Due consideration shall be given to the allocation and suitability of locating areas of adequate size for schools, parks, streets and playground needs for local or neighborhood use as well as areas needed for other public uses.
Where a proposed school, neighborhood park, or other recreation area, shown on the Comprehensive Plan, is located in whole or in part in the applicant's subdivision, the Chairman of the Planning Commission may require as a condition of final approval that such space within the subdivision be reserved and not developed for a period not to exceed one year from the date of such final approval so that within said period the appropriate public agency may acquire said land in the manner provided by law and before it is developed for some purpose not within the Comprehensive Plan. If the land is not so acquired and no legal acquisition is filed by such public agency within such period, said reservation shall be no further in effect and such lands then may be used for other purposes consistent with municipal regulations.
If a street is shown on the Comprehensive Plan, the street shall be constructed by the subdivider at his/her expense. The location of the street will not have to be at the exact location as shown on the Comprehensive Plan. The Planning Commission shall approve the final location of the proposed street.