Purpose. The purpose of this overlay district is to delineate areas of the Town which are characterized by important natural features, including but not limited to floodplains, wetlands, stream corridors and unique aesthetic areas.
Review process. The Land Conservation District is an overlay. The uses in the underlying districts are permitted subject to Zoning Board of Appeals review. The review process for this district has two parts. The first step is a determination of the presence and importance of natural features on the proposed development site. If no important natural features are present [i.e., the site is outside the one-hundred-year floodplain (or does not impact an important natural feature)], detailed review by the Zoning Board of Appeals is not required. If a project falls within a conservation overlay and a sensitive natural condition exists, further review is required.
Determination of presence and significance.
For proposed actions in the Land Conservation Overlay District, additional review and submission requirements may be deemed necessary by the Zoning Board of Appeals. Upon referral of a proposed action in the Land Conservation Overlay District, the Zoning Board of Appeals shall first make a determination of the presence and importance of natural features on the development site. To make this determination, the Zoning Board of Appeals may refer to the Comprehensive Plan, Land Development Plan, HUD, FIA, Flood Insurance Maps, DEC wetland maps, Corps of Engineers' data on flood elevations, cross sections, etc. The Zoning Board of Appeals may consult with other review and permit-granting agencies and professionals to make this determination.
The natural features to be considered under this section shall include, but not be limited to, floodplains, wetlands, stream corridors, ravines, rock outcroppings, overlooks, unique settings and areas immediately adjacent to such features.
Review of proposed actions.
Proposed actions which are determined to be in an identified floodplain shall be subject to the provisions of Subsection D of this section.
Proposed actions which are determined to be in or adjacent to other important natural features may be required by the Zoning Board of Appeals to comply with Article XXI of this code.
Proposed actions which are determined to be in or adjacent to a wetland area should be referred to the regional office of the Department of Environmental Conservation. The Zoning Board of Appeals should discourage major filing and construction proposals in and adjacent to wetlands.
Procedures for actions in floodplain areas. The provisions of this chapter shall apply to any use or structure located in a floodplain. Such use or structure must also conform to Chapter 68, Flood Damage Prevention.