The following is a chronological list of general laws and special acts accepted by the Town of Harvard. For a complete description of the action, consult municipal records.
11-8-1870 TM, Art. 6
Chapter 87, §§ 1 through 5, of the General Statutes, relative to the suppression of common nuisances.
3-1-1895 ATM, Art. 2
Chapter 382 of the Acts of 1871, titled "An Act in Relation to Betterments."
3-1-1895 TM, Art. 3
Chapter 196 of the Acts of 1890, relative to shade trees.
3-7-1896 TM, Art. 2
An Act passed by the Legislature of the Commonwealth in the year 1882 titled "An Act Authorizing Towns and Cities To Lay Out Public Parks Within Their Limits."
3-3-1902 TM, Art. 30
Chapter 78, §§ 21 to 25, of the Revised Laws, relative to the election of Cemetery Commissioners.
4-1-1907 ATM, Art. 31
MGL c. 11, §§ 335 and 339, relative to the election of the Town Clerk, Selectmen and Assessors.
4-5-1909 TM, Art. 25
An act passed by the General Court in the year 1908 titled "An Act To Provide for the Protection of Forest and Sprout Lands from Fire."
3-16-1914 ATM, Art. 37
Chapter 414, § 42, of the Acts of 1909, as amended by Chapter 494 of the Acts of 1911, providing for an eight-hour workday for Town employees
November 1919 Election
An Act relative to the establishment and maintenance of continuation schools and courses of instruction for employed minors
2-7-1921 ATM, Art. 24
Chapter 240 of the Acts of 1920, relative to sports and games on Sunday.
5-12-1926 STM, Art. 3
MGL c. 48, §§ 42, 43 and 44, providing for the establishment of a Fire Department.
2-6-1933 TM, Art. 13
Section 121 of Chapter 141 of the Acts of 1932, relative to the nomination of officers to be elected at the Annual Town Meeting.
6-3-1939 TM, Art. 6
Chapter 807 of the Acts of 1913, relative to payment of compensation to Town employees for injuries arising out of their employment.
8-8-1941 STM, Art. 1
Chapter 181 of the Acts of 1941, authorizing the Town to accept by gift the Shaker Cemetery.
2-7-1944 ATM, Art. 11
MGL c. 94, § 120, relative to the annual license fee for carrying on the business of slaughtering neat cattle, sheep, swine, horses or mules.
2-7-1944 ATM, Art. 12
MGL c. 94, § 120A, relative to the payment of a further fee for each animal slaughtered by the holder of a license for carrying on the business of slaughtering neat cattle, sheep, swine, horses or mules.
2-5-1945 TM, Art. 21
MGL c. 40, §§ 25 through 30B, relative to zoning.
12-11-1945 STM, Art. 6
Chapter 723 of the Acts of 1945, providing for assistance to veterans of World War II or other veterans.
2-3-1947 TM, Art. 16
MGL c. 40, § 12, relative to public baths and wash houses.
2-2-1948 ATM, Art. 23
MGL c. 40, §§ 42A through 42F, relative to the collection of water rates.
2-2-1948 ATE
MGL c. 71, § 40, regarding equal pay for men and women teachers
3-6-1950 ATM, Art. 18
MGL c. 40, § 6B, providing for the Town to purchase uniforms for members of the Police and Fire Departments.
5-6-1950 STM, Art. 2
Applicable sections of Chapter 207 of the Acts of 1946, relative to Sunday bowling.
3-5-1951 ATM, Art. 10
Chapter 820 of the Acts of 1950, relative to a pension increase for certain employees.
3-5-1951 ATM, Art. 12
Chapter 639 of the Acts of 1950, providing for civil defense.
3-5-1951 ATM, Art. 21
MGL c. 41, § 100A, relative to the indemnification of Town employees.
3-5-1951 ATM, Art. 25
MGL c. 41, § 97A, providing for the establishment of a Police Department.
11-2-1954 election, Question No. 3
MGL c. 49, § 111, relative to vacations for certain municipal employees
3-7-1959 election, Question No. 1
MGL c. 32B, relative to insurance for Town employees.
3-3-1962 ATM, Art. 18
MGL c. 40, § 8C, providing for the establishment of a Conservation Commission.
3-2-1963 ATM, Art. 27
MGL c. 40, § 22D, Towing away of vehicles illegally parked or standing on public ways.
