In the event no other fee for a service is provided for elsewhere
in this Code, the Township of Liberty may issue and execute a certified
copy of the following for the fee set forth after the same:
B. Marriage certificate: $10.
C. Except as otherwise provided by New Jersey statute or regulation,
the fee to be charged to a recipient for the duplication of a printed
record shall be $0.05 per letter-size page or smaller and $0.07 per
legal-size page or larger unless the larger item cannot be copied
on a standard copy machine of the municipality. In that event, the
recipient shall be charged the actual cost incurred by the municipality
to have the item reproduced by an outside entity.
[Amended 4-7-2011 by Ord. No. 11-06]
D. Access to electronic records and nonprinted materials shall be provided
free of charge except that the recipient will be charged for the actual
costs of any needed supplies, such as a computer disc in those cases
where such electronic media is reproduced and copied for the recipient.
[Amended 4-7-2011 by Ord. No. 11-06]
E. In those
cases where the Township of Liberty is issued a check, draft or other
negotiable instrument for payment to the Township and the aforesaid
check, draft or instrument is not honored for payment upon presentation,
then in that event the issuer of the aforesaid instrument shall pay
the Township of Liberty a fee of $35 for each instrument so issued
to the Township.
[Added 4-7-2011 by Ord. No. 11-06]