[HISTORY: Adopted by the County Board of McLean County as indicated in article histories. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Administrator — See Ch. 5.
Boards, commissions and committees — See Ch. 12.
Ethics — See Ch. 43.
Officers and employees — See Ch. 100.
Personnel policies and procedures — See Ch. 108.
Purchasing and contracting — See Ch. 116.
[Adopted 6-19-2001 (Ch. 5, Art. I, of the 1986 Code)]
The McLean County Board, hereinafter called "the Board," shall be comprised of 20 members.
[Amended 2-17-2015; 4-11-2024]
For the purpose of electing members of the Board in 2022 and in succeeding years until the County is again reapportioned, the County of McLean is reapportioned into 10 districts, with two Board members to be elected from each district.
[Amended 5-19-2015; 4-11-2024]
The election of the members of the McLean County Board shall be held on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November 2022, and on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November in each even-numbered year thereafter. The Board shall elect a Chair from among the duly elected members of the Board as such Board is constituted by the terms of this article, said Chair to be elected for a two-year term. In years of a County Board election, the initial meeting of the Board and the election of officers shall be held on the first Monday in December.
[Amended 3-16-2023; 4-11-2024]
The terms of office of County Board members shall commence on the first Monday of the month following the month of their election to the Board. Twenty members shall be elected on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November of 2022. After a decennial redistricting, 10 members, one of such members being from each district, shall serve an initial term of two years, a second term of four years and a third term of four years, and 10 members, one of such members being from each district, shall serve an initial term of four years, a second term of four years and a third term of two years. The identity of those members serving the respective two- and four-year terms shall be determined by lot among the members, said lots to be drawn at 9:00 a.m. on the first Monday in December 2022 in the room in which County Board meetings are regularly held. The McLean County Clerk holding office at that time shall supervise said drawing.
[Amended 5-19-2015]
The members of the Board, including the Chair, shall be compensated at an annual salary fixed by the Board at the time the Board adopts the Combined Annual Appropriation and Budget Ordinance for McLean County. In addition thereto, the members of the Board shall receive a mileage allowance as fixed by statute or as determined by the Board. If the Board desires to change the basis of payment or the amount of compensation before the next reapportionment, it may do so by ordinance, provided that such changes shall not take effect during the term for which any incumbent Board members have been elected.
The Board elected pursuant to the provisions of this article shall have the authority to determine from time to time all terms and provisions hereof in accord with the collective judgment, provided that any and all changes made in this article shall not include an alteration in the size of the Board or in the districts provided herein, and further provided that any other matter related hereto which may be considered for change by the Board may be changed pursuant to the statutory authority of the State of Illinois.
[Amended 2-17-2015]
The County Administrator and First Civil Assistant State's Attorney are hereby directed to prepare complete legal descriptions of the 10 County Board districts. The legal descriptions of the County Board Districts shall be filed with the County Clerk's Office and with the City of Bloomington Election Commission.
[Adopted as last amended 5-19-2015 (Ch. 5, Art. II, of the 1986 Code)]
The members of the County Board of McLean County, Illinois wish to individually and collectively express their expectation and intent that all Board members follow a high standard of ethical behavior in exercising their duties, responsibilities and judgment as Board members. All members of the McLean County Board shall:
Handle County affairs with a deep sense of responsibility, upholding the spirit as well as the letter of the law and Constitution.
Faithfully perform all duties as Board members by studying Board issues and by attending all sessions of the Board and assigned committees, unless prevented from so doing by a compelling reason.
Avoid participation in any action which would result in a conflict of personal interest with County responsibility.
Refrain from obtaining improper personal benefit with regard to public funds, equipment, property, or the services of employees.
Respect the confidentiality of privileged information.
Refrain from accepting gifts, favors or promises of future benefit which could tend to impair independence of judgment or action as a Board member.
Refrain from considering ex parte communications involving matters where a public hearing is required according to law and when such consideration would interfere with the due process of law.
Be dedicated to and act in accordance with the highest ideals of honor and integrity in all public and personal relationships that are related to their responsibilities as a Board member, in order that the members may merit the respect and confidence of their fellow Board members, other elected officials and employees, and the public.
Handle all personnel matters that may come before the Board on the basis of merit so that fairness and impartiality govern a member's actions pertaining to all employment and personnel issues.
The following rules shall govern the County Board of McLean County, Illinois.
The McLean County Board, in carrying out its duties and responsibilities, shall be governed by all applicable federal and state laws and regulations.
Initial meeting and election of officers.
In years of County Board elections, the initial meeting of the County Board (hereinafter called the "Board") shall be on the first Monday in December. The County Clerk shall call the meeting to order and preside during the election of a Temporary Chair. A vote of the majority of the members of the Board shall be required for the election of a Temporary Chair. Nominations for Chair and Vice Chair shall be taken from the floor. The Chair and Vice Chair shall be elected to two-year terms. A vote of a majority of the members of the Board shall be required for election of Chair and Vice Chair. All votes shall be publicly recorded.
[Amended 4-21-2020; 4-11-2024]
In the event that no nominee secures a majority of votes cast for Chair or Vice Chair:
When there are more than two nominations for Chair or Vice Chair, the nominee with the fewest votes shall be removed from consideration, and a subsequent round of voting shall commence until only two nominations remain.
When there are two nominations for Chair or Vice Chair and the election results in a tie after two rounds of voting, the meeting will recess for 10 minutes before resuming subsequent rounds of voting to determine a majority.
This process would be repeated until a Chair or Vice Chair is elected.
The Board may adopt such other rules as may be necessary to conduct said election.
If or in the event the Board is unable to meet on the first Monday in December in years following a County Board election, then at least 1/3 of the members of the Board may request a special meeting of the Board for the purpose of electing officers as provided in Subsection A(1). Such request shall be in writing, addressed to the County Clerk, and specify the time and place of said meeting. The County Clerk shall then transmit notice immediately as provided by statute.
General powers of Chair.
[Amended 12-16-2021]
The Chair shall preside at all meetings of the Board and the Executive Committee.
The Chair shall conduct the business of the meeting in the order prescribed in these rules.
