Editor's Note: The title of this Art. III was changed from "Plan Processing Procedures" to "Plan Processing and Construction Procedures," pursuant to Ord. No. 2006-11, adopted 11-1-2006.
The procedures set forth in this article shall be followed by all applicants.
[Amended 10-2-2019 by Ord. No. 2019-04]
Preapplication meeting. A preapplication meeting is recommended for all subdivisions and land developments proposed within Schuylkill Township. This meeting may occur at the regularly scheduled Planning Commission meeting, or with the Township Engineer and/or staff, and is used to discuss the applicant's objectives, and to schedule site visits, meetings and plan submissions as described below. Applicants are encouraged to present the existing features inventory, based on existing published data, at this meeting. A preapplication meeting shall not constitute a formal submission, but provides an opportunity to the applicant and the Township to discuss key issues before the formal process begins. Applicants who request the Township Engineer's time during the preapplication meeting, site visit and/or sketch plan shall complete an escrow form and payment to cover the cost. The escrow form is available at the Township building. Applicants wishing to appear before the Planning Commission must notify the Township seven days prior to the meeting to request that they be placed on the agenda.
Site visit. A site visit is required for all preliminary subdivision and land development application submissions and recommended during the optional sketch plan phase. A site visit completed during the optional sketch plan phase shall fulfill the site visit requirement for the preliminary plan. The applicant arranges a site visit with Planning Commission representatives and, as applicable, representatives of the Environmental Advisory Council, Historical Commission and Open Space Commission. The applicant is advised to provide the existing features inventory to all attending the site visit. When arranged during the voluntary sketch plan process, the site visit shall not constitute a formal submission. The purpose of the site visit is to familiarize local officials with the property's existing conditions and special features, to identify potential site design issues and to provide an informal opportunity to discuss the site design concepts, including the general layout of conservation land, if applicable, and potential locations for proposed buildings and street alignments.
Plan submissions.
Sketch plans. If an applicant chooses to prepare a sketch plan, the plan should be submitted to Schuylkill Township no fewer than seven days prior to the next Planning Commission meeting in order for the plan to be placed on the agenda. However, applicants who request a review by the Township Engineer shall submit plans no fewer than 29 days prior to the next Planning Commission meeting in order for the plan to be placed on the agenda.
Preliminary plans. Preliminary plans must be submitted to Schuylkill Township, accompanied by a completed application for subdivision and land development, no fewer than 29 days prior to the next Planning Commission meeting in order for the submission to be placed on the agenda.
A sketch plan. A sketch plan is recommended for all subdivisions and land developments proposed within Schuylkill Township and its preparation is at the discretion of the applicant. A sketch plan may be submitted for either a subdivision or land development and is particularly critical for conservation subdivisions that designate conservation land. The sketch plan shall not constitute a formal submission but provides an opportunity for the applicant and the Township Supervisors or Planning Commission to discuss key issues and possible solutions to anticipated problems before the formal process begins.
Preliminary plan.
A preliminary plan is required for all subdivisions and land developments proposed within Schuylkill Township, except that the following subdivision and land development plans are exempt from the preliminary plan process and may be submitted directly as final plans:
Land developments which involve a single, nonresidential structure of less than 2,000 square feet of floor area on a previously approved and recorded lot;
The provision of a second principal building of less than 2,000 square feet of floor area on a parcel which currently contains a single principal building;
The addition to an existing nonresidential structure having an area which is the equivalent of not more than 10% of the existing gross floor area or 1,000 square feet, whichever is less;
The development of a single parcel which involves a single structure containing not more than two units of occupancy;
A subdivision of three lots or less, provided that none of the resulting lots would be of a size that could be further subdivided; and
A plan which proposes to alter the location of lot lines between existing residential lots, provided that the number of residential units that could be constructed on either lot would not be increased by the alteration.
The Township Supervisors may require a preliminary plan for the subdivisions or land developments otherwise exempted above if they determine that the plans could result in a significant change in traffic volumes or patterns or if, due to unusual physical conditions, the proposal could cause significant harm to the physical environment and the health, safety, and welfare of the citizens of Schuylkill Township.
Final plan. A final plan is required for all subdivisions and land developments proposed within Schuylkill Township. The final plan may represent a subdivision or a land development. A plan showing all information required for a final plan, which has been submitted as a preliminary plan pursuant to § 320-18, and for which either no changes have been required by the Township Supervisors or for which required changes have been incorporated, may be approved as a final plan.
