No person (unless an authorized agent or contractor of the Town Board) shall uncover, make any connection with or opening into, use, alter, or disturb any public sewer or appurtenance thereof without first obtaining a written permit from the Town Board.
No person shall discharge, or cause to be discharged, any storm water, groundwater, cooling water or any other inflow, as defined in this Part 2, to any sanitary sewer. Swimming pool drains shall not be connected to any sanitary sewer.
There shall be two classes of sewer lateral permits:
For residential service.
For commercial and institutional service.
In either case, a permit application shall be submitted to the Town Board and a permit obtained before any connection is made to the public sanitary sewers. The permit application shall be supplemented by any plans, specifications, or other information considered pertinent, in the judgment of the Town Board. Connections to existing manholes shall be made as directed by the Town Board. A fee, for residential, commercial, and institutional users, as established by the Town Board, shall accompany the application except for those initial service area users who connect to the public sanitary sewer laterals within six months of notice from the Town Board that the POTW system is ready for connection. An extension of time may be granted by the Town Board, in its discretion, depending on the circumstances, upon application for such extension of time by the initial user.
A separate and independent building lateral shall be provided for every building requiring sanitary facilities. When, however, there is a building behind a front building, the second building may use the front building's building lateral, if there is no other way to provide sanitary service to the back building. New street laterals and/or building laterals shall not go under building basements. In like fashion, a building shall not be constructed over an existing lateral; the lateral shall be relocated after the Town Board has approved plans showing the relocation.
When building laterals are to serve multiple dwellings, the building lateral shall be sized in accordance with the estimated or actual water use of such structures and with sound professional engineering standards and judgment.
Where a lateral sewer is to serve a group of commercial, institutional, or dwelling structures, or any combination thereof, Town Board approval and special design of the building lateral system shall be required. Ownership and maintenance agreements of said lateral system must also be approved. The Town Board shall determine if and where this connection to the public sewer is required and whether a monitoring manhole is required. If required, a new manhole shall be installed in the public sewer and the lateral connection made and tested as directed by the Town Board. Plans and specifications shall be prepared and submitted for approval pursuant to this Part 2.
Existing building laterals may be used in connection with new buildings only when they are found, on examination by the Town, to meet all requirement of this Part 2. Abandoned laterals and/or lateral connections shall be cut and capped as approved by the Town Board, at the owner's expense.
Building and street lateral pipe materials shall be approved by the Town Board consistent with specifications adopted by the Town Board or the New York State Building Code, if such is applicable.
All costs, including operation and maintenance costs, associated with the provisions of this article shall be borne by the property owner unless specifically stated or agreed to be a cost borne by the Town. The property owner shall indemnify the Town from any loss or damage to the POTW that may be directly or indirectly occasioned by the installation of the building and street laterals and connections and appurtenances.
Abandoned connections or connections not used by the property owner shall be cut and capped, as approved by the Town Board, at the property owner's expense.
All contractors engaged in connecting building laterals with sanitary sewers shall file a bond in the amount of $50,000 with the Town Clerk to indemnify the Town against loss, cost, damage or expense sustained or recovered on account of any negligence, omission or act of the applicant for such a permit, or any of his, or their, agents, arising or resulting directly or indirectly by reason of such permit or consent, or of any act, construction or excavation done, made or permitted under authority of such permit or consent. All bonds shall contain a clause that permits given by the Town may be revoked at any time for just cause.
Before commencing work, the above contractor shall file insurance certificates with the Town Clerk for the following:
Workers' compensation and employer's liability insurance as required by the laws of the state covering the contractor.
Personal injury liability having limits of not less than $1,000,000 each occurrence and $1,000,000 aggregate (completed operations/products, personal injury);
Property damage liability having limits of not less than $500,000 for all damages arising during the life of the contract, and shall include, but not be limited to, the following designated hazards:
Premises and operations;
Independent contractors;
Completed operations and products;
Property damage; and
Explosions, collapse and underground.
Comprehensive automobile liability (including nonowned and hired automobiles) having limits of not less than:
Bodily injury: each person, $300,000; each occurrence, $500,000.
Property damage: each occurrence, $500,000.
Business excess liability insurance in the amount of $2,000,000.
All insurance policies must provide for 30 business days' notice to the Town before cancellation and must cover all liabilities of the Town and be in a satisfactory form approved by the Town Attorney.
Where it is necessary to enter upon or excavate any highway or cut any pavement, sidewalk or curbing, permission must be obtained from the Superintendent of Highways if a Town highway is involved, from the County Department of Public Works if a county highway is involved, and for the New York State Department of Transportation if a state highway is involved.
The minimum insurance limits above shall be as established by the Town Board and shall be subject to periodic review and adjustment, as appropriate, by the Town Board.