[Adopted 5-14-1996 by Ord.
No. 264]
The Board of Supervisors of the Township of Loyalsock is hereby authorized
to impose and recover attorneys fees against the property owner incurred in
the collection of any delinquent account created as a result of a lawfully
imposed municipal claim, pursuant to and in compliance with 53 P.S. § 7106
as amended by Act No. 1996-1, H.B. No. 1076.
Attorneys fees shall be imposed and assessed at a rate
of 10% of the total sum of principle, interest, penalties and costs owed by
the property owner on the delinquent account created as a result of a lawfully
imposed municipal claim.
The Solicitor of Loyalsock Township is authorized and directed to assess
and collect said attorney's fees against the property owner, upon proper notice
to the property owner, in accordance with this legislation and 53 P.S. § 7101,
et seq., as amended by Act No. 1996-1, H.B. No. 1076.