An Act for setting off the Inhabitants as also the Estates of the westerly part of Lunenburg into a separate town by the name of Fitchburgh:
BE IT ENACTED by the Governor, Council and House of Representatives, that the Inhabitants with their lands on the westerly part of Lunenburg beginning at such a place on Leominster line as that a straight line therefrom may run between the lands of Moses Paul Wetherby and Jonathan Wood to a stake and stone a small distance to the westward of Mary Holt's house, then turning and running north 10° and 1/2 east to southeast corner of Ephraim Whitney's land, then to keep the easterly side of said Whitney's land to the northeast corner thereof and from that corner to run northwardly on the eastwardly line of John White's land to the northeastwardly corner thereof and from that corner to run north four degrees east to Townsend line, then running west 31° and 1/2 north on Townsend line to Dorchester Canada line, then turning south nine degrees west, eight miles and one hundred and forty rods on Dorchester Canada line to Westminster line, then turning east 11° 30 minutes south, three miles and 31 rods to a heap of stones in Leominster line, then turning and running to the bounds first mentioned, be and is hereby set off and erected into a separate town by the name of Fitchburgh, and that the said town be invested with all the powers, privileges and immunities that other towns in this Province do or may by law enjoy: That of sending a Representative to the General Assembly only excepted, and that the inhabitants of said town shall have full power and right from time to time to join with the said town of Lunenburg in the choice of a Representative or Representatives, and be subject to pay their proportionable part of the charges, who may be chosen either in the town of Lunenburg or the town of Fitchburgh, in which choice they shall enjoy all the privileges which by law they would have been entitled to if this act had not been made; and the Selectmen of the town of Lunenburg shall issue their Warrant to one or more of the Constables of the town of Fitchburgh requiring them to notify the inhabitants of the town of Fitchburgh, of the time and place of their meeting for such choice. PROVIDED, NEVERTHELESS, AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, that the said town of Fitchburgh shall pay their proportion of all Town, County, and Province Taxes already set on or granted to be raised by said town of Lunenburg as if this act had not been made.
AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, that Edward Hartwell, Esq., be and hereby is empowered to issue his warrant directed to some principal inhabitant in said town of Fitchburgh, requiring him to notify and warn the inhabitants of said town qualified by law to vote in town affairs, to meet at such time and place as shall be therein set forth, to choose all such officers as shall be necessary to manage the affairs of said town.
February 2d, 1764.
This bill having been read three several times in the House of Representatives, passed to be enacted.
February 3d, 1764.
This bill having been read three several times in Council, passed to be enacted.
A. OLIVER, Secretary
February 3d, 1764.
By the Governor. I consent to enacting this bill.
A True Copy:--Examined, per
JNO. COLTON, D., Sec'ry.
A True Copy: