Each new household connection to the sewer collection system within the Sewer District will require an approval of allocation by the Town Board. The Town Board will issue a decision whether or not to issue an approval based upon the following criteria:
The remaining unallocated capacity of the sewage system;
The density of the development;
The competing demands for sewer service within the Sewer District and the community's needs for other services;
The timing of the submission;
Any contractual obligations relating to sewer capacity allocation.
Existing households can make improvements to their house without requiring an additional allocation. However, additional allocations will be required if an additional EDU is being added to an existing household. An additional EDU would be required if the modifications being made to the property would allow for the building to be occupied by an additional family unit living separately from the existing unit or units within the building. If additional flow is allocated to a household, it will be allocated in increments of an EDU.
Each new nonhousehold connection to the sewer collection system or expansion from an existing nonhousehold connection from a parcel within the Sewer District will require an approval of allocation by the Town Board. The Town Board will issue a decision whether or not to issue an approval based upon the following criteria:
The remaining unallocated capacity of the sewage system;
The density of the development;
The competing demands for sewer service within the Sewer District and the community's needs for other services;
The timing of the submission;
Impact of the project on the overall quality of life of Town residents;
Any contractual obligations relating to sewer capacity allocation.
The existing nonhousehold connection will identify its current flow and its projected average daily flow.
New sanitary sewers and all extensions to sanitary sewers owned and operated by the Town will be approved only if there is adequate capacity in the POTW treatment plant to treat the wastewater properly. Sewer line and POTW treatment plant "current use" shall be defined as the present use and the unutilized capacity which has been committed, by resolution, to other users by the Town Board.
When a property owner, builder, or developer proposes to construct sanitary sewers or extensions to sanitary sewers in an area not serviced by the POTW, the plans, specifications, and method of installation shall be subject to the approval of the Town Board, the Albany County Health Department and the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, if applicable. Said property owner, builder, or developer shall pay for the entire installation, including a proportionate share of the treatment plant, intercepting or trunk sewers, pumping stations, force mains, and all other Town expenses incidental thereto. Each street lateral shall be installed and inspected pursuant to Article VI, and inspection fees shall be paid by the applicant prior to initiating construction. No new sanitary sewers will be accepted by the Town Board until construction inspections have been made so as to assure the Town Board of compliance with this Part 2 and any amendments or additions thereto. The Town Board may, in its discretion, impose a reimbursement schedule for such owner, builder or developer to address connections by other property owners into said extension.
Plans, specifications, and methods of installation shall conform to the requirements of the Town Board and the reviewing agencies with jurisdiction such as the Albany County DOH and NYSDEC.
[Amended 4-10-2013 by L.L. No. 4-2013]
All sanitary sewers and extensions to sanitary sewers, including street laterals and building laterals, constructed at the applicant's expense, after final approval and acceptance by the Town Board, shall become the property of the Town and shall thereafter be operated and maintained by the Town. No sanitary sewer shall be accepted by the Town until four copies of as-built drawings have been so filed with the Town and the Town has approved the submitted drawings. Said sewers, after their acceptance by the Town, shall be guaranteed against defects in materials or workmanship for one year, by the applicant. The guarantee shall be in such form and contain such provision as deemed necessary by the Town Board, secured by a surety bond or such other security as the Town Board may approve.