buffalo-Depew Boulevard with Babette Drive from the north and south.
[Added 11-2-1992 by L.L. No. 6-1992]
Buffalo-Depew Boulevard with Dean Road from the north and south.
[Added by L.L. No. 6-1980]
Buffalo-Depew Boulevard with Hyland Avenue from the north and south.
[Added 10-2-1978 by L.L. No. 6-1978]
Burlington Avenue with Ellicott Place from the south.
Burlington Avenue with Crane Street from the north and south.
Burlington Avenue with Harlan Street from the south.
Burlington Avenue with Houston Street from the north and south.
Burlington Avenue with Olanta Street from the north.
Burlington Avenue with Terrell Street from the north.
Calumet Street with Hawro Place from the west.
Candace Lane with Barnabas Drive from the east and west.
Candace Lane with Mary Lou Lane from the east.
Cayuga Boulevard with South Bellevue Avenue from the north and south.
Cayuga Boulevard with South Ellington Street from the north and south.
Chateau Court, north-south portion, with Chateau Court from the east and west.
Cheryl Lane with Cornell Drive from the south.
Christopher Drive with Argus Drive from the north.
Cloyes Avenue with Conrad Street from the north.
Cloyes Avenue with Miller Street from the north and south.
Colony Street with Wayside Drive from the west.
[Added 9-17-1979 by L.L. No. 6-1979]
Colony Street with Woodview Drive from the west.
[Added 9-17-1979 by L.L. No. 6-1979]
Columbia Avenue with Ashford Place from the north.
Columbia Avenue with Forest View Drive from the north.
[Added 3-4-1974 by Ord. No. 74-3]
Columbia Avenue with Leonard Drive from the south.
Columbia Avenue with Lincoln Street from the south.
Columbia Avenue with Marrano Drive from the north.
Columbia Avenue with Ridge View Street from the south.
Columbia Avenue with Ridgeway Street from the south.
Columbia Avenue with Warner Road from the north and south.[2]
Conrad Place with Cloyes Avenue from the west.
[Added 8-17-1981 by L.L. No. 6-1981]
Conrad Place with Spohn Drive from the east.
[Added 8-17-1981 by L.L. No. 6-1981]
Cornell Drive with Dartmouth Drive from the east.
Cornell Drive with French Road from the east and west.
Cornell Drive with Michele Drive from the east.
Cornell Drive with Susan Drive from the west.
Darwin Drive with Argus Drive from the east and west.
Darwin Drive with Arlington Place from the west.
Darwin Drive with Asbury Place from the west.
Darwin Drive with Christophel Drive from the east.
Darwin Drive with Lindan Drive from the west.
Darwin Drive with Middlesex Road from the west.
Dean Road with Buffalo-Depew Boulevard from the east and west.
[Added by L.L. No. 3-1988]
Dick Road with Ellicott Road from the east.
Dick Road with Barnabas Drive from the east.
Dick Road with Meadowlawn Road from the east.
Dick Road with North Creek Drive from the east.
Dick Road with South Creek Drive from the east.
Donna Court with Fairview Drive from the south.
Dorset Drive with Ashford Place from the east.
Dorset Drive with Bellwood Drive from the east.
[Added 8-25-1972 by Ord. No. 72-4]
Dorset Drive with Center Drive from the east.
Eliot Avenue with Brewster Street from the north and south.
Eliot Avenue with Rumford Street from the north and south.
Eliot Avenue with Tyler Street from the north and south.
Ellicott Road with Olmstead Avenue from the east.
[Added 5-7-1985 by L.L. No. 1-1985]
Elmwood Avenue with Elmwood Place from the west.
[Amended 6-1-1981 by L.L. No. 4-1981]
Erie Avenue with Gould Avenue from the east and west.
Erie Avenue with Highland Avenue from the west.
Erie Avenue with Terrace Boulevard from the east and west.
Fairview Drive with Fairview Court from the east.
Falcon Drive with Crane Street from the south.
Falcon Drive with Houston Street from the south.
Falcon Drive with Olanta Street from the south.
Falcon Drive with Terrell Street from the south.
French Road with Alys Drive East from the north.
French Road with Alys Drive West from the north.
French Road with Beverly Drive from the north.
