The West Haven Sports Complex Authority is hereby created, pursuant
to Connecticut General Statutes, § 7-130a et seq., which
Authority shall have all rights, powers and duties as permitted by
said statutes and set forth herein.
The West Haven Sports Complex Authority shall be the Board of
Education, which shall exercise all jurisdiction and responsibilities
as granted herein. The terms and offices of the Authority shall be
coterminous with the terms and offices of the Board of Education.
The Authority shall have the responsibility to operate, manage
and maintain the West Haven Sports Complex Authority, including Ken
Strong Stadium and Frank Fitzgerald Field.
The Authority shall have the powers and duties as conferred
upon it by Connecticut General Statutes, § 7-130d, except
that it shall not have the power to bond as a separate and distinct
entity as may otherwise have been permitted by Connecticut General
Statutes, § 7-180g.
The members of the Authority shall serve without compensation,
but the necessary expenses of the authority shall be paid by the city
as appropriated by the City Council and authorized by the Director
of Finance pursuant to the city's purchasing ordinances. Said
expenses shall not exceed the total sum appropriated to the Authority
during the fiscal year without the approval of the City Council.
The Authority shall establish written policies and procedures
for the operation and management of the complex. Any proposed policy,
procedure or regulation shall be submitted to the West Haven Sports
Complex Advisory Committee, as hereinafter created, and the Parks
and Recreation Commission for review and comment and shall be available
to the public when effective.
The duties of the complex supervisor shall be to:
A. Deposit all receipts derived from rentals, etc., from the stadium
in the proper account as recommended by the Comptroller's office.
B. Approve and help, if necessary, in the preparation of job descriptions
for all personnel, including full- and part-time, before selections
are recommended to the Authority.
C. Keep his own system of bookkeeping, to be checked each month with
the budget report issued by the Comptroller's office, and at
each monthly meeting of the Authority make a report in conjunction
with the administrative assistant in charge of business of the school
D. Provide a monthly report on the activities which have been scheduled,
how they have been attended and any problems encountered. If there
have been rules, as stated on the written contract, not adhered to,
a report should be made by the complex supervisor. The Authority shall
take such action as it deems necessary to either correct the situation
or give notice to the offending group that it can no longer use the
E. Instruct any outside group in the operation of any equipment (i.e.,
scoreboard, press box, concession stands) to which the outside group
may be permitted, under the contract, to use.
F. Forward copies of all requests for rental of the complex or any part
thereof, which requests must be in writing, to the Authority and the
Superintendent of Schools.
G. Have the responsibility to review all major requests made for the
use of the complex facilities or any part thereof (i.e., youth summer
program, food concession, outside schools, youth football or soccer
leagues, etc.) and make a full report of these requests to the Authority,
including a suitable sheet showing anticipated expenses, receipts
and estimated profit or loss.
The West Haven Sports Complex Advisory Committee is hereby created.
It shall consist of five members, and no member shall be an elected
official of any kind. The Board of Education shall appoint two members
to said Committee. The Mayor shall appoint two members to said Committee.
The Department of Parks and Recreation shall appoint one member of
the Committee.
Terms of members of the Advisory Committee shall be for three
years, except the initial terms, which terms shall be as follows:
A. Board of Education appointees: One appointee for a one-year term;
one appointee for a two-year term.
B. Mayor's appointees: one appointee for a one-year term; one appointee
for a three-year term.
C. Department of Parks and Recreation appointee: One appointee for a
two-year term.
The Advisory Committee shall:
A. Advise the West Haven Sports Complex Authority on all activities
of the sports complex and all functions and responsibilities of the
Authority as hereinbefore set forth.
B. Make specific recommendation to the Authority, through the Superintendent
of Schools, as to all personnel matters, including hiring and firing
of all personnel, including the complex supervisor, rental fees for
nonscholastic use, rental procedures and concession contracts.
C. Recommend annually, through the Superintendent of Schools, to the
Authority a request for budget appropriations to the City Council,
as provided by § 55-7b above.
D. Convene at least once every three months per calendar year. Additional
special meetings may be called by the Chairman of the Advisory Committee
when deemed necessary.
All acts and decisions of the ad-hoc committee known as the
"Ken Strong Stadium Commission" made prior to the effectiveness of
this chapter are hereby adopted and ratified as actions of the Authority
until such time as the same may be amended or modified.
The ad-hoc committee known as the "Ken Strong Stadium Commission"
created by resolution of the City Council is hereby abolished.