The order of business and all matters pertaining to the conduct
of Council meetings, except as otherwise prescribed by the Charter,
by the Administrative Code or by other ordinance, shall be as prescribed
by resolution adopted by the Council, and procedural matters not otherwise
provided for shall be governed by the latest addition of Robert's
Rules of Order.
The Council may, as a regular item of business at regular formal
Council meetings, or at any particular meeting or meetings, as it
deems appropriate, direct the City Manager to render a public report
respecting the condition and management of the City government generally,
or may direct the City Manager or any City department head or other
employee to render a public report respecting any particular item
or items involving the City government which the Council determines
may be of interest to the public.
All meetings of the City Council and all meetings of City boards,
agencies, commissions and committees shall comply with all applicable
provisions of the Open Public Meetings Act of the State of New Jersey.