The Chair shall have general powers to:
Recognize members entitled to the floor;
State and to put to a vote all questions which are regularly moved and seconded or which necessarily arise in the course of the proceedings;
Announce the results thereof; to protect the Board from all frivolous or dilatory action;
Decide all questions of order, subject to an appeal to the Board; in case of disturbances, breach of decorum, or disorderly conduct, to take action pursuant to § 20-13L;
Assist in expediting the business of the Board; and
Perform all other duties prescribed by law or by action of the Board.
In case of the absence of the Chair or at the request of the Chair, the Vice Chair shall assume the duties and responsibilities of the Chair on an interim basis, during which time the Vice Chair shall have all of the powers and duties of the Chair, including the authority to execute and sign on behalf of the County all ordinances, resolutions, intergovernmental agreements, contracts and any other legal instruments approved by the County Board, unless otherwise provided by law.
In case of the absence of the Chair and the Vice Chair at any meeting, the Clerk shall convene the meeting and the members present shall choose one of their members as temporary Chair.
Appointment of standing committees. The Chair shall appoint the members of all standing committees not later than the December Board meeting in each year in which Board elections are held, subject to approval by the members of the Board. Members of standing committees shall serve for two years. The first member named shall be Chair and the second named shall be Vice Chair. The third named shall serve as Temporary Chair in the absence of the Chair and Vice Chair. In case of a vacancy on the Board, the person named to fill the vacancy may also fill any vacancies on standing or special committees, except that such person shall not be designated as Chair or Vice Chair thereof. When a vacancy has been created on a committee of the Board, the Chair of the Board shall have the authority to fill the vacancy by shifting a Board member from another committee, provided the affected Board member gives consent. Chairs of standing committees shall serve as members of the Executive Committee, including the Vice Chair of the Board when not Chair of a standing committee. Vice Chairs of standing committees may attend and act as members of the Executive Committee whenever the Chair of the committee on which they serve as Vice Chair is unable to attend a meeting of the Executive Committee. If the Chair or Vice Chair is unable to attend a meeting, the ranking member of the Committee may also act as a member of Executive Committee. The Chair of the Board shall appoint the members of all standing and special subcommittees of the Executive Committee, subject to the approval of the Executive Committee.
[Amended 3-16-2023]
Clerk of the Board. The County Clerk or a deputy selected by the County Clerk shall be the Clerk of the Board. The Clerk shall be the keeper of the records and the minutes of the Board and its committees and shall be in attendance at all meetings of the Board.
Minutes of closed meetings or sessions. Minutes of any closed meeting or session held pursuant to § 20-13K shall be reviewed at least semi-annually by the Board for continued confidentiality in accordance with the Illinois Open Meetings Act (5 ILCS 120/1 et seq.).
Parliamentarian. The State's Attorney or an Assistant State's Attorney shall be in attendance at all meetings of the Board and shall be Parliamentarian of the Board. Upon request of the Chair, the Parliamentarian shall render to the Chair advice or an opinion on questions of parliamentary law and procedure applicable to matters arising before the Board. The rules or parliamentary procedures as set forth in the latest published edition of Roberts Rules of Order, Revised shall govern the procedure of the Board in all cases applicable and in which the same are not inconsistent with these rules. Failure to strictly or technically adhere to Robert's Rules of Order shall not serve as a basis for invalidating an action of the Board.
Appointment policy other than Board vacancies. Appointments of officers and/or members to various boards, councils, commissions, special authorities, special districts, and other agencies shall be made according to law.
Procedure for filling County Board and Countywide elected official vacancies. When a vacancy in the office of Board member or Countywide elected official occurs, the procedure for filling such vacancy shall be as follows:
When such vacancy occurs, the Chair shall fix the date upon which the appointment to fill the vacancy shall be made, said appointment to be made at a regular Board meeting not later than 60 days after the vacancy occurs or as otherwise required by the Illinois Election Code.
[Amended 3-16-2023]
Written applications and resumes must be submitted to the office of the County Administrator by 12:00 noon of the Thursday prior to the regularly scheduled meeting of the Executive Committee in the month in which the appointment is to be made. No applications will be considered unless they have been so submitted and signed by the applicant. The County Administrator shall ensure that applications are filed in a timely manner and shall distribute copies of all applications of all eligible candidates to all Board members with their packets prior to the Executive Committee meeting.
[Amended 12-16-2021]
Any applicant for a County Board seat must be a resident of the Board district in which the vacancy exists and must meet all the qualifications for holding public office. Any applicant for a Countywide elected office other than the office of State's Attorney must be a resident of the County, and applicants for all Countywide elected offices must meet all the qualifications for holding public office. Each applicant must provide evidence of membership in the same political party as the person whom the applicant proposes to succeed.
At the regular Executive Committee meeting, all eligible applicants will be invited to address the Executive Committee. At the next regularly scheduled Board meeting, the Board Chair will recommend an appointment to fill the vacancy, subject to the approval of the Board.
Procedure for filling County Board Chair vacancies. When a vacancy in the office of County Board Chair has been determined by the County Board, then the Vice Chair shall fix the date upon which the election to fill the vacancy shall be made, said election to be made at a Board meeting not later than 45 days after the vacancy occurs in accordance with the provisions of § 20-10A(1).
[Amended 4-11-2024]
Regular meetings. Regular meetings shall be held monthly on the Thursday immediately following Executive Committee of each month except when other meeting dates are designated. An annual schedule of meetings shall be published and made available to all members and other interested persons.
[Amended 12-7-2020; 4-11-2024]
Special meetings. Special meetings of the Board shall be held when requested by at least 1/3 of the members of the Board. The requests shall be in writing or e-mail, addressed to the County Clerk, specify the time, place and the nature of matters to be considered and meet the requirements under the Illinois Open Meetings Act (5 ILCS 120/1 et seq.) to provide notice and an agenda for said special meeting. The County Clerk shall notify the County Administrator, the State's Attorney and each member of the time and place of such meeting and shall also cause notice of such meeting to be made consistent with the Illinois Open Meetings Act.
