Bridge authority authorized. The Board of County Commissioners of Worcester County is authorized and empowered to create an Assateague Island Bridge Authority, under this or another name. Any such authority, if and when created, may be empowered with the general duty and function of constructing and operating a bridge, together with approach facilities, between Assateague Island and the mainland of Worcester County. In creating an authority, the County Commissioners shall provide generally for its necessary personnel, its power to construct and operate such a bridge, its power to issue revenue bonds therefor, its power to provide for and collect necessary revenues to pay the cost of constructing and maintaining a bridge and its approach facilities, as well as the cost of payments of principal and interest on the revenue bonds, and also its power to provide for public utilities on Assateague Island. The Board of County Commissioners shall not create any such authority unless and until the need and feasibility for such a bridge shall have been determined upon in the affirmative by a committee formed for that purpose, pursuant to action taken in the General Assembly of Maryland at its 1959 session.
Bonds for bridge authorized. The Board of County Commissioners of Worcester County is authorized to issue and sell serial bonds upon the faith and credit of Worcester County in an amount not exceeding two hundred seventy-five thousand dollars for the purpose of defraying part of the cost of constructing a bridge or a combination bridge and causeway, together with the approaches thereto, across Sinepuxent Bay between Assateague Island and the mainland in the State of Maryland, this sum or any portion thereof to be used in conjunction with moneys supplied for the same purpose by the State of Maryland, the State Roads Commission of Maryland or from any other source or by any one or a combination of these agencies and sources. Such action of the Board of County Commissioners of Worcester County shall be by resolution of the Board which sets forth in general terms the project for which the funds are to be expended and the manner in which the proceeds shall be spent, all in accordance herewith.