Submission of a land development plan in lieu of a subdivision plan. A land development plan may be submitted in lieu of a subdivision plan when review of a plan on a lot-by-lot basis would not be applicable.
Order of submissions. Unless determined otherwise, all applications for approval of a plan shall be submitted in the following order: sketch plan, when offered by the applicants; preliminary plan, when required and including the site visit; followed by the final plan. Each required plan with all required copies shall be filed individually and no subsequent plans shall be filed until such time as a decision has been reached concerning the preceding plan. All requests to approve a plan which has been previously denied shall be regarded as new applications and shall follow the procedures for new plan submissions.
[Amended 10-2-2019 by Ord. No. 2019-04]
Review period. A complete application for approval of a subdivision or land development plan shall be filed with the Township Secretary, who shall then submit it to the Planning Commission for review and recommendation at their next regularly scheduled meeting. Supporting data, required forms, and specifications for such plans shall accompany the application. All applications shall be acted upon by the Township Supervisors within 90 days of the submission to the Planning Commission, with the following exception: when the next regularly scheduled meeting of the Planning Commission falls more than 30 days after the filing date of the complete application, the application shall be acted on within 120 days of the filing date.
Submission of amended or revised plans. After a complete application has been filed with the Township Secretary in accordance with § 320-12D(1) and the meeting has been advertised, the application shall be considered to be closed. The applicant shall not change or supplement the application at a meeting with information, data or other materials which should have been previously submitted with the application, and the application shall be considered as filed. If an applicant desires to change an application after it has been filed, the applicant shall withdraw the application by filing a request to withdraw, and shall submit another complete application in the form provided by the Township Supervisors, which shall be considered as filed on the date the applicant files it with the Township Secretary and pays the application fee. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the applicant shall be permitted to make minor revisions to the application, such as providing the street address or Tax Map number of the property or providing additional copies of documents or plans. The Township Supervisors, at its discretion, may permit other minor amendments or supplements at the time of the hearing in the interest of administrative economy which are not prejudicial to other parties or may continue the hearing.
Schedule of steps.
The application shall be received by the Township Secretary. The date of filing shall be stamped on the plan and on all supporting documentation and the filing fee shall be submitted. The date of the next regularly scheduled Planning Commission meeting shall also be entered on the plan. A cursory examination of the application and plan will be conducted to determine if the application generally conforms to the requirements of this chapter. If the application is determined to manifestly not comply with the general requirements of this chapter, the application shall be returned, within five working days of filing, with a letter indicating the specific provisions of this chapter that have not been complied with.
A decision by the Township Secretary to return an application as incomplete under the provisions of this section may be appealed to the Township Supervisors within 30 days of notice. In the absence of such appeal, the decision of the Township Secretary shall be deemed to be final. Subsequent applications shall be deemed to be new applications.
Distribution of copies.
The Township Secretary shall distribute copies as follows:
Schuylkill Township Planning Commission (five copies).
Schuylkill Township Environmental Advisory Council (one copy).
Schuylkill Township Engineer (one copy).
Chester County Planning Commission (one copy).
Valley Forge Sewer Authority (one copy).
When applicable, one copy each shall be submitted by the applicant to:
Schuylkill Township Historical Commission.
[Added 12-7-2011 by Ord. No. 2011-12]
Chester County Health Department.
Schuylkill Township Fire Marshal.
Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection.
Pennsylvania Department of Transportation.
Chester County Conservation District.
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Philadelphia).
Township Open Space Commission.
[Added 4-4-2018 by Ord. No. 2018-01]
Phoenixville Regional Planning Committee.
[Added 4-4-2018 by Ord. No. 2018-01]
Recommendations of the Schuylkill Township Planning Commission, the Chester County Planning Commission and other recommendations shall be submitted to the Township Supervisors.
Township Supervisors' action:
If the Township Supervisors approve the plan, the Township Secretary shall so certify thereon and two copies of the approved plan shall be given or mailed to the applicant not more than 15 days after the decision.
If the Township Supervisors disapprove the plan, the Township Secretary shall notify the applicant, in writing, of the defects in the application and shall describe the provisions of this chapter that have not been met not more than 15 days after the decision.
Approval shall be effective for three years only unless extended by the Township Supervisors. After this three-year period, such approval shall lapse and the applicant shall be notified. Where approval of the final plan is preceded by preliminary plan, the three-year period shall be counted from the date of approval of the preliminary plan.
