[Code 1992, § 12.06]
Licenses required. No person shall conduct, operate or maintain within the City, any amusement rides, water or aquabicycles for rental to the general public or similar devices without a license therefor. This section shall not apply to events conducted by permanently organized clubs, societies or religious or fraternal organizations, nor to events conducted under the sole control and supervision of educational, charitable or religious organizations or service organizations and where the entire proceeds thereof shall be devoted to the purposes of such organizations. This section shall not apply to persons conducting theaters, public dances, billiard and pool rooms and bowling alleys or any other amusements for which a license is otherwise required by the City.
Application. Application for such license shall be made to the City. The City Clerk shall refer such application to the Chief of Police, Health Officer and Chief of the Fire Department who shall inspect or cause to be inspected each application to determine whether the place and device sought to be licensed complies with the regulations, ordinances and laws applicable thereto and is a proper place for the purposes for which it is to be used. These officials shall furnish to the City Clerk in writing the information derived from such investigation, accompanied by a recommendation as to whether a license should be granted or refused.
Insurance. Before any license shall be granted under this section, the owner or operator shall file with the City Clerk proof that public liability insurance covering all persons who may use any of the devices mentioned in this section is in full force and effect.
Council action. An application under this section shall be presented by the City Clerk to the Council at the next regular meeting thereof after such application if filed, and the Council shall act upon such application and either grant or deny the application.
License fees. License fees shall be as listed in Section 18-56.
Disorderly conduct. No licensee under this section shall permit any disorderly conduct or the use of any immoral, profane or indecent language or permit the sale, giving away, delivering, drinking or use therein of any drugs or alcohol beverages. No loud or unusual noises shall be permitted upon the premises nor shall any music be played so as to constitute a nuisance.
Administrative Code adopted. Chapter ILHR 34, Wis. Adm. Code, is hereby adopted in its entirety.
[Code 1992, § 12.04]
License required. No person shall engage in the exhibition for money within this City of any natural or artificial curiosity, any show, circus or tented or open air theatrical performance without first having obtained a license therefor.
License fee. The fee for such licenses shall be as required by Section 18-56.
[Code 1992, § 12.02(12)]
No person shall operate, or cause to remain open for business, any public place of amusement within the City between 1:00 a.m. and 8:00 a.m. on any day of the week.
[Code 1992, § 12.07]
License required. No person shall keep any billiard table, pool table, bowling alley or shooting gallery for gain or hire, directly or indirectly within the City without a license therefor.
License fee. The fee for such license shall be as required by Section 13-56.
[Code 1992, § 12.08]
No person shall engage in the business of operating any theater or place for theatrical performances or for the exhibition of motion pictures without a license therefor. This section shall not apply to the exhibition of motion pictures or theatrical performances in public schools, churches or in fraternal halls in connection with the work of fraternal orders, or to the exhibition of such pictures in connection with educational or scientific lectures wherever given or to the exhibition of motion pictures for advertising purposes only and without charge.