Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives, in General Court assembled, and by the authority of the same:
That Thomas Miles of Fitchburg, in the County of Worcester, with his estate, within the bounds herein described, viz., beginning at the southwesterly corner of said Miles' farm, at a stake and stones on Westminster line, thence south eighty degrees east, one hundred and thirteen rods to a stake and stones, thence north eight degrees east, one hundred and thirty-three rods to a bunch of maples marked on the river bank, thence up the river one hundred and eighteen rods to a stake and stones at the edge of the meadow, near said river, by said Westminster line, be set from the said town of Fitchburg, and annexed to the town of Westminster, there to do duty and receive privileges. Provided, however, that the said Thomas Miles be holden to pay all taxes legally assessed upon him by the said town of Fitchburg, before the passing of this act. (Feb. 16, 1813.)