When an application, whether preliminary or final, has been approved without conditions or approved by the applicant's acceptance of conditions, no subsequent change or amendment in this chapter or other governing ordinance shall be applied to adversely affect the right of the applicant to commence and to complete any aspect of the approved development in accordance with the terms of such approval for a period not to exceed any period specified in Section 508 of the Pennsylvania Municipalities Planning Code.[1]
Editor's Note: See 53 P.S. § 10508.
The aforesaid period shall be counted from the date of preliminary approval or from the date of final approval if no preliminary approval was required. In the case of any doubt regarding the terms of an approval, the terms shall be construed in light of the provisions of the Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance and plans as they stood at the time when the application for such approval was duly filed.
Where the landowner has substantially completed the required improvements as depicted upon the final plan within the aforesaid three-year limit, or any extension as may be granted by the Township Supervisors, no change of ordinance or plan enacted subsequent to the date of filing of the preliminary plan shall modify or revoke any aspect of the approved final plan pertaining to zoning classification or density, lot, building, street or utility location.
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I)]
The Township Supervisors may request that the applicant agree, in writing, to an extension of time to the review period specified in § 320-12B. In such case the Township Supervisors must render a decision before termination of the extended time period and communicate it, in the prescribed manner, to the applicant.
The applicant shall file the approved final plan with the Recorder of Deeds of Chester County within 90 days of final approval by the Township Supervisors. No lot, parcel, or part thereof may be offered for sale, sold, or otherwise conveyed unless it has complied with the provisions of this chapter and has been duly recorded in the office of the Recorder of Deeds of Chester County.
The Township Supervisors may grant waivers or modifications to one or more of the minimum requirements of this chapter when the literal enforcement and compliance with mandatory provisions is shown to the satisfaction of the Township Supervisors to be unreasonable, to cause undue hardship because of peculiar conditions pertaining to the land in question, or when an alternative can be demonstrated to provide equal or better results, provided that such modification is not contrary to the public interest and that the purpose and intent of this chapter is observed.
Requests for waivers. All requests for waivers or modifications shall be in writing and shall accompany and be a part of the application. The request shall fully state the grounds and facts of unreasonableness or hardship on which the request is based, the provision or provisions of this chapter involved, and the minimum modification necessary.
Waiver requests submitted to Planning Commission. The request for modification shall be referred to the Schuylkill Township Planning Commission and Township Engineer for advisory comments.
Written records of waivers. The Township Supervisors shall maintain a written record of all actions on all requests for modifications.
Referral of applications to adjacent municipalities. The Township Supervisors may refer any application to an adjacent municipality for review and report. Failure to receive any report shall not have the effect of extending the maximum permitted review period or action by the Township Supervisors on the application as specified in § 320-12B.
Referral to the Chester County Planning Commission. Applications for subdivision and land development shall be forwarded upon receipt by the Township Secretary to the Chester County Planning Commission for review and report together with a fee as established by the Chester County Planning Commission to cover the costs of the review and report; such fee shall be paid by the applicant. Applications shall not be approved until the review report from Chester County has been received or until the expiration of 30 days from the date the application was forwarded to the County.
The applicant shall be required to furnish a bond or escrow fund and to pay fees and costs in accordance with Schuylkill Township Fee Schedule.[1]
Editor's Note: The current Fee Schedule is on file in the Township offices.
[Added 11-1-2006 by Ord. No. 2006-11]
Where construction of improvements is deferred until after plot plan recording, the following procedures are required:
No occupancy permit for a lot shall be issued until the Township has received, reviewed and approved professionally certified evidence of:
Compliant improvement of streets, utilities and stormwater management to afford access to such lot on mud free or otherwise permanently passable streets to existing public roads;
Compliant improvement of all other improvements as depicted on the plan both upon the lot and such other areas as are necessary for the reasonable use or occupancy of the proposed buildings;
Compliance of the grading and/or building plan and/or building, as the case may be with the plan and all applicable codes;
In all cases, no permit shall be issued where the subdivision property has been developed in violation of any ordinance of Schuylkill Township.
Violation of any federal, state, county or local permit or approval in the development of any subdivision is prohibited by this chapter.
Deviation from any approved plan, including any agreement which is part of such approval in a development, is prohibited by this chapter.
At builder's or owner's (applicant) request, the Township will review status of improvements at the building permit stage and issue a status report as to the requirements set forth in this section. Failure to make such a request will constitute assumption by the builder of the risk of not receiving occupancy permits because of failure to satisfy this section. Township's failure to identify areas of compliance shall not bind Township unless all relevant facts were disclosed to Township and applicant had no knowledge of such noncompliance.