There is hereby created the Liberty Township Open Space Advisory
Committee whose duties and purposes are set forth below.
The purposes/duties of the Township Open Space Advisory Committee
are as follows:
A. To advise the Township Committee as to the possible acquisition/development
of lands/properties within the Township for recreation (active and/or
passive) and/or conservation purposes (and, where applicable, prioritize
the acquisition/development of said lands/properties).
B. To advise the Township as to possible properties for preservation.
C. To advise the Township Committee as to various opportunities for
alternate funding for acquisition/development of open space and farmland
properties within the Township and, where authorized by the Township
Committee, to apply, on behalf of the Township, for such funding opportunities.
D. To catalog/inventory for the Township Committee all existing open
space and preserved farmland properties within the Township on a yearly
basis; and prioritize same.
E. To catalog/inventory for the Township Committee all open space and
farmland properties within the Township that could be obtained by,
acquired by and/or donated to the Township, including, but not limited
to the following:
(1) By development rights only for preservation of open space;
(4) By conservation easements;
(6) As a down payment for the issuance of bonds;
(8) By any other method for the same purpose at the discretion of the
Township Committee.
F. To maintain the Township's Open Space Plan.
G. The Committee shall, where applicable, also:
(1) Investigate and report to the Township Committee additional funding
sources to supplement the Liberty Township Open Space Dedicated Trust
Fund; and/or
(2) Assist, when requested by the Township Committee, in the preparation
of proposals to obtain additional funding.
H. To accept applications for funding and prioritize them.
I. Any and all other purposes/duties as assigned to the Committee by
the Township Committee.
Since the Open Space Advisory Committee is premised on the existence
of the Township Open Space Trust Fund, which contains a sunset provision,
if the sunset provision is exercised as to the Open Space Fund by
the Township Committee, then the Township Open Space Advisory Committee
shall cease to exist at the end of the Fund's life.