[Code 1992, § 8.04(1)]
No person shall move any building within the City without a permit from the Department of Public Works, the notice of application for such permit to be made 30 days in advance and to designate the streets and alleys along which the building is intended to be moved. Such permit shall state the date upon which such work will commence, a description of the building and its location, the place to which such building is intended to be moved, the name of the owner of such building, the name of the person who will perform the work and the names of the streets and alloys along which the building may be moved. Insurance protection against damage to City facilities will be required.
[Code 1992, § 8.04(2)]
Upon receipt of the notice under Section 62-126, the Department of Public Works shall immediately notify any public utility whose lines or poles may be interfered with of the application. Such utility shall take any steps necessary to permit the building to be moved without damage to its lines and poles.
[Code 1992, § 8.04(3)]
The applicant shall at the time of application deposit with the City Clerk the amount set from time to time by the Council to cover the costs to the utilities of any work necessary to permit the moving of the building and the costs of damages to property resulting from such moving. Upon completion of the moving, the City shall inspect the route and report to the City Clerk any damages, and the estimated amount thereof, caused to the streets and any public or private property. Upon payment of the utilities' expenses and settlement of all damage claims, the City Clerk shall release the balance of the deposit remaining. The applicant shall be liable for any costs and damages exceeding the deposit.