[Added 10-26-2009 by Ord. No. 2009-27]
A new Article X creating provisions for the Garrett Hill Zoning District within Chapter 255, Subdivision of Land, of the Township Code is enabled through provisions of the Pennsylvania Municipalities Code, PL 805, No. 247, as reenacted and amended.[1]
Editor's Note: See 53 P.S. § 10101 et seq.
Article X of the Zoning Code is hereby enacted to provide and manage opportunities for development and redevelopment within the Garrett Hill Zoning District (hereinafter "GHZD") as set forth in the Garrett Hill Master Plan adopted by the Board of Commissioners on July 21, 2008, and revised on July 20, 2009. These regulations are intended to provide for enhanced vibrancy through building, site, and streetscape design.
The GHZD shall be the boundaries designated within the Garrett Hill Zoning District Map.[1]
Editor's Note: Said map is on file in the Township offices.
The definitions and regulations set forth in this article shall apply to the GHZD.
Wherever there is a conflict or inconsistency between these GHZD regulations and other definitions and regulations of Chapter 255, those regulations set forth in this article shall govern development and redevelopment within the GHZD.
Upon demolition of a principal building or structure, site amenities shall be provided and installed by the applicant where required by this chapter.
The amenities shall be installed by the applicant, or, by agreement between the Township and applicant, the cost for such installation shall be escrowed in a Township fund or a Township-approved trust fund dedicated to GHZD improvements, to be held until applied to the installation of site amenities on the property for which the installation was deferred. The applicant shall not be required to spend more than 5% of the cost of improvements for the site amenities.
The maintenance of these amenities shall be provided by the property owner where applicable. Each application will be reviewed individually. Required amenities, or any deviation therefrom, shall be at the discretion of the Township.
Street trees shall be installed and maintained as follows:
Street trees, 2 1/2 to three inches in caliper, shall be planted along both sides of Conestoga Road at an interval of 25 feet on center, but they shall not block visibility of existing store windows. In spacing trees, consideration shall be made for driveways, streetlights, utility poles, underground utilities, traffic light poles and other obstructions, the existing streetscape, as well as future placement of trees in front of adjacent properties. (See Figure 1.)[1]
Editor's Note: Figure 1 is included at the end of this chapter.
Street trees shall be deep rooted and stress tolerant and shall be of the following species or as approved by the Shade Tree Commission:
Acer buergerianum – Trident maple.
Acer Japonicum – Fullmoon maple.
Acer palmatum – Japanese maple.
Acer trifolium – Three-flower maple.
Acer truncatum – Shantung maple.
Carpinus betulus "fastigiata" – American hornbeam.
Cratageus viridis "Winter King" – Winter King hawthorn.
Maackia amurensis – Amur Maackia.
Magnolia virginiana (single stem) – Sweet Bay magnolia.
Malus "Donald Wyman" – flowering crabapple selection.
Prunus x incam "Okame" – Okame cherry.
Sorbus alnifolia – Korean mountainash.
Syringa reticulata – Japanese tree lilac.
Streetlights shall be installed as follows:
Fixtures shall be 12 feet high and shall meet Illuminating Engineering Society of North America (IESNA) "cutoff" or "full-cutoff" criteria.
Streetlights shall be spaced a maximum of 40 feet apart on each side of the street in an offset alternating arrangement along both sides of street.
Streetlight poles and fixtures shall be of compatible design throughout the GHZD, unifying the Route 100 station area and all GHZD Districts.
Parking lot lights shall be installed as follows:
Full cutoff light fixtures shall be used to direct light downwards. For the GH-N, GH-GA, GH-CR, GH-OS Districts, fixture height shall not be higher than 12 feet. Fixture height shall be limited to 20 feet in the GH-BC District.
Shields shall be used to deflect light away from adjacent properties so that no direct light from the filament, bulb or lens is visible from outside the property.
Exterior lights attached to buildings:
External lighting shall be restricted to that which is necessary for minimum safety and security levels. Light standards shall be low profile and shall have a sharp cut-off shield and directed downward to reduce dispersal of ambient light to the night sky. Sodium vapor lights shall not be allowed.
