[Amended 4-14-1987 by Res. No. 204]
The Mayor shall be elected for a term of four years or until a successor is elected and has qualified. The newly elected Mayor shall take office on the second Monday following the election.
[Amended 1-24-1979 by Res. No. 146]
The Mayor must have resided in the City for at least two years immediately preceding his election and must be a qualified voter of the City.
The Mayor shall receive an annual salary as set from time to time by an ordinance passed by the Council in the regular course of business; provided, however, that no change shall be made in the salary for any Mayor during the term for which he was elected. The ordinance making any change in the salary paid to the Mayor, either by way of increase or decrease, shall be finally ordained prior to the municipal election to elect the next succeeding Mayor and shall take effect only as to the next succeeding Mayor.
[Amended 5-28-1980 by Res. No. 161; 10-24-1984 by Res. No. 189.]
The Mayor with the approval of the Council shall appoint all boards and commissions and a City Manager. The Vice President of the Council shall be the Deputy Mayor. The City Manager shall recommend appointments for the heads of all offices, departments and agencies of the City government as established by this Charter or by ordinance, which appointments shall then be made by the Mayor with the approval of the Council. The City Manager shall also perform normal and routine, day-to-day responsibilities. All department heads shall serve at the pleasure of the Mayor and Council with the exception of the Chief of Police, as set forth in § C3-4H. All subordinate officers and employees of the offices, department and agencies of the City government shall be appointed and removed by the Mayor and City Manager, in accordance with the rules and regulations in any merit system which may be adopted by the Council.
[Amended 8-11-1999 by Res. No. 289; 8-8-2012 by Res. No. 402]
The Mayor and City Manager shall see that the ordinances of the City are faithfully executed and shall be respectively the Chief and Deputy Executive Officers, and the City Manager shall be the head of the administrative branch of the City government.
The City Manager shall report to the Council each year on the condition of municipal affairs and make such recommendations as he deems proper for the public good and the welfare of the City.
The Mayor shall have the power to veto ordinances passed by the Council as provided for in § C2-11.
The Mayor shall annually prepare or have prepared a budget and submit it to the Council. The City Manager shall supervise the administration of the budget as adopted by the Council and shall supervise the disbursement of all moneys and have control over all expenditures to assure that budget appropriations are not exceeded.
The Mayor and City Manager shall have such other powers and perform such other duties as may be prescribed by this Charter or as may be required of him by the Council not inconsistent with this Charter.
The term of office of the City Manager shall coincide with the term of the Clerk-Treasurer. Upon recommendation by the Mayor after 14 days' prior notice to the City Manager stating the cause for the recommendation, the City Council may, by majority action, remove the City Manager. The Council may also initiate action for removal with a majority decision at two successive regular meetings and override a mayoral veto with a unanimous decision. Such action shall be taken in public session after the City Manager has been given the opportunity to respond orally or in writing. The Mayor may suspend the City Manager with pay after giving the notice until the Council acts upon the recommendation.
Upon the initial appointment of the Chief of Police, in the manner set forth in § C3-4A, the Chief of Police shall serve a probationary term of two years, during which the Chief of Police shall serve at the pleasure of the Mayor and Council. Upon the conclusion of the two-year probationary term, the Mayor with the approval of the Council shall determine, within their discretion, in a hearing open to the public, not less than 15 days following the conclusion of the probationary term cited herein, whether the probationary term shall be deemed completed or instead extended. If extended, the Chief of Police's probationary term shall be similarly reviewed and acted upon at a public hearing held within 15 days following the conclusion of the extended probationary term. If the Mayor with the approval of Council retains the Chief of Police following the completion of the two-year probationary term, or any probation term authorized thereafter, the Chief of Police shall be terminated pursuant to only a showing of "cause." "Cause" is defined to mean incompetence, neglect of duty, malfeasance, misfeasance, insubordination, and material violation of the City's drug and/or alcohol use policies, as established from time to time. If the Mayor decides that the Chief of Police should be terminated for cause, then the Mayor shall serve a written notice upon the Chief of Police specifying the grounds for termination. The Chief of Police shall have the opportunity to be heard in his own defense at a hearing before the Mayor and Council. The hearing shall not be open to the public and shall be held not less than five days, nor more than 10 days, after the Police Chief is given notice of his termination. The hearing shall be conducted in accordance with such rules and procedures as may be proposed by the Mayor and adopted by the Council, from time to time. After the conclusion of the hearing, the Mayor and Council may privately deliberate before rendering a decision; provided, however, that a written decision must be rendered within five days from the conclusion of the hearing. In order to uphold the termination of the Chief of Police, the vote of the Mayor and at least three votes of Council must be in favor of termination.
[Added 8-8-2012 by Res. No. 402]