As used herein, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
The residual from the burning of wood, coal, coke or other
combustible materials.
Any materials, such as lumber, brick, plaster, gutters, roofing
shingles or other substances, accumulated as a result of repairs or
additions to existing buildings, construction of new buildings or
demolitions of existing structures.
Large items of solid waste which, because of their size or
weight, require handling other than normal handling. Bulk waste includes
but is not limited to such items as tree trunks, parts of automobiles,
demolition or construction material, appliances, furniture and drums.
Normally loose items which shall be collected if organized
into bundles of not more than four feet in length and tied with heavy
twine, rope, wire, etc. Bundles shall be organized as to be conveniently
handled by one person. No bundle shall exceed 50 pounds in weight.
Any waste, accumulation of dirt, dust, food, paper, cardboard,
rags or other accumulation, other than household trash, which is usually
attendant to the operation of stores, offices or similar businesses.
The Borough of Westville Public Works Department.
Putrescible animal and/or vegetative waste resulting from
the handling, preparation, consumption or cooking of food, and shall
include any fecal waste from any animal or bird (when fecal matter
has been separated from other waste and is double-bagged prior to
placement for collection).
Any waste or combination of waste which poses a present or
potential threat to human health, living organisms or the environment,
including but not limited to waste material that is toxic, carcinogenic,
corrosive, irritating, sensitizing, biologically infectious, explosive,
flammable or radioactive and any waste so designated by the United
States Environmental Protection Agency or the New Jersey Commissioner
of the Environmental Protection Department.
Includes but is not limited to all instruments, supplies,
containers, bandages, tubing, gloves, etc., used by health care practitioners
and facilities as described in the New Jersey Department of Health
and Senior Services regulations and New Jersey law, Section 306 of
the Manual of Standards for Hospital Facilities and N.J.S.A. 2A:170-25.17.
Every waste accumulation of paper, sweepings, dirt, dust,
rags, bottles, cans or other matter of any kind, other than garbage,
which is usually attendant to housekeeping.
All waste, including solids, semisolids, sludges and liquids,
created by factories, processing plants or other manufacturing enterprises
or certain retail establishments, such as filling stations.
Any nontaxable (exempt) properties, whether they are religious,
educational, service facilities/organizations or institutional establishments,
which may be residential or nonresidential, at which garbage or trash
may be generated.
Any used or unconsumed substance or waste material which
has been discarded, whether made of aluminum, glass, plastic, rubber,
paper or other natural or synthetic material or any combination thereof,
including but not limited to any bottle, jar or can, any unlighted
cigarette, cigar, match or any flaming or glowing material or any
garbage, trash, refuse, debris, rubbish, grass clippings or other
lawn or garden waste, newspaper, magazines, glass, metal, plastic
or paper containers or other packaging or construction material, but
does not include the waste of the primary processes of mining or other
extraction processes, logging, sawmilling, farming or manufacturing.
Any building or structure and land appurtenant thereto containing
more than three living units (such as townhouses, condominiums and
apartment houses).
Any person, firm, partnership, association, corporation,
company or organization of any kind.
All waste materials, listed below, having the ability to
be returned, through processing, to their former or alternate use,
such as:
ALUMINUMAll products made of aluminum or its alloys, including aluminum cans, foil, wrappers, containers for prepared dinners or other foods, screen frames and lawn chairs.
BIMETAL CANSFood and beverage containers which are composed of an aluminum top and steel sides and bottom.
CARDBOARD/CORRUGATED PAPERIncludes kraft corrugated, which has a brown liner made from kraft paper, and regular corrugated, which is gray or tan and is made from other types of paper such as newspaper.
GLASSIncludes all products made from silica or sand, soda ash and lime, the product being transparent or translucent and being used as packaging and commonly known as "glass."
NEWSPAPERSA publication made of newsprint and sold or distributed at stated intervals, customarily containing and having as its primary purpose newsworthy items or advertisements or any other matters of public interest, and shall not be construed to mean any magazine or periodical or other paper products of any nature whatsoever.
Includes such rules, schedules or times promulgated by the
Department of Public Works to carry out the intent of this article.
All garbage and rubbish normally generated by the occupants
of residential and other property, disposed of by private and/or public
collection and defined as "solid waste" by the New Jersey Solid Waste
Management Act (N.J.S.A. 13:1E-3). Items previously classified as
recyclables shall be prohibited from being placed commingled with
other materials.
Any right-of-way, avenue, boulevard, road, parkway, viaduct,
drive or other way which is:
An existing state, county or municipal roadway.
Shown upon a plat approved by the Land Use Board and built in
accordance with Borough standards and which may be either public or
Shown on a plat filed with the office of the County Clerk of
the County of Gloucester prior to creation of the Land Use Board of
the Borough of Westville.
Not dedicated, in whole or in part, as a parking area or driveway
which provides access to any building or structures.
The Superintendent of Public Works of the Borough of Westville.
Any waste accumulations of grass, leaves or shrubbery cuttings
or clippings, tree branches, tree limbs, parts of trees, bushes, shrubbery
or other material usually created as refuse in case of yard maintenance.
"Yard waste" shall be free of dirt, rocks and other bulky and noncombustible
materials and shall be separated for purposes of collection into grass
clippings and leaves and other materials.