Sidewalks shall be provided as follows:
Sidewalks shall have a minimum width of:
Six feet on Conestoga Road.
Four feet on Garrett Avenue.
Whenever any perpendicular or angled parking abuts a sidewalk, wheel stops shall be installed to prevent car overhang.
Sidewalks shall be made of concrete or brick.
Concrete shall have no exposed aggregate or color additive.
On Conestoga Road, concrete sidewalks shall be designed to be consistent with Figure 2[1] and to match adjoining properties as follows:
Have twenty-four-inch-by-twenty-four-inch squares.
Have a twenty-four-inch brick herringbone border with a six-inch curb.
Editor's Note: Figure 2 is included at the end of this chapter.
On Garrett Avenue, concrete sidewalks shall:
Have thirty-six-inch-by-thirty-six-inch squares.
Have a twelve-inch herringbone border with a six-inch curb (See Figure 3.)[2]
Editor's Note: Figure 3 is included at the end of this chapter.
Curbs shall be installed and maintained as follows:
Curbs shall be provided along all streets and access drives.
Curbs shall be of the vertical concrete type with a six-inch reveal.
Curbs shall comply with Article VI, § 255-51 of the Township Code.
Curbs shall be made to provide barrier-free access and to accommodate pedestrians with disabilities, in accordance with ADA standards.
All low points along curbs shall be adequately drained to prevent flooding and ponding of water.
New driveways shall be discouraged.
Existing driveways shall be narrowed to the maximum extent possible.
Two-way driveways shall not be required to meet the minimum widths standards otherwise required in this chapter. This provision shall not apply to GH-BC.
Existing curb cuts that are no longer needed shall be sealed off and replaced with six-inch curbing and sidewalks.
Whenever there is an existing curb cut, the sidewalk material (concrete, brick, etc.) and design shall be extended to promote pedestrian continuity along the sidewalk. A terra-cotta colored brick pattern that is stamped into newly laid concrete to match the adjoining sidewalk in color, texture and pattern is also acceptable.
Shared driveways through agreements between adjoining property owners are hereby encouraged and shall be subject to Township approval.
Existing curb cuts may be modified, or shared with adjacent property owners, provided there is no increase in the number of existing curb cuts.
Wherever possible, ingress and egress between various properties shall be shared in an attempt to minimize curb cuts. The Township encourages adjacent landowners to enter into agreements providing access easements to accomplish this goal.
Parking shall be as follows:
On-street parking shall be provided to the maximum extent possible and as follows:
Curbside, parallel on-street parking spaces shall be at least eight feet in width and 22 feet in length. (See Figure 4.)[1]
Editor's Note: Figure 4 is included at the end of this chapter.
Curbside perpendicular parking spaces shall be at least 9.5 feet in width and 20 feet in depth and shall have a 4.5-foot backup buffer between each row of spaces and the travel lane. (See Figure 5.)[2]
Editor's Note: Figure 5 is included at the end of this chapter.
Off-street parking shall be located in the front, side or rear yards and shall meet the following standards:
Front yard parking shall be limited to curbside perpendicular parking.
Front yard perpendicular parking spaces shall meet the following standards:
Spaces shall be at least 9.5 feet in width and 20 feet in depth.
A 4.5-foot backup buffer shall be provided between each row of spaces and the travel lane. (See Figure 5.)[3]
Editor's Note: Figure 5 is included at the end of this chapter.
Side and rear yard parking spaces shall be at least nine feet in width and 18 feet in depth.
All side and rear commercial parking areas shall be buffered from views from adjacent residential properties.
The buffer shall be an opaque evergreen vegetated buffer at least six feet in height and three feet in depth at the time of planting and shall be maintained by the property owner.
If fencing is incorporated in any parking lot, it shall be designed so that not more than 25% of fence permits through-views. Fencing shall be between four to six feet in height.
Buffer screen shall not be required should existing planting, topography or man-made structures remaining on the property be deemed acceptable for screening purposes by the Township.