3-2-1963 ATM, Art. 28
MGL c. 139, § 1, Burnt or dangerous buildings - how disposed of, § 2, Appeals to Superior Court, and § 3, Nuisances may be abated.
10-31-1964 STM, Art. 1
MGL c. 39, § 23, Election of Town officers.
11-1-1965 STM, Art. 1
Chapter 568 of the Acts of 1964 providing for the establishment of a regional school district.
4-13-1968 ATM, Art. 24
MGL c. 40, § 5, cl. 51, to establish a conservation fund.
4-13-1968 ATM, Art. 40
MGL c. 54, § 103A, relative to absentee voting in a regular Town election.
3-4-1972 ATM, Art. 43
MGL c. 40A, § 20, relative to reconsideration of an appeal, petition for variance or application for special permit.
3-3-1973 ATM, Art. 20
MGL c. 40, § 8D providing for establishment of an Historical Commission.
3-3-1973 ATM, Art. 28
MGL c. 44, § 53C, relative to payment for off-duty details of Police Department members.
3-29-1975 ATM, Art. 14
Chapter 670 of the Acts of 1974, relative to public secondary school students.
3-31-1979 ATM, Art. 10
MGL c. 40, § 42G, H and I, relative to the payment of costs of special assessments.
3-31-1981 election, Question No. 1
MGL c. 258, § 13, relative to the indemnification of municipal officers.
3-1-1982 STM, Art. 2
MGL c. 59, § 5, cl. 17C, relative to the tax exemption for for surviving spouses, minors with parent deceased or persons over the age of 70.
3-27-1982 ATM, Art. 28
Chapter 217 of the Acts of 1980, relative to the amount above which bids must be advertised.
9-24-1983 STM, Art. 5
MGL c. 32, § 7A, relative to insurance for Town employees.
1-11-1984 Special Election
MGL c. 32B, § 9A, regarding payment of group life insurance and group medical benefits for retired Town employees
1-7-1986 STM, Art. 3
MGL c. 71, § 40, setting a minimum salary for teachers.
4-8-1986 election, Question No. 1
MGL c. 258, § 13, relative to the indemnification of municipal officers.
3-28-1987 ATM, Art. 13
MGL c. 59, § 5, cl. 41C, relative to the tax exemption for elderly persons.
3-28-1987 ATM, Art. 15
MGL c. 59, § 5, cl. 17D, relative to the tax exemption for surviving spouses, minors with parent deceased or persons over the age of 70.
3-28-1987 ATM, Art. 16
MGL c. 40, § 57, relative to the disallowance of Town permits for unpaid taxes.
6-29-1987 STM, Art. 11
MGL c. 40, § 8G, relative to mutual police aid programs.
11-16-1987 STM, Art. 6
MGL c. 32B, § 9E, relative to health insurance for Town retirees.
11-16-1987 STM, Art. 14
MGL c. 60, § 23B, relative to certificates of liens furnished by the Tax Collector.
3-26-1988 ATM, Art. 24
MGL c. 41, § 23A, authorizing the Selectmen to appoint an Executive Secretary.
3-26-1988 ATM, Art. 49
MGL c. 258, § 9, relative to public employee indemnification.
11-15-1988 STM, Art. 10
MGL c. 44, § 53D, to establish a revolving account for the Park and Recreation Commission.
4-8-1989 ATM, Art. 39
MGL c. 121B, relative to housing authorities.
11-27-1990 STM, Art. 8
MGL c. 71, § 71F, relative to receipts for nonresident student tuition.
11-27-1990 STM, Art. 10
MGL c. 32, § 22D, relative to the pension funding system and qualification for state pension funding grants.
4-6-1991 ATM, Art. 23
MGL c. 59, § 57C, relative to quarterly tax bills for fiscal year 1992.
4-6-1991 ATM, Art. 28
Chapter 291 of the Acts of 1990, relative to enhanced 911 service.
3-28-1992 ATM, Art. 24
Section 40 of Chapter 653 of the Acts of 1989, relative to assessments.
11-7-1992 STM, Art. 7
Section 48 of Chapter 133 of the Acts of 1992, relative to early retirement for Town employees.
7-14-1993 STM, Art. 1
Section 83 of Chapter 71 of the Acts of 1993 (Education Reform Act), relative to early retirement for teachers.
4-5-1997 STM, Art. 1
Section 2 of Chapter 448 of the Acts of 1996, relative to voting on matters requiring a two-thirds vote by statute.
2-26-2001 STM, Art. 1
MGL c. 44B, §§ 3 to 7, inclusive, the Massachusetts Community Preservation Act.
