The term "public ways" as used in this Charter, shall include all streets, avenues, roads, highways, public thoroughfares, lanes, alleys and pedestrian ways.
The Town of Mount Airy shall have charge of all the public ways in the Town except such as may be under the jurisdiction of the Maryland State Highway Administration. Subject to the laws of the State of Maryland and this Charter, the Town of Mount Airy may do whatever it deems necessary to establish, operate and maintain in good condition the public ways of the Town.
The Town of Mount Airy shall have the power:
To establish, regulate and change from time to time the gradelines, width and construction materials of any Town public way or part thereof.
To grade, lay out, construct, open, extend and make new Town public ways.
To grade, straighten, widen, alter, improve or close up any existing Town public way or part thereof.
To pave, surface, repave or resurface any Town public way or part thereof.
To assess the cost, in whole or in part, of any projects under Subsections B, C and D of this section on the abutting property in the manner provided in § C10-2 of this Charter.
The Town of Mount Airy shall have the power:
To establish and change from time to time the grade lines, width and construction materials of any sidewalk or gutter or part thereof.
To grade, lay out, construct, reconstruct, pave, repave, repair, extend or otherwise alter the sidewalks along any public way or part thereof.
To install, repair and maintain curbs and/or gutters along any public way or part thereof.
To require that the owners of any property abutting on a sidewalk keep the sidewalk clear of all ice, snow and other obstructions.
To assess the cost of any projects under Subsections A, B and C of this section on the abutting property in the manner provided in § C10-2 of this Charter.
The Town of Mount Airy shall have the power to require and order the owner of any property abutting on any public way in the Town to perform any projects under § C8-4 of this Charter at the owner's expense according to reasonable plans and specifications. If, after due notice and hearing, the owner fails to comply with the order within a reasonable time, the Town may do the work and the expense shall be a lien on the property and shall be collectible in the same manner as are Town taxes.
For the purpose of carrying out any of the work or projects provided in this article, the Town shall have the power to purchase or condemn any property it deems necessary as hereinafter provided. Any of these projects shall be considered as public improvements within the meaning of § C11-2 of this Charter. Any condemnation proceedings shall be carried on in accordance with § C11-2 of this Charter.
The Town of Mount Airy shall have the power to issue bonds in accordance with the provisions of §§ C6-18 and C6-19 of this Charter to finance work on Town public ways, sidewalks, curbs, gutters or other projects undertaken under the provisions of this article.