[Code 1964, § 9-8]
The Civil Service Employees' Association, Inc., Oneida County Chapter, certified by the state public employment relations board as the negotiating agent for the bargaining unit consisting of all city employees, with the exception of those employees specifically listed on Rider A in subsection (c) of this section, shall be the exclusive bargaining unit for city employees.
The mayor may negotiate collectively on behalf of the city with the Civil Service Employees' Association, Inc., Oneida County Chapter, during the period of recognition, in the determination of and the administration of grievances arising under the terms and conditions of employment of the employees within the bargaining unit and may execute and enter into written agreements on behalf of the city with the negotiating agent in determining the terms and conditions of employment. The agreements shall run for the periods specified in the agreements as agreed to by the parties to the agreements.
Those employees specifically mentioned in Rider A of this subsection are exempt from the provisions of this section.
Deputy assessor
Secretary to assessor
All auditorium employees
Commissioner of codes enforcement
Assistant to commissioner of codes enforcement
Secretary to commissioner of codes enforcement
City clerk
Deputy city clerk
Secretary to city clerk
Director of civil defense
Executive director of the commission on human relations
Secretary to director of the commission on human relations
Deputy comptroller
Secretary to comptroller
All employees of corporation counsel's office
City engineer
Deputy city engineer
Secretary to city engineer
Senior engineer
Commissioner of health
Deputy to commissioner of health
Director of public health nursing
Commissioner of parks and recreation
Deputy commissioner of parks and recreation
Superintendent of parks
Recreation director
Assistant recreation director
Ski tow supervisor and professional
All part time, temporary or seasonal employees
Director of planning
Senior planner
Secretary to director of planning
All employees of department of public works
Purchasing agent
Assistant purchasing agent
Secretary to purchasing agent
Deputy treasurer
Secretary to treasurer
Director of youth bureau
Secretary to youth bureau
All library personnel
All transit department personnel
All members and employees of municipal housing authority
All members and employees of community action commission
All members and employees of urban renewal agency
All members and employees of urban renewal department
All members and employees of department of public safety
All elected officials
Members of board of estimate and apportionment
Members and employees of board of contract and supply
Director of personnel
Secretary to director of personnel
Commissioner and employees of civil service commission
Employees of mayor's office
Members and employees of board of water supply
[Code 1964, § 9-9]
The International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen and Helpers of America, Local Union No. 182 of Utica and Central New York, shall be the exclusive negotiating agent for the bargaining unit consisting of certain employees in the department of public works and municipal auditorium of the city. Specifically included within the unit are the chief stationary engineer, stationary engineer, laborers, cleaners, clerks, timekeepers, light equipment operators, mechanics, auto mechanics, motor equipment operators, welders and equipment operators. Specifically excluded from the unit are the auditorium manager, publicity director, stenographer for the auditorium, commissioner of public works, deputy commissioner of public works, building coordinator for the auditorium, auditorium maintenance persons, stenographer for the department of public works, secretary to commissioner of public works, labor foremen, building maintenance supervisor, general foremen, sewer maintenance foremen, foremen and all other city employees.
The mayor may negotiate collectively on behalf of the city with the International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen and Helpers of America, Local Union No. 182 of Utica and Central New York, in the determination of and the administration of grievances arising under the terms and conditions of employment of the employees within the bargaining unit, and may execute and enter into written agreements on behalf of the city with the negotiating agent in determining the terms and conditions of employment.
[Code 1964, § 9-7]
Civil defense volunteers of the city shall be covered under the Workers' Compensation Law.
[Ord. No. 117 of 1991, 7-3-1991]
The common council appoints the city comptroller as a member of the negotiating team involved in discussions for the police department, the department of public works and the talks between the city and the CSEA and the fire department. The city comptroller will report monthly to the common council during negotiations.[1]
Editor's note: Ord. No. 117 of 1991, adopted July 3, 1991, not specifically amendatory of this Code, has been included as § 2-19-4 of this chapter at the discretion of the editor.
[Ord. No. 170 of 1991, 11-6-2091]
Notwithstanding the provisions or language of any executed collective bargaining agreements, contracts, or other stipulations, the city will not pay twice for employee coverage of the following: hospital, surgical, major medical, drugs, dental or optical benefits, whether self-contributory or non-contributory.[1]
Editor's Note: Ord. No. 170 of 1991, adopted No. 6, 1991, not specifically amendatory of this Code, has been included as § 2-19-5 of this chapter at the discretion of the editor.