The organization of the Town into operating agencies for the provision of services and administration of government may be accomplished by any method consistent with law and this Charter, including adoption of bylaws, appropriation of funds, or adoption of rules and regulations by appropriate entities. Further, the Town Administrator may, with the approval of the Select Board and consistent with law and this Charter, establish, reorganize, consolidate, or abolish any department or position under the Select Board's direction and supervision.
All appointments and promotions of Town officers and employees shall be made on the basis of merit and fitness demonstrated by examination or other evidence of competency and suitability.
There shall be a Finance Department managed by the Finance Director/Town Accountant reporting to the Town Administrator and the Select Board. This department will include a Treasurer/Collector and a Principal Assessor. The department shall be responsible for the performance of all the fiscal and financial activities of the Town. The Finance Director/Town Accountant, upon certification as a school business administrator and at the will of the School Committee, shall serve as the School Business Manager and report to the Superintendent of Schools and the School Committee for all school-related financial activities.
The Finance Department has powers, duties, and responsibilities related to municipal finance under supervision of the Finance Director.
The Finance Department shall ensure that complete and full records of the financial activities of the Town are maintained and shall render written reports to the Town Administrator comprising a full accounting of Town financial operations.
Treasurer/Collector. The Town Administrator shall appoint the Treasurer/Collector. The Treasurer/Collector shall have all the powers and duties vested in this office by law, this Charter, bylaw, or other Town Meeting vote.
Principal Assessor. The Town Administrator shall appoint the Principal Assessor. The Principal Assessor shall have all the powers and duties vested in this office by law, this Charter, bylaw, or other Town Meeting vote.
The Town Administrator shall appoint the Director of Community and Economic Development as authorized by the Select Board. This appointment shall be done in consultation with the Planning Board, Zoning Board of Appeals, Conservation Commission, Board of Health, and other appropriate agencies.
The Director of Community and Economic Development shall:
Work to accomplish community and economic goals as envisioned by the Select Board.
Serve as Town planner.
Coordinate the activities of agencies with jurisdiction over development and conservation.
Coordinate all economic, land use, and community development planning in the Town, including the study of Harvard's community and economic needs, resources, and identify potential development opportunities.
The Town Administrator shall appoint the Director of Public Works, subject to confirmation by the Select Board.
The principal functions of the Public Works Department shall include:
Planning, directing, and supervising the operation, maintenance, and construction work of the Highway Department to provide adequate maintenance of roads and drainage systems, proper maintenance of equipment and facilities, and snow removal. The Director develops and maintains records on the public road systems and projects related to his duties.
Planning, directing, and supervising the operation and maintenance of the Town's Water System and Transfer Station. The Director will file required reports with state regulatory agencies.
As directed by the Town Administrator, directing and supervising the operation and system maintenance of the Water and Sewer Department, Cemetery Department, Pond Committee, Conservation Commission, Elm Commission, Tree Warden, playgrounds and recreation fields, Town Common, library grounds, and school grounds. Meets with the respective agencies periodically. Assists the above agencies, as requested, in planning the operations of the respective agencies.
Assisting the Select Board, Conservation Commission, Board of Health, Planning Board, and Board of Appeals. Administering the driveway connection regulations of the Town. Reviews site plans, subdivision plans, and other plans having an effect on the infrastructure of the Town.
Powers and Duties. The department shall work in close coordination with Town agencies to enable the effective and efficient performance of its duties pursuant to Massachusetts General Laws, this Charter, bylaw, or vote of Town Meeting.
There shall be a Facilities Manager appointed by the Town Administrator. The duties and responsibilities for this position may be assigned to the Building Commissioner.
The Facilities Manager shall have the necessary professional training and work experience to do the following:
Prepare and implement annual repair and maintenance programs to ensure that Town buildings, which may include the schools, if so requested by the School Committee, are properly maintained in good working condition and any needed repairs are implemented timely and cost effectively.
Conduct annual inspections of all Town-owned non-school buildings and prepare a report to the Select Board as to the condition of the buildings along with recommended repairs or servicing.
Any needed repairs or servicing identified in (I) or (2) that meet the definition of a capital improvement will be recommended by the Select Board and/or the School Committee to the Capital Planning and Investment Committee for evaluation and funding.