[Code 1964, § 20-11]
The Common Council prescribes, approves and adopts the general specifications of the Department of Engineering covering materials of construction and construction items for pavements, sidewalks, sewers, conduits and other miscellaneous construction items. The specifications were filed in the office of the City Clerk on February 18, 1976, by the City Engineer.
[Ord. No. 270 of 1988, 9-21-1988]
Whenever a City-owned property is scheduled to be demolished and specifications are issued for the demolition, any necessary road cuts and/or road repairs will no longer be included in the specifications. The Board of Water Supply shall perform any necessary road cuts and/or road repairs done in conjunction with the demolition of City-owned properties.
[Code 1964, § 20-1]
The Common Council adopts as the system of numbering upon all the streets in the City the plan of renumbering as indicated upon a map entitled "Map of System of Re-numbering Streets," as amended, and the map is incorporated by reference as if set out at length in this section. The City Engineer shall furnish the numbers and place the numbers upon all houses within the City in accordance with the plan of numbering shown upon the map as amended.
[Code 1964, § 20-2]
The City Engineer may cause field surveys and maps of the street intersections of the City to be made and kept up-to-date. The maps shall set forth the location of sanitary and stormwater sewers as well as other public utilities.
[Code 1964, § 20-4]
Acknowledgment required. The signature of each owner of property or duly authorized agent of the owner entitled to sign a petition or other writing designating the general kind of pavement or material to be used in making an improvement pursuant to the provisions of state law shall not be valid as such a designation unless it is duly acknowledged in the same manner as the execution of a deed entitled to be recorded. The acknowledgment shall state the date of the signature of the owner.
Signature on more than one petition. If the name of any owner, acknowledged as provided in subsection (a) of this section, appears on more than one petition or designation for a street improvement, the name shall not be considered in computing the number of property owners and frontage unless an instrument separate from any designation and of later date expressly revoking the former designation and acknowledged in the same manner as a petition is executed by each such owner is filed with the Board of Contract and Supply within the 10 days allowed for the filing of this petition or designation.
Duty of City Engineer. The Board of Contract and Supply may refer the designations or petitions to the City Engineer to ascertain the number of owners and frontage represented, and the Engineer's certificate of the facts required shall be conclusive.
Names to be considered. No name other than that of a person shown to be an owner on the City tax maps on the date of the receiving of bids for a street improvement by the Board of Contract and Supply shall be considered on a petition or designation for the improvement of any street.
[Code 1964, § 20-8]
No person shall set out or plant or cause to be set out and planted between the curbline and street line of the adjoining lot on any street, avenue or public place any tree which shall be one of the general class known as poplar or willow trees.
[Code 1964, § 20-10]
Permission required; conditions. No owner or occupant of any premises shall erect or suffer to remain in or upon the street or sidewalk in front of or on any side of the owner's or occupant's premises any signpost, bootblack stand or bicycle rack without the permission of the Common Council. The permission shall state the dimensions and place to be occupied and any other conditions imposed and shall be void if the conditions are not complied with and shall be revocable at pleasure. No sign or advertisement shall be allowed except of the owner or occupant. A certified copy of the resolution granting permission shall be kept upon the premises and shall be exhibited upon request of any police officer or City official.
Penalty. Every person refusing or neglecting to remove the signpost, bootblack stand or bicycle rack within 48 hours after being directed to do so by the Chief of Police or the City Engineer shall be guilty of an offense.
[Code 1964, § 17-10.1]
It shall be unlawful for any person to hit or attempt to hit a ball or similar object with a bat, racket or similar object or for six or more persons to engage in team sport activity such as baseball, softball, football, soccer and the like within the area between the Memorial Parkway and Pleasant Street from Clemetian Street to Genesee Street.
[Code 1964, § 17-10]
It shall be unlawful for any person to engage in any sport activities such as baseball, football, frisbee or any other such games upon the City streets and sidewalks in such manner so as to interfere with pedestrians and traffic upon such sidewalks and streets. This section shall not apply to any streets which are set aside as play streets pursuant to law.