The position of City Manager is hereby established.
The City Manager shall be appointed, and may be removed, by the City Council, as provided in the Charter.[1]
Editor's Note: Former Subsection B, regarding termination of the City Manager, which immediately followed, was repealed 6-27-2019 by Ord. No. 19-04.
The City Manager shall supervise the activities of all City departments and all employees of such departments and shall have the powers and duties prescribed in the Charter.
With respect to the preparation of the City budget, as prescribed by the Charter, the City Manager shall schedule meetings with all City department heads during the month of November in each year to review and discuss the budget requests and recommendations of such department heads for the following year and shall advise the Mayor and Council of each such scheduled meeting, at least seven days in advance, so that the Mayor and members of the Council may, if they choose to do so, attend such meetings.
If requested by the Council, the City Manager shall appear (and shall cause any department head designated by the Council to appear) at meetings or hearings to be held by the Council to review the proposed budget submitted by the Manager.
The Manager shall cause the head of each department to submit to the Manager an annual report respecting such department, by not later than January 31 of each year. Such report shall outline the activities of the department during the immediately preceding calendar year, the needs and capabilities of the department respecting the carrying out of the functions of the department, proposals for improvement of or changes in the operations of the department and such additional information as may be requested by the City Manager or the Council. Upon receipt of such report, the City Manager shall distribute copies thereof to the Mayor and members of the Council, and may add thereto such comments as the Manager may deem appropriate.
The City Manager, as department head of the Administration Department, shall supervise the activities of officers and employees assigned to that department.
The City Manager shall, determine and ensure that, at least once each year, a written evaluation of the performance of each City employee is prepared and filed with such employee's personnel records.[1]
With respect to a department head, such evaluation shall be prepared by the City Manager.
With respect to any other employee, such evaluation shall be prepared either by the employee's department head, or by some other supervisory person in such department, as may be designated by the department head or the City Manager, and shall be submitted by the department head to the City Manager, provided that, in the event that such evaluation is prepared by someone other than the employee's department head, the department head may add thereto such comments as the department head may deem appropriate.
The City Manager may add to any evaluation prepared by a department head, or prepared by a supervisory person designated by a department head, such comments as the Manager may deem appropriate.
The City Manager may prescribe standard forms and procedures for the preparation, submission and review of such performance evaluations.
Such performance evaluations shall be available for examination by the Mayor and members of the City Council.
Each City employee shall be advised each time that a performance evaluation is prepared respecting such employee, shall be given an opportunity to examine the same and discuss the contents thereof with the person who prepared the same, and, if the evaluation was not prepared by the employee's department head, to discuss the same with such department head, and shall have the right to add thereto such comments as the employee deems appropriate including an expression of disagreement with any statements contained therein, with the reasons therefor.
The City Manager shall establish a procedure to assure that a negative evaluation of any employee is discussed with such employee (by the Manager, the employee's department head or the supervisory person who prepared the evaluation) with a view toward eliminating the causes of any dissatisfaction with the employee's performance, and that the employee's performance is reexamined and reevaluated not more than six months thereafter.
Editor's Note: See also Ch. 56, Personnel.
The City Manager shall prepare (or cause to be prepared and thereafter approve) job descriptions respecting all positions within the City government. Such job descriptions shall be consistent with the provisions of any ordinance creating or describing such position, and shall be maintained in the Human Resources Department.
The City Manager shall be responsible for ensuring that the functions and performance of all City departments are coordinated to provide the most efficient performance of City services, and particularly but not by way of limitation, shall ensure coordination of inspection and enforcement actions of the Building Department, the Police Department, the Fire Department and officers and employees of the City Board of Health respecting building, property maintenance, health, safety and similar laws, ordinances, codes and regulations.
During the absence of the City Manager or in the event that the position of City Manager is vacant (unless some other person is designated as acting City Manager, as provided in Subsection B hereof), the City Clerk shall serve as the Acting City Manager to perform the functions of and fulfill the duties and responsibilities of the City Manager during the absence of the City Manager. In the absence of both the City Manager and the City Clerk, the Director of Finance and Data Processing shall serve as Acting City Manager.
Notwithstanding the provisions of Subsection A hereof, the Council may, at any time, by resolution, designate some other person to serve as Acting City Manager for such time as the Council may designate.
Any action taken by any Acting City Manager shall have the same effect and validity as if taken by the City Manager.
Whenever the City Manager is designated by ordinance to conduct a hearing or render a decision thereon, the City Manager may designate an Acting City Manager to conduct such hearing or to render a decision thereon. In conducting such hearing or in reaching a decision thereon, any action taken by the Acting City Manager so designated shall have the same effect and validity as if taken by the City Manager.[1]
[Added 2-4-1992 by Ord. No. 92-05]
Editor's Note: Original § 2-15, Deputy City Manager for Public Safety, added 12-30-1980 by Ord. No. 80-84, and amended 3-16-1982 by Ord. No. 82-07, which immediately followed this section, was repealed 7-7-1992 by Ord. No. 92-16.
[Added 3-30-2023 by Ord. No. 23-04]
Article III is hereby amended to establish the position of Deputy City Manager.
The duties and responsibilities of the Deputy City Manager shall be as follows:
Assist the City Manager in the day-to-day supervision of municipal department operations of either a general nature.
Assist the City Manager with the oversight of special projects and/or project grants to ensure their timely completion and fiscal accountability.
Assist the City Manager in planning for the effective utilization of available funds, personnel, equipment, materials, and supplies.
Assist the City Manager in supervising the maintenance of records showing the expenditure of funds by the departments through interaction and coordination with department heads and the City's Finance Department.
Attend various internal and external meetings related to municipal affairs on behalf of the City Manager and reports back on participation, content and follow-up actions as required. Prepares memos, public information announcements, narrative reports, data collection, statistical analyses, and policy recommendations for consideration by the City Manager as assigned.
Serve on the City Manager's budget team in the preparation and review of the annual municipal operating and capital budgets.
Serve as the City Manager's liaison in coordinating with municipal professionals, contractors, and outside agencies as required.
Assist the City Manager in advising the local governing body on matters of policy and other administrative matters.
Serve as a liaison with local agencies, community councils, religious and civic organizations and other groups and institutions as needed to perform assignments.
Prepare comprehensive reports and supervises the establishment and maintenance of detailed records and files of assigned tasks and projects.
Assist the City Manager in researching and installing modern management methods and systems for all departments.
Act for and in place of the City Manager in his/her absence and performs such other functions, powers, and duties as may be assigned by the City Manager.