[Amended 12-16-2021]
Meeting time and place. All regular meetings of the Board shall commence at 5:30 p.m. unless otherwise agreed to by a majority of the members of the Board, in a place designated by the Board Chair. All monthly committee meetings will continue to be conducted at the regularly scheduled days of the month and regularly scheduled times. All meetings of the Board and its committees shall be open to the public, except for limited purposes as specified by law. Continuing December 7, 2020 all Committee and full Board meetings will be conducted virtually unless any given Committee of the full Board or the full Board deems it necessary to recess to Closed Session. In the event that a Committee or the full Board votes to enter into Closed Session, the Committee or the full Board will conclude its scheduled business and recess to an in-person closed session to take place in Room 400 of the Government Center on the immediate following Monday. No action will or can be taken at the Closed Session by the Committee or the Board. This Amendment will remain in effect until March 31, 2021. The County Administration will provide arrangements for the streaming to the public of all Board and Committee meetings (with the exception of an Executive Session) for the months of December 2020 through March 2021.
[Amended 4-21-2020; 7-21-2020; 12-7-2020]
Agenda preparation.
[Amended 3-16-2023; 4-11-2024]
The Administrator, at the direction of the Chair, shall prepare an agenda for each regular meeting of the Board, listing the order of business in as much detail as is sufficient for identification, and shall file the agenda with the Clerk. All supporting materials, including but not limited to memos, contracts, resolutions, ordinances, and proposals, for an agenda item shall be submitted to the County Administrator by 4:00 p.m. at least seven days prior to the date of the meeting. If supporting materials are not submitted by the established deadline, the matter shall not be included as an action item on the agenda, but may be presented as an item for information. The agenda shall include a "consent agenda," which shall include all matters that are to come before the Board that in the opinion of the Chair will be of a routine nature.
The submitter of an agenda item may withdraw the item from consideration prior to the commencement of the first meeting at which it is to be considered.
Reports and communications.
[Amended 4-21-2020; 3-16-2023; 4-11-2024]
Any County-wide elected official or appointed official who desires to present a report or communication to their oversight committee or the full Board shall deliver a copy of the same to the Administrator by 4:00 p.m. at least seven days prior to the date of the meeting where the report or communication will be presented.
Any Board member who wishes to deliver a communication about an issue not on the agenda to their assigned committees or to the full Board may do so as part of the standard meeting agenda under "Other Business and Communications."
Any Board member who wishes to deliver a written report to their assigned committees or the full Board shall submit their request to do so and a copy of the same to the Committee Chairperson, if applicable, or County Board Chairperson (if full Board) and the Administrator by 4:00 p.m. at least seven days before the date of the meeting where the report will be presented.
Any Board member who wishes to address an agenda item of a committee of which they are not a member may do so at said committee meeting with permission of the Committee Chairperson.
Agenda distribution. As specified by the Illinois Open Meetings Act (5 ILCS 120/1 et seq.), upon public release, the County Clerk shall distribute to each member the following documents:
[Amended 4-21-2020]
Agenda for the next meeting.
Resolutions, ordinances and written reports to come before the Board at the next meeting, which have been filed with the Board office.
All draft committee minutes filed with the Clerk since the previous meeting.
All other material that in the opinion of the Chair or Administrator will be of interest to members.
Board proceedings and minutes. Consistent with the Illinois Open Meetings Act (5 ILCS 120/1 et seq.), the County Clerk shall have prepared the draft minutes of the previous meeting and made them available to each member by:
Making printed copies available to Board members, upon request, in the office of the County Clerk.
Providing electronic copies to Board members, upon request.
Resolutions of congratulations.
Any Board member who desires to have the Board adopt a resolution of congratulations in recognition to an individual, group achievement, and/or community special event shall forward the resolution (or the information to be included in the resolution) to the Administrator's Office by 4:00 p.m., at least seven days prior to the Board meeting. The Administrator shall include all such resolutions on the consent agenda of the Board meeting.
[Amended 4-11-2024]
In lieu of a formal resolution of congratulations, a Board member may request that the Board Chair prepare a letter of congratulations in recognition of an individual, group achievement and/or community special event. The Administrator shall include all such letters on the consent agenda of the next regularly scheduled Board meeting.
Electronic meeting attendance. The term "meeting" as used in any existing rules, ordinances, resolutions, agendas and minutes shall mean any gathering, whether in person or by audio conference or telephone calls, or other means of contemporaneous interactive communication, of a majority of a quorum of the members of the County Board's committees or subcommittees for the purpose of discussing public business.
Attendance at meetings. As soon as a member becomes aware that they are unable to meet the obligations set forth in § 20-8A(2), that member shall advise the Chair or Vice Chair of any committee to which the member is appointed or the Chair or Vice Chair of the County Board of any expected absence from a committee or Board meeting.
[Amended 12-16-2021]
[Amended 12-7-2020; 4-11-2024]
The order of business before the Board shall be as follows, unless otherwise determined by action of the Board:
Call to order.
Invocation or a moment of silence.
Pledge of Allegiance.
Call of roll.
Appearance by members of the public and County employees.
Consent agenda.
Approval of the proceedings of the County Board.
Highway Department.
Building and Zoning.
Transfer ordinances.
Resolutions, ordinances, reports and communications from elected and appointed County officials.
Approval of resolutions of congratulations and commendation.
Approval of bills.
Reports of standing committees.
Reports of special committees.
Report of County Administrator.
Other business and communications.
Quorum. A majority of the members of the Board shall constitute a quorum.
Members. Whenever a vacancy (or vacancies) occurs on the Board and upon formal declaration of a vacancy (or vacancies) by the County Board Chair, the number of members for purposes of defining a quorum shall be reduced by one or more.
General voting. Unless otherwise expressly provided, any action taken by the Board or any committee shall only require the affirmative vote of the majority of the members present and voting.
Roll call vote.
A roll call vote of the Board shall be taken by a "yes" or "no" or "present" vote on the following matters:
Appropriation and tax levy ordinances.
Any other matter required by law.
Upon any other matters, when announced by the Chair or requested by any member, provided such request is made before another item of business has been taken up by the Board.
