[Amended 2-1-2006 by L.L. No. 2-2006]
There shall be a Board of Architectural Review to consist of seven members (7) to be appointed for three-year terms by the Mayor with the approval of the Council, except that one new appointment made in 2006 shall be for a two-year term, and one new appointment made in 2006 shall be for a one-year term so that term, and thereafter their successors shall be appointed for terms of three years from and after the expiration of the term of their predecessors in office. At least one member of the Board shall be a registered architect of this state.
The successors of those now in office shall be appointed for the term of three years from and after the expiration of the term of their predecessors in office.
The Board of Architectural Review shall have the powers and duties granted and imposed by local law and such other powers and duties as may hereafter be prescribed by law or the Council.