French Road with Blessed Sacrament School entrances from the north.
French Road with Bonita Drive from the north.
French Road with Christine Drive from the south.
French Road with Columbia Avenue from the southwest.
[Added 1-8-1973 by Ord. No. 73-2]
French Road with Cornell Drive from the north and south.
French Road with Dartmouth Drive from the south.
French Road with Fairview Drive from the north.
French Road with George Urban Boulevard from the south.
[Added by L.L. No. 6-1977]
French Road with Green Terrace from the north.
French Road with Irving Terrace from the south.
French Road with Krieger Street from the north.
French Road with Lewan Drive from the north.
French Road with Mona Court from the north.
French Road with Norman Drive from the north.
French Road with Pamela Drive from the south.
French Road with Rogers Drive from the south.
French Road with Sylvia Drive from the south.
French Road with Tyler Street from the south.
[Added 3-4-1974 by Ord. No. 74-3]
George Urban Boulevard with Babbette from the north together with no right on red.
[Added 4-12-1988 by L.L. No. 3-1988]
George Urban Boulevard with Banko Drive from the north.
George Urban Boulevard with Bissell Avenue from the south.
George Urban Boulevard with Candace Lane from the south.
George Urban Boulevard with Colgate Drive from the north.
George Urban Boulevard with Dean Road from the north.
George Urban Boulevard with French Road from the east.
George Urban Boulevard with Hyland Road from the north.
George Urban Boulevard with King Avenue from the south.
George Urban Boulevard with Ledyard Avenue from the south.
[Added by L.L. No. 6-1977]
George Urban Boulevard with Lou Ann Drive from the north.
George Urban Boulevard with Madaline Lane from the south.
George Urban Boulevard with Pamela Drive from the north.
George Urban Boulevard with Rossiter Street from the south.
George Urban Boulevard with Sable Palm Drive from the north.
George Urban Boulevard with Seabert Avenue from the south.
George Urban Boulevard with Sherwood Court from the south.
George Urban Boulevard with Taylor Boulevard from the south.
Gould Avenue with Bellevue Avenue from the south.
Gould Avenue with Bryant Avenue from the south.
Gould Avenue with Canton Street from the south.
Gould Avenue with Ellington from the south.
Gould Avenue with Erie Avenue from the south.
Gould Avenue with Erie Place from the north.
Gould Avenue with Kokomo Street from the south.
Gould Avenue with Lackawanna Avenue from the south.
Gould Avenue with Marengo Street from the south.
Gould Avenue with Meridian Street from the south.
Gould Avenue with Penora Street from the north and south.
[Added 9-15-1987 by L.L. No. 4-1987]
Gould Avenue with Preston Street from the south.
Gould Avenue with River Street from the south.
Gould Avenue with Suffield Avenue from the southwest.
[Added 8-16-1982 by L.L. No. 4-1982]
Gould Avenue with Westfield Avenue from the southeast.
Gould Avenue with Warsaw Street from the south.
Grant Avenue with Morgan Street from the south.
Green Terrace with Alagraw Drive from the north and south.
[Added 3-23-1998 by L.L. No. 3-1998]
Hanwell Place with Anthony Drive from the north.
Hanwell Place with Antoinette Drive from the north.
Hanwell Place with Argus Drive from the south.
Hanwell Place with Darwin Drive from the south.
Hanwell Place with Kibler Drive from the north.
Harvard Avenue with Canisius Drive from the south.
Harvard Avenue with Nardin Drive from the south.
Harvard Avenue with Princeton Boulevard from the southwest.
Harvard Avenue with University Boulevard from the north and south.
[Added 11-13-2000 by L.L. No. 3-2000]
Harvard Avenue with West 1st Street from the south.
Harvard Avenue with West 2nd Street from the south.
Harvard Avenue with West 3rd street from the south.
Harvard Avenue with West 4th Street from the south.
Harvard Avenue with West 5th Street from the south.
Hawro Place with Manitou Street from the north.
Hawro Place with Sanilac Street from the north.
Houston Street with Burlington Avenue from the east and west.
[Added 2-21-1990 by L.L. No. 2-1990]
Hyland Road with Buffalo-Depew Boulevard from the east and west.
Irving Terrace with Colgate Drive from the north.
Irving Terrace with French Road from the east and west.