The Clerk, on a roll call, shall call the names of the members of the Board in alphabetical order, with the first name called each month being the second name called the previous month, except that the Chair shall be called last. The Chair shall be required to vote only when the vote of the Board results in a tie. The Chair may vote at any time if the intention to vote is announced prior to voting. In any action requiring a roll call vote, if any member asks for and receives unanimous consent of the members present for the Clerk to show all members present as voting in favor of such action, the Clerk shall show and record such vote accordingly.
A member who has voted "yes" or "no" or "present" on a roll call vote shall not be allowed to change that vote on the matter under consideration. A member not voting when called upon by the Clerk will be presumed absent and will not be allowed to cast a vote on the matter under consideration.
Every member who desires to speak or make a motion shall respectfully address the Chair, be recognized before speaking, and address only the issue under consideration at that time by the Board.
When two or more members seek recognition at the same time, the Chair shall recognize the member who is to speak first.
No person shall speak more than once nor more than five minutes on the same matter without permission from the Chair.
A member called to order by the Chair shall immediately come to order. If there is no appeal, the decision of the Chair shall be final.
Conflicts. Pursuant to § 20-8A(3), Board and committee members shall advise the respective Chair(s) of any conflict they may have concerning an agenda item and shall neither participate in debate on such item nor request that non-members speak to the item under Subsection G(1) below.
Motion to adjourn. A motion to adjourn shall always be in order and shall be decided without debate, unless a question of the time to adjourn shall occur.
Reconsideration. An action may be reconsidered at any time during the meeting or at the next meeting held thereafter. A motion to reconsider shall be made and seconded by members of the Board who voted on the prevailing side of the question to be reconsidered. However, a motion to reconsider may only be made at the following meeting if a member has caused an action item to be placed on the agenda within the time frame required by the Open Meetings Act.
[Amended 4-21-2020]
Second required. No motion shall be debated or put to a vote unless it is seconded. It shall then be stated by the Chair before debate or vote, and every motion shall be reduced to writing when requested by the Chair or any member.
Appearance by non-members. With the acknowledgement that the most appropriate forum for the general public to address County Board members is the committee charged with overseeing the subject matter of the address, those wishing to address the Board shall adhere to the following:
Subject to provisions of Subsection G(3), any member may request that a County officer or employee, or other persons, be permitted to appear before the County Board on matters directly related to a topic on the agenda for a County Board meeting, and such request shall be granted by the Chair unless there is objection by any member, in which event Board action, by general vote as provided in Subsection A(2) above, will be required to overrule the Chair. The provisions of Subsection G(2) shall not apply to requests made by members pursuant to this Subsection G(1).
The County Board shall permit non-members to appear before and address members of the County Board during County Board meetings in accordance with the following rules:
[Amended 4-21-2020; 12-16-2021; 4-11-2024]
There shall be 15 minutes allotted during each County Board meeting for appearances by all non-members. Any member may request an extension of this time limit by making a request to allow the non-member(s) to continue pursuant to Subsection G(1).
All requests by non-members for appearance before the Board shall be made prior to the meeting at which the non-member wishes to appear within the time periods set forth in Subsection G(2)(c). Such requests shall be submitted to the County Administrator, through the online public comment registration form or in person.
Requests to provide public comment at any meeting of the County Board shall be submitted to the County Administrator, through the online public comment registration form, up to 24 hours before the relevant meeting, and in person up to 15 minutes before the start of the meeting.
Appearances by non-members shall be limited to a time not to exceed three minutes for each individual or five minutes for a representative spokesperson of a group. Any member may request an extension of this time limit by making a request to allow the nonmember to continue pursuant to Subsection G(1).
Non-members who have properly submitted requests to appear in relation to § 20-12E shall appear in the order of the receipt of their requests.
County Board members may not engage in discussion with, address or ask questions of non-members during the time allowed for non-member appearances under Subsection G(2).
The Chair may provide a clarifying statement prior to public comment and may act to prevent repetition or digression, to maintain decorum and to exclude discussion of matters which have had a previous public hearing conducted according to law, discussion of matters where public comment would interfere with the due process of law or discussion of matters which would be in direct conflict with restrictions placed upon the Board by other applicable law.
[Amended 4-11-2024]
Requests for written legal opinions. Requests to the State's Attorney on questions of law shall be submitted in writing by any standing committee established by § 20-14 of these rules or by the Chair of the Board. The Chair and Vice Chair of the Board and members of the Executive Committee shall receive copies of such requests. Said copies shall also be included in materials distributed to members of the Board as provided in § 20-11F of these rules prior to the next meeting of the Board unless such request originated after said materials have been distributed, in which case such copies shall be distributed at the beginning of the meeting. Any member of the Board desiring an advisory opinion on a matter within the jurisdiction of a standing committee shall submit such request to the appropriate standing committee. If unsuccessful before a standing committee, a member may then take such request in the form of a motion at any meeting of the Board, provided that it is properly noticed pursuant to the Open Meetings Act. The request shall be granted upon approval by a majority of the members of the Board. Any legal opinion provided in response to a request made under this section shall be made publicly available.
[Amended 7-17-2018; 4-21-2020; 4-11-2024]
Suspension of rules. Any of these rules may be temporarily suspended by action of the Board. Immediately upon the termination of the business arising out of the event for which the rules were suspended, these rules shall again be in effect without vote of the Board.
Consent agenda. All matters on the consent agenda that are not removed will be voted on by one vote. An item shall be removed from the consent agenda upon the oral request of any member of the Board made prior to the vote. Any matter taken off of the consent agenda shall be considered at the time of the standing committee report to which it pertains.
Closed meeting or session. Any closed meeting or closed session held by the Board shall be held in accordance with the provisions of the Illinois Open Meetings Act (5 ILCS 120/1 et seq.). Attendance of closed meetings or closed sessions shall be limited to members of the Board and others who are necessary to discuss the matter which is the basis for the closed session. Neither the news media nor the general public shall be allowed to record the proceedings of any said closed meeting or closed session.
