[Added 6-3-1991 by Ord. No. 8-91[1]]
Editor's Note: This ordinance also repealed former Art. XI, R-2 Residential Zone, as amended.
This zone is established in order to provide a framework for flexible land use. It is recognized, however, that flexible land uses require substantially greater service infrastructure than does conventional residential development as permitted in Zones R-1 and R-4. Accordingly, the of-right permitted use in the MFD Zone is single-family detached homes, subject to all provisions of the R-1 Zone. Where the availability of additional service infrastructure (e.g., central water, community sewer, etc.) is such as to permit a greater land use intensity and variety, planned development as regulated under § 90-17 et seq. shall also be permitted.
Permitted uses. Uses permitted in an MFD Zone may include and shall be limited to:
Detached single-family dwellings and structures and uses normally accessory thereto.
Public and private educational and recreational facilities.
Townhouses and other vertically separated attached housing and accessory structures and uses normally auxiliary thereto when proposed as part of a planned residential development under § 90-17 et seq.
Permitted accessory uses shall be those uses determined by the Planning Board to be customarily accessory to such uses as are approved in the Multifamily Dwelling Zone.
The requirements for single-family detached homes are as set out in the R-1 Zone.
The requirements for planned residential development which must be complied with in the MFD Zone are as set out in § 90-17 et seq.