[Code 1992, § 12.03(1)(f), (5)(b)]
All persons residing in the City and owning or having in their possession any dog or cat, shall be required to have such dog or cat inoculated for rabies, distemper or other dangerous diseases.
[Code 1992, § 12.03(3)]
Any animal suspected of being infected or diseased, or who has come into contact with any human being under circumstances which will subject that human being to medical treatment if such animal were infected or diseased, may be taken into custody in such an emergency situation by any police or peace officer, whether or not it shall be necessary for such officer to enter the premises and buildings of the owner of such animal in order to effect such taking.
Any animal taken into custody may be impounded at a suitable place for such time as is reasonably necessary for a determination of the animal's condition. Such animal shall be inspected by a veterinarian licensed to practice in the state. If the veterinarian determines such animal to be so infected or diseased, he shall immediately report such fact to the state hygiene laboratory. If he determines such animal is not so infected or diseased, it shall be returned to its owner.
The owner of such animal shall pay all expenses incurred by such detention and testing.