[Amended 4-11-2024]
[Amended 7-21-2020; 12-7-2020; 12-16-2021; 3-16-2023; 4-11-2024]
During the proceedings of the County Board and all committee meetings, decorum, defined as behavior that is calm and polite, shall be maintained at all times by members, interested parties, the public and the media. Decorum includes treating members of the Board, County staff, and all others in attendance with civility, recognizing that others may have differing perspectives, and allowing other members and visitors recognized by the Chair to share their views without interruption. The use of vulgar or obscene language and/or gestures will not be tolerated.
The Chair shall be authorized to take appropriate action to maintain said decorum.
The Chair, at their discretion, may read this section at the beginning of each meeting.
Gender-neutral. All language in these rules should be understood as being gender-neutral.
[Amended 4-21-2020]
[Amended 7-21-2015[1]]
There shall be six standing committees:
[Amended 12-16-2021]
The Executive Committee shall have not more than nine members, with the membership consisting of the Chair and the Vice Chair of the Board and the Chair of the other standing committees and not more than four members of the Board appointed as at-large members of the Committee by the County Board Chair.
The Finance Committee, Justice Committee, Land Use and Transportation Committee, Property Committee, and Health Committee shall each have not more than seven members, at the discretion of the County Board Chair.
Each Board member shall serve on two or more standing committees as determined by the County Board Chair, with the Chair and Vice Chair of the Board being an ex-officio member of all standing committees. Either the Chair or Vice Chair of the County Board's attendance at a committee meeting shall be counted when determining if a quorum is present; however, such attendance shall not increase the number of members constituting a quorum. If both the Chair and Vice Chair of the County Board attend a committee meeting, then only one of them may be counted when determining if a quorum is present.
[Amended 12-16-2021]
Recording of votes. If any action does not require a roll call vote under § 20-13B, any member may request the Clerk to record a vote made by said member in the minutes.
Alternate members and attendance of members at committee meetings other than those to which they are assigned.
An alternate member may be appointed to each standing committee by the Chair of the Board. Such alternate shall attend meetings of such committee if required to constitute a quorum and shall have all the privileges and duties of a regular member while so serving.
Board members may attend and have access to minutes resulting from any open or closed meetings or sessions of committees of which they are not members. At the discretion of the Committee Chair during the meeting, the Board member may participate in the meeting but without voting or seating privileges.
[Amended 4-21-2020]
Subcommittees of standing committees.
Subcommittees of the Executive Committee. There shall be three standing subcommittees of the Executive Committee: the Liquor Control Commission, the Rules Subcommittee, and the Legislative Subcommittee, appointed by the Chair. In addition, the Chair may create and appoint up to seven members to such subcommittees and advisory groups deemed necessary from time to time to more efficiently accomplish the business of the Committee. Membership of any subcommittee of the Executive Committee shall consist of Board members but shall not be restricted to members of the Executive Committee. Membership of any advisory group shall not be restricted to Board members. Except as otherwise provided by statute or ordinance, such subcommittees shall report to the Executive Committee.
[Amended 4-21-2020]
Subcommittees of other standing committees. A subcommittee may be created by the Chair of any standing committee when necessary to more efficiently accomplish the business of such standing committee. Appointments to such subcommittees shall be made by the committee Chair and shall be restricted to members of the standing committee. Except as otherwise provided by statute or ordinance, such subcommittees shall report to their standing committee.
[Amended 12-16-2021]
Editor's Note: This resolution also provided that the Rules of the McLean County Board, as amended, remain in effect until the first Monday in December 2016. See also § 20-22.
The general functions and responsibilities of all committees shall be as follows:
With the aid of the Administrator, Auditor, Treasurer and Executive Committee, the committees shall keep informed concerning appropriations and budget for activities under the purview of the committee and to help keep expenditures within the budget.
The committees shall keep written minutes and report regularly to the Board the substance of all meetings.
The committees shall file minutes of all committee meetings with the Administrator's office, which shall then be filed with the County Clerk, prior to the next regularly scheduled meeting.
The committees shall submit to the County Board for consideration all policies and procedures as recommended by the committee.
The committees shall act on all matters referred to the committee by the Chair of the Board or by the Board itself, in addition to duties otherwise prescribed.
The committees shall review all requests originated by a department head under its oversight for staffing changes which require amendment of the authorized positions resolution and to submit any comments it deems appropriate to the Finance Committee.
[Amended 4-21-2020; 12-16-2021]
The committees shall keep informed with regard to activities of a department which is under its general supervision or for which it serves as liaison with the Board in instances where such activities are concerned with another committee.
The committees shall take final action only on those matters authorized herein or by ordinance, resolution or policy adopted by the Board.
The committees shall allow nonmembers to appear before the committees in accordance with § 20-13G of these rules. Appearance by nonmembers, except that the time allowed for appearances shall be five minutes for each individual or representative spokesperson of a group and the maximum total time allotted for appearances shall be 30 minutes.
[Amended 3-16-2023]
The Chairs of the committees shall set regular committee meeting dates and times after consultation with the committee members.
Each committee Chair shall require the Administrator or the Administrator's designee to prepare and distribute an agenda to all committee members in advance of a regularly scheduled meeting.
[Amended 4-21-2020]
A majority of the members of a committee shall constitute a quorum.
If an agenda item does not receive a majority vote in support at a committee, a member of that Committee can ask that it be put on the Agenda for reconsideration at the next meeting of that Committee. An item brought up for reconsideration at the next Committee meeting shall continue through the normal process (to Executive Committee, if applicable, and to the County Board), with a note of the Committee’s recommendation.
[Added 4-21-2020; 12-16-2021]
[Amended 7-21-2015]
In addition to the general duties otherwise prescribed, the individual committees shall have the functions, responsibilities, and areas of jurisdiction and overview as set forth in this section.
Executive Committee.
The Executive Committee shall have the following specific functions and responsibilities:
To provide general direction for all Board programs, business, planning and policy-making functions and to review the reports of Board committees.
To exercise general supervision of the administration of all Board affairs, the Administrator's office, and the Information Services Technologies Department, Regional Planning and other Departments and/or programs for which the primary source of operating revenue is derived from an intergovernmental agreement with another local government unit(s) as outlined in §20-16A(1)(h).
[Amended 12-16-2021]
To act in an advisory capacity to the Chair of the Board.
