[Adopted by Ord. No. 21-2002; amended by Ord. No. 8-2004 (Sec. 2.84.100 of the 1996 Municipal Code)]
The City will assume the cost of health insurance and pay all the premiums for employees who:
Have retired on disability pension;
Have retired after 25 years or more of service credit in the state or locally administered retirement system and a period of service of 20 years or more with the City at the time of retirement; or
Have retired and reached the age of 62 years or older with at least 15 years of service with the City.
The payment of health insurance premiums for employees upon retirement shall only be available to those employees who are in good standing and have provided written proof to the Business Administrator of their having obtained sufficient service credit. This benefit may be subject to such further uniform conditions as the governing body may establish.