The Mayor and Township Committee, annually, after the holding of one public hearing thereon, shall apportion and allocate the use of such tax receipts among the purpose or purposes set forth in §
69-1A(1) through
[Amended 12-18-2002 by Ord. No. 2002-23; 4-22-2009 by Ord. No. 2009-06; 4-28-2010 by Ord. No.
2010-05; 4-11-2012 by Ord. No. 2012-03]
The Municipal Open Space, Recreation, and Farmland and Historic Preservation Trust Fund shall be funded through the dedication to the fund of an amount of $0.02 per $100 of assessed valuation of each annual tax levy commencing with the year tax and budget year 2012. The fund shall also be permitted to accept donations and testamentary bequests. The accumulated receipts and deposits within the fund may be utilized for the purposes set forth in §§
69-1 and 62-2 herein. Any and all interest accruing shall be retained in and used for the same purposes as established in accordance with §§
69-1 and
69-2 herein.
In the event that no property is acquired under
this chapter for a period of five consecutive years, then the Mayor
and Township Committee shall review the activities of the Advisory
Open Space Committee and issue a report with recommendations and conclusions
concerning the continuation of the fund.