Whenever the Superintendent of Public Works shall determine that an unsafe or dangerous condition exists or that repairs to a sidewalk or curb on a highway or road in the Incorporated Village of Roslyn are necessary, the Superintendent of Public Works is hereby authorized and directed to cause a notice to be served upon the owner or owners, occupant or occupants of the lands adjoining such highway or road where such sidewalk or curb is located. Such notice shall direct that the repairs to such sidewalk or curb be made and shall specify the place and manner and the time within which such repairs are to be made, which time shall not be less than 48 hours.
Whenever a notice or notices referred to in Subsection A hereof has or have been served on the owner or owners, occupant or occupants of lands and such owner or owners, occupant or occupants shall not cause the repairs to be made to the sidewalk or curb as required by the notice, the Department of Public Works and the Superintendent of such Department are hereby authorized to perform such work or repairs or cause a contract or contracts to be let therefor and to pay the cost thereof from the funds of such Department.
Whenever the owner or owners, occupant or occupants shall make the repairs called for by said notice, he or they shall submit drawings and obtain a permit therefor. If the location where the repairs are to be made shall be upon a state highway, the permit shall be obtained from the State Department of Transportation in accordance with the rules and regulations of that Department. If the location where the repairs are to be made shall be upon a county road, the permit shall be obtained from the Department of Public Works of the County of Nassau. The Village Superintendent of Public Works may require such bonds or deposits and issue such permit subject to such terms and conditions as he or she may consider necessary for the protection of the Village and Village property but not in excess of the requirements for the issuance of a permit for the work required under the law regulating such work then in force.[1]
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. II).
Whenever such repairs are to be made under the provisions of Subsection B of this section and by contract to be let therefor, the provisions of Subsection C of this section in respect to obtaining permits and the powers of the Superintendent of Public Works on issuance of a permit shall apply to the contractor for such work.
The Department of Public Works shall be reimbursed for the cost of repairs to sidewalks or curbs when made as provided in Subsection B hereof from the general fund of the Incorporated Village of Roslyn, which fund thereupon shall be reimbursed by the adjacent property owner.