The moving of any building through the streets, highways, and public places of the Village and any opening or excavation in any street, highway, sidewalk or other public place shall be under the direct supervision of the Superintendent of Public Works.
No person shall move, cause to be moved or assist in the moving of any building into, along or across any street, highway or other public place in the Village without first obtaining a written permit from the Mayor.
The fee for such permit shall be as determined from time to time by resolution of the Board of Trustees.
Should the permit required to move a building be granted, it shall be conditioned upon keeping clear at all times a sufficient and safe passageway for all pedestrians and vehicular traffic, upon proper guarding both by day and night, including the erection of barricades and lights so as to prevent accidents, upon complete restoration of any street, sidewalk or public place to its original condition, if such has been damaged in any way, and also upon indemnifying the Village from all damage or loss arising from the moving of such building.