To review and make recommendations for changes in committee organization and scope and in rules as may be deemed necessary.
To be responsible for the general overview of, and coordination with, all "ad-hoc" committees, task forces and other like organizations as their activities relate to County business, unless specifically under the jurisdiction of another standing committee.
To be responsible for all matters concerning the employment and activities of all consultants, both paid and unpaid, unless specifically under the jurisdiction of another standing committee.
To review and make recommendations to the Board on salaries and compensation of elected and appointed officials; and to be responsible for the performance evaluation of the County Administrator.
To be responsible for all relationships with other units of government and for all intergovernmental agreements unless specifically under the jurisdiction of another standing committee.
To exercise general supervision over all matters relating to the codification of County ordinances and resolutions.
To exercise general supervision over any federal or state entitlement programs for which the Board has a responsibility.
To make recommendations on all emergency appropriations, transfer ordinances, and any transfers from the contingent account in all funds.
To prepare and submit an annual budget policy resolution to the Board for its approval.
To direct the County Administrator to prepare, recommend and submit to the appropriate oversight committees each year a five-year capital improvement program. The five-year capital improvement program shall be updated annually by the County Administrator as a part of the budget process.
To receive the proposed annual operating and annual capital improvements budgets for each of the departments of County government as recommended by the respective oversight committees; and to study, review and adjust such departmental budget requests in order to accommodate budgetary priorities and fiscal constraints. To then direct the County Administrator to consolidate these adjusted budget requests into a Proposed Budget and Appropriation Ordinance and a Proposed Tax Levy Ordinance that shall be submitted to the Board, with the Executive Committee's recommendation, in accordance with the Statutes of the State of Illinois.
To serve as liaison in the Board's relationship with external boards and commissions with which the Board may have a working relationship.
To be responsible for County government public relations and information matters.
To be generally responsible for the County's interest in all matters concerned with federal and state legislation.
[Amended 12-16-2021]
To develop an annual legislative program of primary County legislative concerns; said program to be adopted by the County Board in January of each fiscal year.
To engage in a review of all legislation affecting the County which has been introduced in the General Assembly.
To take action consistent with the best interests of the County on proposed or pending legislation at all stages.
To take action consistent with the best interests of the County on existing and proposed rules and regulations issued by agencies of the United States or the State of Illinois.
Subcommittees of the Executive Committee.
[Amended 12-16-2021[1]]
Liquor Control Commission. The Liquor Control Commission shall have the following specific functions and responsibilities:
To be responsible for all matters upon which the Commission may be required to act under the regulations of the Liquor Control Ordinance.
To review and recommend appropriate amendments to such ordinances as may be deemed necessary.
Rules Subcommittee. The Rules Subcommittee shall have the following specific functions and responsibilities:
To periodically review the rules of the Board and recommend revisions deemed necessary and appropriate.
To receive and consider proposals for changes in the rules of the Board and make appropriate recommendations.
Legislative Subcommittee. The Legislative Subcommittee shall have the following specific functions and responsibilities:
To develop an annual legislative program of primary County legislative concerns; said program to be adopted by the County Board in January of each fiscal year.
Editor's Note: This amendment also renumbered former Subsection A(3) as A(2)(b).
Finance Committee. The Finance Committee shall have the following specific functions and responsibilities:
[Amended 2-16-2016; 12-16-2021]
To serve as the oversight committee for the Supervisor of Assessments, Auditor, Recorder, Treasurer, County Clerk, Superintendent of the Consolidated Education Service Region, University of Illinois Cooperative Extension Service, Bloomington Board of Election Commissioners and Animal Control.
To exercise continuous review of the overall tax cycle, from the initial assessment of property through the tax collection.
To exercise continuous review of revenues and expenditures, and to identify new or alternative revenue sources for the County.
To review and make recommendations to the Board with respect to purchasing and contracting policies and procedures.
To exercise continuous review of the integrated financial management and the accounting and fiscal operations policies.
To be responsible for fiscal instruments.
To recommend to the Board a public accounting firm to conduct an annual audit of all funds and accounts of the County.
To be responsible for the County's Risk Management Program, including insurance matters.
Upon completion of each fiscal year's annual audit, to review and recommend the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report and the Annual County Financial Report to the Board for its acceptance prior to their submission to the Illinois State Comptroller.
To review the outside auditor's management letter, request departmental responses to same, make recommendations to the Board and the various oversight committees, and monitor corrective actions.
To exercise general supervision over all collective bargaining agreements, employee benefits, and entitlement and recommend changes to the Board.
To exercise general supervision over the administration of the Position Classification Schedule and the Salary Schedules.
To consider all requests for compensation changes or reclassification after review by the appropriate oversight committee and make a recommendation to the Board, as may be provided in the Personnel Policies and Procedures.
[Amended 4-13-2023[2]]
Editor's Note: This amendment repealed former Subsection B(13) and renumbered former Subsection B(14) and (15) as Subsection B(13) and (14).
To consider all requests for staffing changes which require amendment to the Funded Full-time Positions Resolution after review by the appropriate oversight committee and make a recommendation to the Board.
To exercise general supervision over the following specific responsibilities as they pertain to properties and facilities including recommending to the Property Committee construction and remodeling of buildings, additions, structures, parking lots, and other land improvements for the Animal Control Facility, at costs in excess of $5,000.
[Amended 4-13-2023[3]]
Editor's Note: This amendment repealed former Subsection B(15) and renumbered former Subsection B(16) through (17) as Subsection B(15) and (16).
To exercise general supervision over all licensing activities which are not under the jurisdiction of other committees.
Justice Committee. The Justice Committee shall have the following specific functions and responsibilities:
[Amended 2-16-2016; 12-16-2021]
To serve as the oversight committee for the Sheriff, EMA, Circuit Clerk, Circuit Court (11th Judicial Circuit), Coroner, Court Services, State's Attorney, Public Defender, Jury Commission and the Sheriff's Office Merit Commission.
To exercise general supervision over the following specific responsibilities as they pertain to properties and facilities:
Janitorial work consisting of cleaning, mowing, and minor repairs for the Emergency Management Agency garage building on the Fairview Campus.