Parking surfaces shall be installed and maintained and shall be asphalt, concrete or approved equal. Permeable pavements that meet Pennsylvania Stormwater Management Manual porous pavement specification are encouraged.
Crosswalks at street intersections shall be consistent with the Master Plan and as follows:
Crosswalks shall be provided at all street intersections.
Crosswalks shall be from six to 12 feet in width.
Crosswalks shall either be painted or stamped.
At a minimum the design shall mark the crosswalks with broad painted stripes that are parallel to the cartway and not less than six feet in length, 12 inches in width and not more than 24 inches apart.
Colored and textured pavement shall be used to enhance the aesthetics of the crosswalks at gateway locations and the Conestoga Road/Garrett Avenue intersection. A terra-cotta colored, brick pattern that is stamped into newly laid concrete with at least an eight-inch uncolored concrete border shall be encouraged.
Crosswalks shall otherwise comply with § 255-39.
Waste and recycling receptacles shall be provided consistent with Figure 7[1] and the following:
Victor Stanley, Model S-42 Ironsite, in a color to match the streetlights, or approved equal shall be installed, anchored, and serviced.
Waste and recycling receptacles may be located at each corner and at the discretion of the Township at a minimum of every 200 feet of sidewalk length along Conestoga Road in the GHZD.
The Township shall be responsible for emptying and maintaining these receptacles.
Editor's Note: Figure 7 is included at the end of this chapter.
Wayfinding signage to aid in finding locations for parking and the Route 100 station shall be installed and maintained by the Township.
Design and location of wayfinding standards shall be subject to Design Review Board approval.
The following standards shall apply to all new or redeveloped properties in the GHZD:
Conestoga Road (without front yard parking). (See Figure 8.)[1]
A six-inch curb.
A twenty-four-inch brick border at curbline.
Minimum concrete sidewalk width of four feet.
A 3.5-foot planted buffer.
Lights within 24 inches of the curbline.
Street trees centered in the twenty-four-inch brick border; trees shall be in grates manufactured by Neenah Foundry or an equal approved by the Zoning Officer.
Bulbout plus stamped concrete paving to match brick borders in color, texture and size for properties at corner locations.
Planters are encouraged against the building front or along the curbline.
Editor's Note: Figure 8 is included at the end of this chapter.
Conestoga Road (perpendicular parking in the front yard). (See Figure 6.)[2]
Parking plus six-inch curb, twenty-four-inch brick border and four-foot concrete sidewalk.
Concrete paving to building.
Lights within 24 inches of the curbline.
Street trees centered in the twenty-four-inch brick border; trees shall be in grates manufactured by Neenah Foundry or an equal approved by the Zoning Officer.
Bulbout plus stamped concrete paving to match brick borders in color, texture and size for properties at corner locations.
Planters are encouraged against the building front or along the curbline.
Editor's Note: Figure 6 is included at the end of this chapter.
On a local or collector street in the Conestoga Road District, when perpendicular parking is constructed:
Parking plus six-inch curb, twenty-four-inch brick border and four-foot sidewalk.
Concrete paving to building.
Bulbout stamped concrete paving to match brick borders in color texture and size for properties at corner locations.
Planters are encouraged against the building front or along the curbline.
Garrett Avenue in the Garrett Avenue Mixed-Use District. (See Figure 9.)[3]
Lights in bulbouts according to the Garrett Hill Master Plan design shall be required.
The installation of light fixtures in the front yard is hereby encouraged. Fixtures shall be six feet high and meet Illuminating Engineering Society of North America "cutoff" or "full-cutoff" criteria.
Editor's Note: Figure 9 is included at the end of this chapter.
Garrett Avenue in the Garrett Avenue Neighborhood District:
Lights in bulbouts according to the Garrett Hill Master Plan design are hereby encouraged.
The installation of light fixtures in the front yard shall be encouraged. Fixtures shall be six feet high and meet Illuminating Engineering Society of North America "cutoff" or "full-cutoff" criteria.