3-31-2001 ATM, Art. 25
MGL c. 59, § 5, cl. 54, relative to fair cash value of personal property accounts for taxation
3-31-2001 ATM, Art. 26
MGL c. 59, § 5, cl. 41A, relative to property tax deferrals for seniors 65 and older
2-27-2002 STM, Art. 4
MGL c. 41, §§ 19K and 108P and MGL c. 59, § 21A, relative to additional compensation for certain town officers.
4-6-2002 ATM, Art. 30
Section 1 of Chapter 181 of the Acts of 1995, relative to Clause 17D exemption benefit increase
4-6-2002 ATM, Art. 31
MGL c. 59, § 5, cl. 17E, increasing asset limit
4-6-2002 ATM, Art. 32
MGL c. 59, § 5, cl. 41D, increasing income and asset limit
4-6-2002 ATM, Art. 33
MGL c. 60, § 3D, relative to elderly and disabled taxation fund
12-3-2002 STM, Art. 9
MGL c. 140, § 147A, relative to the regulation of dogs.
3-29-2003 ATM, Art. 38
MGL c. 59, § 5, cl. 41C, relative to senior citizens property tax relief options, accepting provisions of Chapter 184, Section 51 of the Acts of 2002
11-9-2004 STM, Art. 6
MGL c. 59, § 5, cl. 37A, relative to tax abatement for a blind person
11-9-2004 STM, Art. 7
MGL, c. 138, § 12B, relative to live nudity at a premises licensed to sell alcohol
4-2-2005 ATM, Art. 21
MGL c. 44, § 55C, to establish a trust to be known as the "Municipal Affordable Housing Trust Fund" to provide for the creation and preservation of affordable housing for the benefit of low- and moderate-income households.
4-2-2005 ATM, Art. 38
MGL c. 90, § 20A, to authorize the appointment of a parking clerk.
4-2-2005 ATM, Art. 39
MGL c. 40, § 22D, authorizing the adoption of rules and regulations relative to the removal of vehicles parked in violation of law.
3-27-2006 ATM, Art. 42
MGL c. 32B, § 18, pertaining to mandatory Medicare for eligible retirees
3-31-2007 ATM, Art. 40
MGL c. 39, § 23D, allowing members of the Board of Appeals, Conservation Commission and Planning Board who have missed a single adjudicatory hearing to participate in a decision on the matter under certain circumstances
10-28-2008 STM, Art. 4
MGL c. 41, § 110A, keeping the Harvard Town Hall closed to the public on Saturdays
5-2-2009 ATM, Art. 18
MGL c. .148, § 26G, relative to automatic suppressant or sprinkler systems in nonresidential buildings or additions and MGL c. 148, § 26I, relative to automatic sprinkler systems in newly constructed multiple dwelling units
5-2-2009 ATM, Art. 41
MGL c. 152, § 69, to include the position of Town Clerk in the Town’s Workers’ Compensation Program
5-1-2010 ATM, Art. 46
MGL c. 40, § 22F, entitled "License fees; service charges."
4-28-2012 ATM, Art. 38
MGL c. 59, § 5, Clause 54, establishing a minimum fair cash value of $5,000 for personal property accounts to be taxed by the Town
4-28-2012 ATM, Art. 41
MGL c. 59, § 5K, establishing senior work-off abatement programs to reduce property tax liability
4-6-2013 ATM, Art. 32
MGL c. 140, § 139(c), providing that no licensing fee shall be charged for all dogs owned by a person aged 70 years or over and for all service animals as defined by the Americans with Disabilities Act or the regulations promulgated thereunder
4-6-2013 ATM, Art. 36
MGL c. 32B, § 20, establishing an Other Post-Employment Benefits Liability Trust Fund
3-28-2015 ATM, Art. 35
MGL c. 44, § 53F3/4, establishing a separate revenue account to be known as the "PEG Access and Cable Related Fund," into which will be deposited funds received in connection with a franchise agreement between the Town's cable operator and the Town and from which monies shall be appropriated only for cable-related purposes
4-5-2016 ATM, Art. 15
MGL c. 64L, § 2(a) to impose a local meals excise tax
5-5-2018 ATM, Art. 32
MGL c. 64N, § 3, establishing a local sales tax on the retail sale of marijuana
10-16-2021 STM, Art. 10
MGL c. 90, § 17C, 25 mph speed limit in thickly settled areas or business districts