Recommending to the Property Committee construction or remodeling of buildings, additions, structures, parking lots, and other land improvements for the Law and Justice Center, Juvenile Detention Center and the Emergency Management Agency garage building, at costs in excess of $5,000.
To exercise general supervision over fireworks licensing.
Transportation Committee. The Transportation Committee shall have the following specific functions and responsibilities:
[Amended 2-16-2016; 12-16-2021; 4-13-2023]
To serve as the oversight committee for the County Highway Department.
To exercise general supervision over all bridge, road and right-of-way matters under the jurisdiction of the County; over the acquisition and disposition of County Highway equipment and materials.
To recommend to the Board approval of contracts for all highway work for which the County is responsible.
To exercise general supervision over the letting of bids and right-of-way acquisitions relating to County highways or the County Highway Department.
To provide the Board with long-range plans for the highways in the County, including those to be undertaken by the County and those planned jointly with other political units.
To exercise general supervision over the following specific responsibilities as they pertain to properties and facilities:
Janitorial work consisting of cleaning, mowing, and minor repairs for the County Highway building and garages.
Recommending to the Property Committee construction or remodeling of buildings, additions, structures, parking lots, and other land improvements for the County Highway building and garages, at costs in excess of $5,000.
May propose amendments to the McLean County Zoning Ordinance to the Zoning Board of Appeals through the Building and Zoning Department.
[Added 4-14-2022]
May consider amendments to the Zoning Ordinance proposed by the County Board, Regional Planning Commission, Zoning Board of Appeals, any property owner, an Applicant as defined in § 350-26, or a person or organization with a property interest in the subject property.
[Added 4-14-2022]
Property Committee. The Property Committee shall have the following specific functions and responsibilities:
[Amended 4-21-2020; 3-16-2023]
To serve as the oversight committee for the Building and Zoning Department and to handle all matters upon which the McLean County Zoning Ordinance requires action by a committee of the Board.
To serve as the oversight committee for the Facilities Department and to prepare plans and policies for County participation in the maintenance of County properties and make appropriate recommendations to the Board. To coordinate with appropriate standing committees in planning for any remodeling and improvements to County properties.
To prepare recommendations for methods of financing operations and maintenance of County properties for which the County holds title or that are leased from another entity.
To exercise general supervision over the following specific responsibilities as they pertain to properties and facilities:
Janitorial work consisting of cleaning, mowing, and minor repairs for all County buildings and facilities, except where specific authority and responsibility is vested in another standing committee.
Repair of and maintenance contracts for elevators, electrical, heating, ventilation and air conditioning and other such mechanical equipment and systems at all County buildings and facilities.
Contract services for pest control, garbage pickup, and other like services.
Recommend construction or remodeling of buildings, additions, structures, parking lots, and other land improvements.
Purchase of janitorial and paper supplies and any other joint purchase of supplies used to clean, maintain, and operate County buildings and facilities.
In cooperation with staff and the appropriate oversight committees, prepare an annual plan for the maintenance, improvement, and future development of County properties.
Land Use and Development Committee. The Land Use and Development Committee shall have the following specific functions and responsibilities:
[Amended 4-21-2020; 3-16-2023; 4-11-2024]
To serve as the oversight committee for the Building and Zoning Department and to handle all matters upon which the McLean County Zoning Ordinance requires action by a committee of the Board.
To exercise general supervision over matters concerning maps, plats and subdivisions and to conduct public hearings and handle all other matters upon which the Land Subdivision Ordinance of McLean County, Illinois, requires action by a committee of the Board.
In cooperation with the Director of Building and Zoning, to review and recommend environment, zoning, building, subdivision, mobile home and nuisance ordinances and resolutions and recommend any necessary changes to the Board.
To act as liaison between the Board and the McLean County Regional Planning Commission, Zoning Board of Appeals, Soil Conservation and Cooperative Extension Services and with other agricultural organizations.
In cooperation with the appropriate agencies, to recommend for adoption of a long-range Comprehensive Plan or portion thereof for the use of land, for protection of the environment and to coordinate economic development.
To act as members of the McLean County Regional Pollution Control Site Hearing Committee and to hold public hearings and to make recommendations to the Board on all matters pursuant to that authority.
May propose amendments to the McLean County Zoning Ordinance to the Zoning Board of Appeals through the Building and Zoning Department.
May consider amendments to the Zoning Ordinance proposed by the County Board, Regional Planning Commission, Zoning Board of Appeals, any property owner, an applicant as defined in § 350-26, or a person or organization with a property interest in the subject property.
Health Committee. The Health Committee shall have the following specific functions and responsibilities:
To aid in the coordination of public health activities of the County and to prepare plans and policies for County participation in physical and mental health programs and make appropriate recommendations to the Board.
To serve as liaison in the Board's relationship with the Board of Health and Persons with Developmental Disabilities Board, and any other County physical and mental health service.
To serve as the oversight committee for the County Nursing Home and recommend policies and programs for the Nursing Home administration.
[Added 2-16-2016]
To exercise general supervision over the following specific responsibilities as they pertain to properties and facilities:
[Added 2-16-2016; amended 4-13-2023]
Janitorial work consisting of cleaning, mowing, and minor repairs for the Nursing Home.
Recommending to the Property Committee construction and remodeling of buildings, additions, structures, parking lots, and other land improvements for the Nursing Home, at costs in excess of $5,000.
To exercise general supervision over the health, medical and nursing operations in the Jail Medical Department and the Juvenile Detention Center.
[Added 2-16-2016]
County Board members shall be permitted to request approval to attend conferences at County expense, subject to the following provisions:[1]
A Board member interested in attending a conference shall submit a written request to the Board Chair no sooner than 120 days and not less than 90 days in advance of the conference.
The Board Chair shall consider the following factors in deciding whether to approve a Board member's request:
Budget limitations.
Relevance to County Board member responsibilities.
Current needs of the County Board.
The Board Chair may approve, partially approve, or deny the request in writing to the Board member within 30 days of receiving the request. In the event the Board Chair does not fully approve the request of the Board member to attend a conference, the Board member may petition the County Board for approval.
