At its annual organizational meeting, the Council shall adopt, post and circulate as described in the New Jersey Open Public Meetings Act (N.J.S.A. 10:4-6 et seq.) a schedule of meetings for the coming year.
The schedule of meetings shall identify the type of meeting scheduled for each date, as follows:
Regular formal meetings (sometimes referred to as "regular public meetings"), at which the Council may take formal action on ordinances, resolutions and other matters, and which shall include a public session at which members of the public are given an opportunity to speak on matters of interest to them.
Other formal meetings, at which the Council may take formal action on ordinances, resolutions and other matters, but which do not normally include a public session.
Executive meetings, or work meetings, at which the Council may discuss matters of City business without taking formal action thereon.
Formal meetings may be scheduled for the same days or evenings as executive meetings, to be held only if required for the purpose of taking formal action on pending City business, or otherwise to be dispensed with.
Special meetings may be called and held as provided in the Charter and the Open Public Meetings Act.
The agenda for any Council meeting shall be delivered to each Council member and to the Mayor at least 24 hours before the meeting, and no item of business which is not listed on the agenda shall be considered at the meeting except by unanimous consent of all Council members present at the meeting.
Such agenda shall be posted on a bulletin board in the municipal building at the same time it is distributed to the members of the Council.
The agenda for any executive meeting of the Council shall be prepared by the City Manager following consultation with the President of the Council. The agenda for any formal meeting of the Council shall be prepared by the City Clerk following consultation with the City Manager and the President of the Council.
The order of business and all matters pertaining to the conduct of Council meetings, except as otherwise prescribed by the Charter, by the Administrative Code or by other ordinance, shall be as prescribed by resolution adopted by the Council, and procedural matters not otherwise provided for shall be governed by the latest addition of Robert's Rules of Order.
The Council may, as a regular item of business at regular formal Council meetings, or at any particular meeting or meetings, as it deems appropriate, direct the City Manager to render a public report respecting the condition and management of the City government generally, or may direct the City Manager or any City department head or other employee to render a public report respecting any particular item or items involving the City government which the Council determines may be of interest to the public.
It shall be the responsibility of the City Clerk to take and maintain minutes of all meetings of the Council.
Minutes of all formal public Council meetings shall be prepared in typewritten form and submitted to the Council for approval as soon after the meeting as possible.
Following approval of the minutes by the Council a copy of the approved minutes, together with a separate copy of all adopted ordinances, shall be transmitted by the City Clerk to the Englewood Public Library.
All meetings of the City Council and all meetings of City boards, agencies, commissions and committees shall comply with all applicable provisions of the Open Public Meetings Act of the State of New Jersey.