Irving Terrace with Morris Circle from the north.
Irving Terrace with Morris Circle from the west.
Irving Terrace with Rogers Drive from the east.
Irving Terrace with Stewart Drive from the north.
Jackie Lane with Gill Lane from the west.
J.F.K. Lane with Gill Lane from the east.
Laverack Avenue with Calumet Street from the north and south.
Laverack Avenue with Sanilac Street from the north and south.
Laverack Avenue with Wyandotte Street from the north and south.
Ledyard Avenue with Buchanan Street from the east and west.
Ledyard Avenue with Sherwood Court from the west.
[Added by L.L. No. 6-1977]
Lee Street with Albert Street from the east.
Lee Street with Albert Street from the north.
Lee Street with Frederick Street from the west.
Lee Street with George Street from the north.
Lee Street with Howard Lane from the south.
Lee Street with Rehm Road from the west.
[Added by L.L. No. 6-1981]
Liberty Street with South Warsaw Street from the north.
Lincoln Street with Eliot Avenue from the west.
Lincoln Street Olmstead Avenue from the east and west.
Lindan Drive with Lindan Court from the west.
Litchfield Avenue with Easton Street from the north.
Litchfield Avenue with Preston Street from the north and south.
Litchfield Avenue with Wilton Street from the north and south.
Madaline Lane with Barnabas Drive from the east and west.
Madaline Lane with Mary Lou Lane from the west.
Main Street with Calumet Street from the south and north.
Main Street with Muskingum Street from the south.
Main Street with Neoga Street from the south.
Main Street with Penora Street from the south.
Main Street with Sanilac Street from the south.
Main Street with Wyandott Street from the south.
Marengo Street with Minden Street from the west.
Marengo Street with Park Place from the west.
Marrano Drive with Hanwell Place from the east.
Meridian Street with Minden Street from the east.
Meridian Street with Park Place from the east.
Michele Drive with Carol Lane from the east.
Mona Court with the three court area entrances from the east.
Morris Circle with Stewart Drive from the south.
Muskingum Street with Laverack Avenue from the east.
Muskingum Street with Little Place from the east.
Nardin Drive with Canisius Drive from the west.
Norman Drive with Alagraw Drive from the west.
Norman Drive with Claude Drive from the east (from both entrances).
North Creek Drive with Candace Lane from the north.
North Creek Drive with Cardy Lane from the north.
North Creek Drive with Caroline Lane from the north.
North Creek Drive with Helenbrook Lane from the north.
North Creek Drive with Jackie Lane from the north.
North Creek Drive with Jane Lane from the north.
North Creek Drive with J.F.K. Lane from the north.
North Creek Drive with Karen Lane from the north.
North Creek Drive with Madaline Lane from the north.
Olmstead Avenue with Brewster Street from the south.
Olmstead Avenue with Grant Street from the northeast.
Olmstead Avenue with Lincoln Street from the north and south.
Olmstead Avenue with Morgan Street from the north.
Olmstead Avenue with Ruthford Street from the south.
Olmstead Avenue with Tyler Street from the north and south.
Olmstead Avenue with Warner Road from the north.
Pamela Drive with Christine Drive from the north.
Pamela Drive with Pamela Court from the northeast.
Pamela Drive with Sylvia Drive from the north.
Patrick Lane with Enez Drive from the east.
Patrick Lane with Evane Drive from the east.
Patrick Lane with Claudette Court from the east.
Patsy Lane with Rehm Road from the east (westerly entrance).
[Added 8-17-1981 by L.L. No. 6-1981]
Penora Street with Bryan Avenue from the east.
Penora Street with Cloyes Avenue from the east and west.
Penora Street with Gould Avenue from the east and west.
Penora Street with Hawro Place from the east.
Penora Street with St. James Street from the east and west.
Penora Street with Terrace Boulevard from the east and west.
Princeton Place with Harvard Avenue from the west.
Princeton Place with Nardin Drive from the north.
Princeton Place with West 3rd Street from the south.
Princeton Place with West 4th Street from the north.
Princeton Place with West 5th Street from the north.
Rehm Road with Anthony Drive from the south.
Rehm Road with Antoinette Drive from the south.
Rehm Road with Kibler Drive from the south.