Whenever a County Board member attends a conference, the Board member shall prepare either a written report or an oral report to be presented to the appropriate oversight committee or the County Board.
Editor's Note: See also Ch. 108, § 108-94, Travel and business expense reimbursement.
The following process of approval shall be established to recognize, name and dedicate County facilities, roads and highways:
The request shall be presented to the appropriate oversight committee of the County Board for the committee's review and approval.
The recommendation of the oversight committee shall be presented to the Executive Committee for review and approval.
Upon approval of the Executive Committee, the recommendation to recognize, name and dedicate County facilities, roads and highways shall be presented to the County Board for review and approval.
[Amended 4-11-2024]
Amendment of these rules requires the affirmative vote of a majority of the members of the Board. Any proposed amendment shall be voted upon only if it is distributed in writing to the members by 4:00 p.m. at least seven days prior to the date of the meeting at which the amendment is presented to the Board for adoption.
[Amended 7-21-2015]
It is the policy of the McLean County Board that members of the McLean County Board or its committees and subcommittees may attend and participate in any open meeting of the McLean County Board or their committee or subcommittee from a remote location via telephone, provided that such attendance and participation is in compliance with this policy, the Illinois Open Meetings Act (5 ILCS 120/1 et seq.), and any other applicable laws.
[Amended 12-16-2021]
It is the policy of the McLean County Board that a member of the McLean County Board may not attend and participate in any closed meeting of the McLean County Board, its committees and subcommittees from a remote location via telephone or other means of contemporaneous interactive communication.
A member of the McLean County Board shall be provided the opportunity to attend an open meeting of the McLean County Board, its committees or subcommittees from a remote location if:
The member has notified the McLean County Administrator's office at least 24 hours before the meeting unless advance notice is impractical; and
The member has met one of three reasons described herein why the member is unable to physically attend the meeting, including either:
[Amended 12-16-2021]
The member cannot attend because of personal illness or disability;
The member cannot attend because of matters directly related to the business of the McLean County Board; or
The member cannot attend because of a family or other emergency; and
A quorum of the McLean County Board, a committee or subcommittee, as the case may be, is physically present.
A member's desire to attend remotely to diminish the spread or possibility of contracting COVID-19 at a time when McLean County has reported at least one new case of COVID-19 in the last 60 days equates to being unable to attend due to illness or disability and being unable to attend due to other emergency
[Added 7-21-2020]
After roll call of the McLean County Board, a committee or subcommittee meeting, if a quorum is physically present, it shall be determined whether a member of the Board or that committee or subcommittee is seeking to attend electronically. If a Board, committee or subcommittee member desires to attend electronically, the presiding officer shall state that 1) a notice was received from a member of the Board, committee or subcommittee in accordance with these rules, and 2) a member will be authorized to attend the meeting electronically if a motion to approve the member's electronic attendance is made, seconded and adopted by a majority of the members of the Board, committee or subcommittee physically present at the meeting. If such a motion is adopted, then the request by the member to attend the meeting electronically shall be approved and the presiding officer shall declare the requesting member present. After such declaration by the presiding officer, the question of a member's electronic attendance may not be reconsidered. For the meeting to continue, there shall always need to be a quorum physically present.
[Amended 4-11-2024]
The McLean County Board, committee or subcommittee member participating remotely shall be considered an off-site participant and counted as present by means of audio conference for that meeting if the Board, committee or subcommittee member is allowed to participate. The meeting minutes shall reflect and state specifically whether each McLean County Board, committee or subcommittee member is physically present or present by audio means.
Protocol and procedures. In all meetings involving remote attendance, the presiding officer shall inform all physically present at the meeting of the intent to initiate a remote communication.
The presiding officer shall confirm and announce to all that all present in the meeting room and in the remote location(s) can clearly hear all other parties. The County Clerk or recording secretary shall record such confirmation. The Clerk or recording secretary shall record the beginning and ending times of each such remote communication.
In the event that the remote communication link is broken or significantly degraded such that it no longer meets the full requirements of this section, the presiding officer shall confirm the loss of service and announce the close of the remote attendance. The attendance of the remote party shall be at an end. The Clerk shall record the time of such closure.
Requirements of the system(s). Any such communications systems utilized shall reliably permit all persons attending, whether they are physically in the County Board meeting, committee or subcommittee meeting room or in remote location(s), to be clearly heard by all others and to clearly hear all audio content of the meeting.
Maintenance of public record. Audio recordings of proceedings under this section shall be maintained for the public record as required by law.
The member permitted to participate remotely shall be able to make comments during the meeting and participate in the same capacity as those members physically present, subject to the rules of the County Board of McLean County. The remote member shall be heard, considered and counted as to any vote taken. Accordingly, the name of any remote member shall be called during any vote taken, and the member's vote counted, recorded and placed in the minutes for the corresponding meeting. A member participating remotely may also leave a meeting and return as in the case of any member. If the Chair of the County Board or the Chair of a committee or subcommittee attends by remote means, the member may participate as a member, but the Vice Chair, if physically present in the meeting room, shall be the presiding officer to best facilitate an orderly and efficient process. If neither the Chair nor Vice Chair is physically present, the Clerk or recording secretary shall convene the meeting and the members present shall choose one of their members as Temporary Chair.
[Amended 12-16-2021]
The County should attempt to initiate the phone call for purposes of audio conference. If it is necessary, a member participating remotely may be requested to contact the County per instructions of the coordinating staff member. Any other costs associated with remote participation, including other audio equipment, shall be subject to approval of the McLean County Board.
[Amended 4-11-2024]
Having previously made notification as described above, the member shall not be required to state the details of their request at a public meeting.
[Added 4-21-2020]
Any appropriate document shall be placed on file among the records of the Board of a committee, as the case may be, by direction of the Chair. Minutes of the Board or a committee shall be approved at the direction of the Chair after opportunity is given for correction, addition or deletion. Such action shall be reflected in the minutes of that meeting.
[Amended 12-16-2021; 3-16-2023]
These rules shall become effective immediately upon and after their adoption, and shall remain in effect until the first Monday in December 2024, or such time as the McLean County Board approves, amends, suspends and/or rescinds the rules by formal action of the McLean County Board.