The subdivider, before the approval of the subdivision plat, shall establish a letter of credit sufficient to insure the satisfactory completion of the following required improvements except where waivers may be approved. The Planning Board may waive, subject to appropriate conditions, such improvements as it considers are not requisite in the interest of public health, safety and general welfare.
Streets. All streets shall be constructed, graded and paved in accordance with these rules and regulations or with the Design Criteria and Construction Specifications for Land Development for the Town of South Bristol.[1]
Editor's Note: The Design Criteria and Construction Specifications for Land Development are available for inspection in the office of the Town Clerk.
Storm drains, culverts, catch basins and other drainage structures shall be installed in accordance with the Town of South Bristol's Design Criteria and Construction Specifications.[2] If unusual conditions are discovered at the time of construction which are not provided for on the plans, the Town Engineer shall determine the type and extent of construction required to overcome such conditions.
Editor's Note: The Design Criteria and Construction Specifications for Land Development are available for inspection in the office of the Town Clerk.
Curbing or gutters shall be constructed on both sides of all streets shown on all proposed subdivision plats and in accord with the construction standards on file in the Town Clerk's office.
Street signs shall be of metal and shall be installed at the intersection of all streets in conformity with town specifications at the locations approved by the Planning Board.
Grass strips shall be provided within the portion of the street right-of-way beyond the gutter line and shall be properly graded and seeded.
Sanitary sewers and treatment disposal facilities shall be required. Where a public sanitary sewer is reasonably accessible, the subdivider shall connect or provide for connection with such sanitary sewer and shall provide within the subdivision the sanitary sewer system required to make the sewer accessible to each lot in the subdivision. Sewer systems shall be approved by the agency having jurisdiction in accordance with other requirements of law. Special town or county improvement districts may be required.
Where a public water main is reasonably accessible, the subdivider shall connect with such water main and provide a water connection for each lot in accordance with town standards, procedures and supervision. Fire hydrants shall be required and shall be installed in the locations approved by the town.
Electric, gas and telephone. Location of proposed utilities shall be indicated on the plans. Electric and telephone installation for new subdivisions and developments shall be underground, unless otherwise permitted by the Planning Board.
Permanent survey monuments shall be set in the boundary of rights-of-way at intersecting streets and PC and PT of curves, though the PI of short curves may be used instead, where such is practical, at the discretion of the Town Superintendent of Highways and/or the Town Engineer. Monuments shall be placed on one (1) side of the street only and at only one (1) corner of intersecting streets. Adjacent monumented points shall be intervisible.
Monuments shall be tied into the New York State Coordinate System, or other acceptable datum where practical at the discretion of the Town Superintendent of Highways and/or the Town Engineer. Monument locations shall be shown on the subdivision plat, and field notes of ties to monuments or a tie sheet shall be submitted to the Town Engineer after installation of monuments.
Monuments shall be of stone or concrete and not less than four (4) inches in diameter or square and not less than forty-two (42) inches long or from the top of underlying rock. Concrete monuments shall be reinforced with steel rods, and a plug, brass plate or pin shall serve as the point of reference. If stone, a drilled hole shall serve as the point of reference and a magnetic rod or other suitable metal shall be placed adjacent to the monument to allow for recovery.
Iron pipes shall not be considered permanent monuments for the purpose of these regulations. Approved monument locations shall be shown on the final approved and filed plat.
Individual sewage disposal systems (septic tanks) may be provided in lieu of facilities connected to a public sanitary sewage disposal system where such system is not reasonably available. Such on-site disposal systems shall conform to the specifications contained in Waste Treatment Handbook, Individual Household Systems, published by the New York State Department of Health. Such on-site disposal systems shall be subject to the provisions of these rules and regulations regarding subdivision control and all other applicable laws and regulations of the town, county and state. Sewerage lagoons shall be prohibited.
Individual on-site water supply systems may be provided in lieu of providing a water supply connected to a public utility system where such a system is not reasonably available. Such on-site water supply systems shall be subject to the provisions of these rules and regulations regarding subdivision approval and all other applicable laws and regulations of the town, county and state.