Rehm Road with Lee Street from the south.
Rehm Road with Patsy Lane from the north (both entrances).
Rehm Road with Regal Street from the south.
Rossiter Avenue with Buchanan Street from the east.
Rowley Road with Borden Road from the south.
Rowley Road with Honorine Drive from the south.
[Added 3-4-1974 by Ord. No. 74-3]
Rowley Road with Keicher Road from the south.
Rumford Street with Eliot Avenue from the east and west.
Sable Palm Drive with Claudette Court from the west.
Sable Palm Drive with Enez Drive from the west.
Sable Palm Drive with Evane Drive from the west.
Sanilac Street with Laverack Avenue from the east and west.
Sanilac Street with Little Place from the west.
Sanilac Street with Terrace Boulevard from the east and west.
[Added 11-6-1989 by L.L. No. No. 3-1989]
Sherwood Court with Bissell Avenue from the north.
Sherwood Court with Burkhardt Avenue from the south.
Sherwood Court with King Avenue from the north.[3]
Sherwood Court with Rossiter Street from the north.
Sherwood Court with Seabert Avenue from the north.
South Ellington Street with Cayuga Boulevard from the east.
South Ellington Street with Henry Street from the west.
South Wenona Street with Short Street from the east.
Spohn Drive with Brunswick Road from the north.
Spohn Drive with Conway Street from the north.
St. James Street with Calumet Street from the north.
St. James Street with Muskingum Street from the north.
St. James Street with Neoga Street from the north.
St. James Street with Wyandotte Street from the north.
St. Mary's Street with Calumet Street from the south.
Suffield Avenue with Kokomo Street from the south.[4]
Suffield Avenue with Warsaw Street from the north and south.
Suffield Avenue with Wenona Street from the south.
Taylor Boulevard with Arcata Street from the east.
Terrace Boulevard with "A" Street from the east and west.
[Added 6-16-1980 by L.L. No. 4-1980]
University Boulevard with Harvard Avenue from the east.
Warner Road with Ashford Place from the east.
Warner Road with Bellwood Drive from the west.
Warner Road with Burlington Avenue from the west.
[Added 5-7-1985 by L.L. No. 1-1985]
Warner Road with Center Drive from the west._
Warner Road with Columbia Avenue from the east and west.
Warner Road with Wayside Drive from the west.
Wayside Drive with Colony Street from the north and south.
[Added 9-17-1979 by L.L. No. 6-1979; amended 10-21-1991 by L.L. No. 2-1991]
Wayside Drive with Dorset Drive from the south.
Wayside Drive with Forestview Drive from the south.
[Added 3-4-1974 by Ord. No. 74-3]
Westfield Avenue with Easton Street on the south.
Westfield Avenue with Preston Street on the north.
West 2nd Street with Bostwick Place from the east.
West 2nd Street with Harvard Avenue from the east.
[Added 8-25-1972 by Ord. No. 72-4]
Woodlawn Avenue with Liberty Street from the east.
Woodview Drive with Colony Street from the north.
[Added 9-13-2004 by L.L. No. 3-2004]
Woodview Drive with Colony Street from the south.
[Added 9-13-2004 by L.L. No. 3-2004]
Woodview Drive with Forestview Drive from the west.
[Added 3-4-1974 by Ord. No. 74-3]
Wyandotte Street with Laverack Avenue from the east and west
[Added 1-27-2003 by L.L. No. 1-2003]
Wyandotte Street with St. James Street from the west.
Zurbrick Road with Bellevue Avenue from the south.
Zurbrick Road with South Ellington Street from the south.
Zurbrick Road with South Canton Street from the south.
Zurbrick Road with South River Street from the south.
Editor's Note: Original entry 14, which followed this entry, was deleted 6-1-1981 by L.L. No. 4-1981.
Editor's Note: The former entry for Columbia Avenue with French Road, which followed this entry, was deleted 1-8-1973 by Ord. No. 73-2.
Editor's Note: The former entries for Sherwood Court intersections with Ledyard Avenue and George Urban Boulevard were repealed by L.L. No. No. 6-1977.
Editor's Note: The former entry for Suffield Avenue with Gould Avenue was repealed 8-16-1982 by L.L. No. 4-1982. See now Gould Avenue.