[HISTORY: Adopted by the Annual Town Meeting of the Town of Harvard 3-7-1970 by Art. 31; amended in its entirety 4-29-2023 ATM by Art. 24. Subsequent amendments noted where applicable.]
It is expressly understood that hunting, trapping or the discharge of firearms or explosives on public or private property is not allowed without written consent and having that consent on one's person at all times during any of these activities.
No person shall hunt, trap, or snare game, fire or discharge any firearms or explosives of any kind within the limits of any highway, park or other public property, or Bare Hill Pond, without the permission of the Select Board; or on any private property, without the written consent of the owner or legal occupant thereof; and such consent shall be carried at all times by such person and, upon request, it shall be shown to any police officer, game warden, or to any other local or state law enforcement official or to the property owner, legal occupant, or his/her agent.
This bylaw shall not apply to the lawful defense of life or property nor to any law enforcement office acting in the discharge of their duties.
Person(s) legally licensed under M.G.L. Chapter 131 hunting on public land owned or maintained by the Town, so long as written permission of the Town is granted; said written permission shall be carried with the person hunting at all times and, upon request, it shall be shown to any police officer, game warden, or to any other local or state law enforcement official or Town official.
Any police officer of the Town may enforce the provisions of this section.
As an alternative to criminal fines imposed under M.G.L. Chapter 131, Section 90, violators of this bylaw shall be punishable by a civil fine of $250 for each offense.