[HISTORY: Adopted by the Board of Supervisors of the Township of Upper Hanover as indicated in article histories. Amendments noted where applicable.]
[Adopted 12-11-2001]
Upper Hanover Township, by and through its authority and relationship with the aforesaid volunteer fire companies,[1] hereby recognizes the authority and authorizes the volunteer fire companies to recover the reasonable costs of fire-fighting materials, equipment, personnel hours and hazardous abatement materials involving any hazardous materials incident, environmental incident, or safety and rescue incident or operation, including vehicular accidents.
Editor's Note: “Aforesaid volunteer fire companies” refers to East Greenville Fire Company, Pennsburg Fire Company, Red Hill Fire Company and Goodwill Fire Company (Bally), which are enumerated in the preface to the resolution that adopted this article.
Said reasonable costs as outlined above may be recovered directly by the volunteer fire companies, through the Township with the consent of the Supervisors or by agreement with the Montgomery County Emergency Management Agency as an authorized agent for the collection of said reasonable costs. The utilization of the Montgomery County Emergency Management Agency shall be for those situations deemed by the Montgomery County Emergency Management Agency as appropriate for collection through the Agency, principally those incidents involving the use of hazardous abatement materials and/or incidents directly involving the Montgomery County Emergency Management Agency.
In addition to the aforementioned reasonable costs, the volunteer fire companies, Upper Hanover Township or Montgomery County Emergency Management Agency shall be authorized to collect a reasonable interest, as well as a reasonable administrative fee for collecting same, and any and all additional fees as may be authorized by the Hazardous Material and Emergency Planning and Response Act[1] or authorized by any other statute, case law or common law.
Editor's Note: See 35 P.S. § 6022.101 et seq.