[Code 1964, § 9-2]
The officers and employees of the city shall be included in the New York State Employees' Retirement System.
[Code 1964, § 9-5]
The members of the board of water supply may allow the employees of the board of water supply to participate in the New York State Employees' Retirement System. The cost of participation shall be a charge against the cost of operation of the water supply system and shall be paid solely from the revenues of the water supply system.
[Code 1964, § 9-2.4]
Option to participate. City employees who retire after January 2, 1980 shall have the option of continuing participation in the city health insurance program for themselves and their dependents.
Eligibility. Only those employees who are eligible for participation in the program at the time of their retirement and who have been employed by the city for a minimum of 20 years before retirement shall have this option.
Coverage for dependents. Except for a dependent who is away from the retiree's home for reasons of education, a dependent must reside in the retiree's home to be a covered dependent.
Costs. The cost of health insurance coverage shall be wholly at the expense of the individual participant and the right to participation shall terminate when the employee attains age 65 or becomes eligible for Medicare or dies, whichever comes first.
Payment of premiums. Premiums are to be collected by the several unions representing the retirees or, if the retiree is not a member of a union, premiums shall be paid directly to the city comptroller. Premiums shall be payable in advance as determined by the comptroller, and payments shall be due on a quarterly basis unless otherwise determined by the insurer. The city shall not guarantee the payment of any premiums and any account not paid as set forth in this section shall be delinquent and may result in a cancellation of coverage.