[Code 1992, § 5.01]
The Lake Geneva Fire Department is officially recognized as the Fire Department of the City, and the duties of firefighting and fire prevention in the City are delegated to such Department.
[Code 1992, § 5.03]
The City Council shall appropriate funds for Fire Department operations and for such apparatus and equipment for the use of the Fire Department as the Council may deem expedient and necessary to maintain efficiency and properly protect life and property from fire.
[Code 1992, § 5.04]
The officers and members of the Fire Department shall receive such compensation from the City as may from time to time be fixed by the City Council.
[Ord. No. 01-17, § I, 2-12-2001; Ord. No. 04-26, § I, 7-12-2004]
Emergency response fees by the City Fire Department shall be charged as follows:
Ambulance service transport charge. An ambulance service transport fee shall be adopted by resolution of the Common Council and shall be maintained as fee schedules in the office of the City Clerk. The ambulance service transport charge may be waived by mutual aid agreement and/or automatic aid agreements entered into between the City and other municipalities.
[Amended 8-10-2015 by Ord. No. 15-07]
Fire run/emergency medical service (EMS) charge. A fire run/emergency medical service charge under this chapter, shall be set from time to time as recommended by the Police and Fire Commission and approved by Common Council and maintained on a schedule kept in the City Clerk's office and at the Fire Department.
The emergency response fees provided for in this chapter may be waived in whole or in part by the Police and Fire Commission based upon a person's ability to pay or age.
Emergency response fees shall be invoiced to persons and/or business organizations whose negligence and/or misconduct results in an unnecessary emergency response from the City Fire Department.
Emergency response fees shall be invoiced to persons involved in emergencies requiring the City Fire Department response which occurs on state highways and roads maintained by the state.
[Ord. No. 05-38, § I, 12-12-2005]
The City shall charge the following fire service and emergency medical service fees:
Fire apparatus and personnel fees.
EMS first response and ambulance transport fees.
Permit fees.
Fire protection systems.
The fire service and emergency service fees shall be adopted by resolution of the Common Council and shall be maintained as fee schedules in the office of the City Clerk.